
  1. Bleh says:

    That shredder was too well lit for it to have been unscripted.

  2. Sam O'Mally says:

    [Duplicate post. – ed.]

  3. Sam O'Mally says:

    *This forum is SO 2005*

    Ironically your post is SO 1990’s and look what has happened in the past 6 years.

    Yes both parties are the same and an alternative is desperately needed but poster #22’s thoughts are something that will never be out of style.

    And of course poster #18 is probably having sex with one of his sheep right about now.

  4. ivander says:

    Hats off for that woman… BTW, this blog got to have the ugliest design (if any) in the whole world. It’s painful to read the text… I don’t know how you made it… but it really sucks.

  5. Nick says:

    FINALLY someone please give this woman some kind of award for journalistic integrity. I can’t take all the trash about which spoiled brat kid is falling a part leading the news when their are things happening in this world that should be leading the stories. I’m not one to buy into conspiracy but our leaders are getting away with a lot of stuff while we’re all to busy wondering what is going to happen with random spoiled brat rich kid today.

  6. OmarThe Alien says:

    I don’t watch TV news anymore, as I tossed the satellite and the rabbit ears only picks up ETV, and that only when I think about turning it on. Newspapers are usually left lying around the office, and I can’t escape the headlines, and I’m always over hearing the comments peple are making about what they heard/saw on the TV news, but for the most part I operate in a comfortable, unstressed zone of ignorance, completely unworked-upped about what the latest doom and gloomer is shreiking from the roof tops.
    And then there is this place, where for the most part I lurk, commenting now and then but mostly just listening, marveling now and then at how people arrive at some occasionally bizarre conclusions, and getting a good belly chuckle at other posts.
    The sad fact is that the majority of TV news these days is nothing more than a bunch of shit stirrers trying to stink up the world with their own trademarked brand of bullshit. And even that wouldn’t be that bad, except for the fact that their bias is so transparent, and can usually be money tracked back to a patron/source. Seems they could fabricate their pontifications with a bit more elegance and style, if for no other reason than to leave a better taste when they ram that crap down our throats.

  7. Steph says:

    i thought the whole thing was terribly unprofessional.

    they acted like teenagers.

    just don’t do the stupid story and then move on!

    the lighter thing was ridiculous, the SHREDDER was ridiculous.

    just say no and move right on to the next story and talk over the other two asses on the screen who kept bringing it up.


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