
  1. Mike says:

    I love it!

  2. now THAT is cool! Throw out that fluff that’s trying to hide the real news, like war and government abuse of power!

  3. Luke says:

    Does anyone else find the last comment “NOW, this is news” right at the end of a clip, disrespectful?

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Bravo! A journalist with spine. Missed in the posted video is when she shred the second story.

  5. bobbo says:

    News, or celebrity (meaning scarboro and team) driven infotainment?

    No Paris Hilton followed up by surface (non-) treatment of Lugar disagreeing with Bushco.


    Nothing to see here. but stay tuned for the next commercial ad.

  6. sdf says:

    And she chose this story to exercise a little journalistic discretion?

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – Missed in the posted video is when she shred the second story.

    Oops… it was in the posted video. It seems the video stopped halfway the first time I watched it, but not now when I watched it with my wife. One thing that struck me… why is there a shredder in direct view from the cameras? Could this all have been staged?

  8. JimR says:

    Jager, I think you probably nailed it 😉

  9. Improbus says:

    If I don’t get my news on the Daily Show MSNBC is a good second choice. I don’t even bother with FauxNews or CNN or, diety help me, local news.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – Does anyone else find the last comment “NOW, this is news” right at the end of a clip, disrespectful?

    Scarboro is a Republican so I am predisposed to mistrust him, but in this clip I take him at his word. I think he means that the Lugar story is more important than the Hilton story and that’s how I’m taking it.

    And Mika is hot.

  11. andrew says:

    We need more people like her!!

  12. BubbaRay says:

    Difficult to discern whether staged or not — but either way, it’s the most humorous clip I’ve seen from the “news” in weeks. Thanks, Hop!!

  13. JimR says:

    @10, Mika is gorgeous, but I had another look after your post and she looks like a slightly older Paris !!

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – Slightly older… Infinitely smarter…

    Just two reasons she’s hot!

  15. Freeman says:

    What is truly shocking is some of you think this “journalist” is setting some kind of standard. If a journalist wanted to set a new standard they’d cover this story.

  16. James Hill says:

    I’m sure all 3 of PMSNBC’s viewers enjoyed that.

  17. phined says:

    Bout time, She deserves a raise.Our news outlets have taken a huge fall in the past few years, Thank goodness for blogs and digg . If anyone has seen Idiocracy , you know that we are well on our way to that sort of “headlining” for the whole news cast . We need more people like her doing the news

  18. Kev50027 says:

    The following story was typical MSNBC bullshit.

    I am so sick and tired of liberal news, it makes me cringe with anger. We all know that if Clinton or any liberal was now in power, North Korea would be nuking nearby nations, Saddam Hussein would be in the White House hot tub, and Bin Laden would be planning his 20th plane hijack in the US.

  19. mark says:

    15, We have one who can see!

    From John Carpenters “They Live”.

  20. JimR says:

    #18, be patient…

  21. Ben Waymark says:

    18: Fuck me: does the US have liberal news? I haven’t seen any evidence of it….. okay, that is entirely true…. there are a couple of small magazines that do liberal news, but no one seems to have heard of them. I think the problem you may be having is that your definition of liberal encompasses anyone who isn’t a psychopath….

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #18 – Clinton wasn’t a liberal, but thanks for beating the dead horse again, you ignorant ass.

    And we don’t all know that. You just think that in your deluded little Sean Hannity infected mind. And lets not let supporters of this administration’s failed policy, these fucktard armchair Chicken Littles, keep clogging the dialog with more state sponsored fear propaganda.

    There is no credible terrorist threat on this globe that is worth the erosion of civil liberty, the breakdown of our Constitution, the corporate war in Iraq, or women getting pushed around in airports over godamn sippy cups.

    You chickenhawk neocon posers can fuck off.

    Terrorists don’t have to attack America. They won. Bush gave them the game when he decided to trade liberty for false security.

    Frankly, I don’t care that I have a 1 to 100 bazillion chance of dying in a terrorist attack. I care that I might end up on a no-fly list, with no recourse, if I happen to know someone who is Middle Eastern. I care that the government wants to read my email or see what books I checked out at the library.

    I care that I am ashamed to be an American whenever the President speaks.

    I want to be an American again without having to be embarrassed by it.

  23. docred says:

    #18……I don’t understand….if you can see the future that clearly, why didn’t you warn us of all the things that have happened in the last decade or two? Know for sure? Give me a break. We couldn’t know how any of this will go ‘for sure’. Everyone could be wrong about it – hell, as much as Bush and his policies seem idiotic to me, and I’m sure that he is wrong/was wrong, I can’t say FOR SURE about any of this. I can say with relative certainty that I’m going to go kiss my wife and hug my little boy after this post, and that the sun will come up tomorrow but as for much else…well, there is taxes, etc.
    Saddam was cruel, a dictator, greedy….just like a lot of other warlords around the globe, many of whom have killed a lot more people than he ever did. A lot of them are still operating or alive, however. Funny, a couple decades ago he wasn’t the evil guy, he was just another customer for weapons from a number of countries, including the U.S. Bin Laden? Depending on what and who you believe, his family is old friends with the Bush crew. He was the black sheep of the family? Well, since we have so much guilt by association going on these days, that doesn’t get Bush off the hook…
    Korea? You may be right there too…instead, there are people like Cheney and other hotheads who have seriously entertained the idea of ‘limited’ nuke strikes on other countries.

  24. GaryM says:

    This looks staged, 100%. Even so, I’m as sick as the Hiltons as everyone else, so I’m glad they did this.

  25. Alex Killby says:

    Bravo! This is what needs to be done with the whole bunch of them down in Hollywood.

  26. IknowYouAreButWhatAmI says:

    18 & 22:

    This forum is SO 2005. Apparently you two geniuses are about 6 months behind the rest of the nation in figuring out that both parties suck ass.

    Why don’t you join the rest of us in the present day so that something might actually be accomplished?

  27. soundwash says:

    well… IT’s ABOUT F’N TIME a news caster finally stands up
    to the corporate ratings monster…

    my hat is off to ya…


  28. ChrisMac says:


  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    It looks too staged. Done solely to pander to the audience. It isn’t as if they weren’t about to cover a story already seen several times already.

  30. Tanqueray says:

    How do i further the kingdom of heaven on god right now, lol scarborough takes the money on this one.


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