Infoworld – June 27, 2007:

Microsoft plans to start testing a new education PC called IQ PC and an education channel on its MSN portal in India next month.

The India launch of the IQ PC and education channel will be the first worldwide. It is part of Microsoft’s “Unlimited Potential” program, which aims to use technology to increase the reach of education, said a spokeswoman for Microsoft India on Wednesday.

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates announced the Unlimited Potential program in April.

The new education PC, which is a combination of online and offline content, is likely to be priced at about Indian Rupees 21,000 ($513). It runs on a Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) processor, and comes bundled with software from both Microsoft and local partners offering educational software.

From the Inquirer:

The IQ PC is not cheap by Indian standards. A number of entry-level PCs are less expensive. However, Microsoft holds that the price will be attractive because of the software, Internet connectivity and other tools and services bundled with the product.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    because of the software, Internet connectivity and other tools and services bundled with the product.

    So what makes this PC special is that it is just like any other PC?

  2. BubbaRay says:

    Why doesn’t Bill just give ’em away? “The new education PC” — A few million computers, English lessons and PC tinkering software, and M$ ensures tech support outsourcing for decades to come while BG gets the giant charity kudos and a huge tax write-off. Winners all around.

  3. ECA says:

    Why would a Monopoly decide to back someone ELSE.
    Maybe, so that LAWS cant be placed against them?? For being a MONOPOLY..

  4. Jägermeister says:

    I can see their slogan…

    Buy this PC and get 15 viruses for free.

  5. V says:

    We all know how MS plays this game. They do really well on Office, and usually decent on Windows. Then they try and imitate other people and come up with things like MSN Search (Google), Zune (iPod), and now they want to be an OS/essential software company that makes the hardware too? Hmm… how well is this going to work…

  6. because of the software, Internet connectivity and other tools and services bundled with the product.

    Exactly why it will fail in 2nd/3rd/etc world countries. Software is essentially free there (including Vista, MS Office,…) and population is typically wary of and not acustomed to “services”. At the same time every penny counts and the local small bussinesses can “slap together” very cheap yet usable PCs appropriate for the local needs…

  7. Jeffrey says:

    Interesting that Apple has been an OS, software, and hardware company since its inception and everybody loves them for it, but as soon as Microsoft wants to mildly enter the game people start screaming “MONOPOLY” and how stupid of an idea it is.


  8. Milo says:

    I heard it will look like a big assed table.

  9. Jerk-Face says:

    5. :”They do really well on Office, and usually decent on Windows.”

    Mmmm…. Microsoft makes 85% profit margins on Office and 80% profit margins on Windows. So that’s the difference between “doing really well” and doing “usually decent.” I wouldn’t have thought that being 94% the same would account for doing really well and doing usually decent. But, apparently, I was wrong.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    The UP logo is nothing but an abstract drawing of Ballmer’s profile, it even has the pointy devil tail.

  11. Jägermeister says:


    Hehe… Yeah, the curve on the P looks like his boobs.

  12. Anonymous Coward says:

    That U-P should be Ubuntu Preferred.

  13. morbo says:

    Imagine the machine packed with teaser craplets for aging uSoft shovelware. I do like #2’s education comment lets extend and embrace that thought to include teasers for the children also, “If you enjoyed those dinosaurs, there are 10 more that can be unlocked with your parents CC information”.

  14. MikeN says:

    PCs aren’t that cheap in India. You can probably get better deals here. I know someone who sold a 7 year old computer for about $300.

    The main way they are cheaper is with pirated software.

  15. morbo says:

    Imagine the machine packed with teaser craplets for aging uSoft shovelware. I do like #2’s education comment lets extend and embrace that thought to include teasers for the children also, “If you enjoyed those dinosaurs, there are 10 more that can be unlocked with your parents CC information”.

    Actually thinking about this, its a good thing for microsoft as they cannot control the OEMs and their acceptance of trusted computing. Microsoft can leveage AMDs TCG work and ensure from the bios on up the machine wont be a linux/unix box.

  16. SN says:

    14. “The main way they are cheaper (in India) is with pirated software.”

    And how is that different from anywhere else?! Pirated software costs exactly the same in India as it does in the US: Free!

  17. OvenMaster says:

    How long does copyright law last, 75 years or so? If they’re using that “UP” symbol, then they’d better contact Zenith Radio. They had that copyrighted symbol on their television boxes in the early 1970’s.

  18. ECA says:

    BUT…most people in the USA dont know HOw to do it.
    And being Blamed in the USA for Pirates in other countries is a PAIN.
    yes there are those that Pirate and sell in the USA, but nothing compared to the Middle east thru S. Asia..
    Average Hacking, pirateing in the USA is about 4-10% MAX.

  19. ChrisMac says:

    does anyone here care what happens in india?

  20. pjakobs says:

    #14 & #16: Microsoft would not be anywhere near their current market position if their software had not been pirated on children’s and youngsters’ computers for years.
    Let’s face it: kids who pirate software later grow up knowing that software. They will want to use it when they are going to be working on a pc, but more often then not, a company won’t be running the risk of running pirated software, so the ISV ends up making a buck anyway.
    It’s just the fact that software has become available that you just cannot pirate. You can’t steal Linux. Microsoft knows bloody well that their anti piracy campains together with the availability of a free alternative is a big thread to their future success, so now they’re trying to establish an alternative model, I think they’re still neglecting that anything short of free will compare badly to Open Source, pricewise.


  21. ECA says:

    You are partly right…
    Are you old enough to remember when MS was GIVING AWAY PC’s??
    To schools
    To small companies

    They have done this many times.
    So, then you hae a computer with Nothing but OS… You go get a program..

    If work has THIS PC, then I need one like it, to work at home.

    I dont know if you are old enough to have seen some of the business practices MS has used.
    They Swamped the market with Intel, everytime an advance/threat came around, so people wouldnt LOOK and compare. And then they HAD to be compatible with What was at the Work place. Even tho the OTHERS could do the same, OR better…

    1985…Which would you want.

    #1 Mono 4-8 bit sound
    16-256 colors
    SMALL monitor

    #2 Stereo sound 8bit, Midi, wavetables…
    65-4096 color 16bit depth
    SMPTE time based correction to link Audio video
    Used TV frequencies to display, and a Monitor that could switch to TV view inputs.
    FULL mutitasking

    If you picked #2, that WASNT an intell/MS OR Mac/apple machine and was TOP of the line for 15 years, untill about the P 133-200. and the COST was about the same.

  22. ECA says:

    I do…
    BUT, should I care more then They do?

    THEy are letting us, LEAD them into Polution, decadance, poverty, and injustice.

  23. Daver Lee Lewis says:

    Charity starts at home abroad.

  24. Iamanassholetoo says:

    So Microsloth is helping kids in India become more computer literate and educated….

    What about the underprivlidged children in the USA! This country needs to educate OUR children so they can compete with the rest of the world.

    Seems like a ploy by MS to train and recuit cheap labor from outside the US.


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