Who would have thought that learning to read and write could be such a dangerous proposition?

Afghan schools try to make new start: A group of girls returning home from school in Afghanistan’s Logar province recently did not for a moment expect what lay ahead.
As they walked down a dirt track, insurgents sprang out of the parched farms and began firing on them.
Some of them fled into the farm, but two girls, one aged 13, the other 10, were killed in the ambush. Three of their friends were wounded.
This kind of attack on schoolchildren, the first incident of its kind in Afghanistan, highlights how the insurgents are trying to disrupt education in the war-ravaged nation.

One wonders what is going through the mind of such people that they shoot at children going to school. The Taliban feels threatened by children that are learning to read and write? Cripes!

  1. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Easy – close down public schools and then all thats left is your schools. 5 years later you have lots of Taliban assholes

  2. JohnS says:

    [Duplicate post. – ed.]

  3. JohnS says:

    And some people wonder why we fight against these groups.

  4. bobbo says:

    3–and I wonder why the Afghans don’t fight these groups. Any human being would======so how bad a job are we doing not to be effective against these monsters.

  5. Nicky says:

    The more stupid the masses are the easier it is to rule them. It’s as simple as that. Knowledge has always been an eye opener for people.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:


    Do you think Bush’s “No child left behind” policy was intentionally a flop from the beginning?

  7. undissembled says:

    When will Christianity become this extreme?

  8. John says:

    They feel threatened by girls learning to read a write.

  9. Steve says:

    #6 Patriot Act II

  10. EJmcn says:

    When will Christianity become this extreme?

    It all ready was, they called it the dark ages.

  11. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #6 – undissembled

    “When will Christianity become this extreme?”

    ALL the major Judeo/Xian/Islamic sects have this as their ultimate goal; the only thing anyone needs to know is God’s Holy Truth, secular knowledge doesn’t “bring you closer to God.”

    The primitives in Afghanistan shoot kids, their so-called “civilized” counterparts in the English-speaking world are more subtle, but it’s only a difference in method, not in intent. Take a look a AIG’s so-called ‘museum’ and the message is unmistakable – allegedly educated people brainwashing impressionable minds into thinking Biblical buncombe and balderdash are all that matter.

    This sort of thing is exactly why religion must be dismantled and removed from human society, as it will always and inevitably lead to a fundamental clash between people who live in the real world and people who want to impose their deluded fairytales on everyone else…

  12. undissembled says:

    8. Exactly. But, I was looking for a date. I say it will happen after the ice caps melt and there is mass panic. Religious nuts will say it is a sign of the rapture and will push for more “extreme” measures. I’ll say… 2043

  13. Rich Galen says:

    This is especially odd since TALIB means “student.”
    -ban is the plural of many words in Arabic, thus TALIB-an means “students.”

  14. Gregory says:

    Yes but they mean “students of islam” which actually means “we’re more holy than you.. so we get to hold the guns”

  15. rectagon says:

    #11. You current freedoms have come because of Christianity. The end of slavery – Christians. Suffrage for women – Christians. The vast majority of relief agencies – Christians.

    Yah, we need to get rid of it.

  16. Stiffler says:

    #11 – extreemism is not the ultimate goal of Christianity or Judiasm. On the contrary; it is to make the world a better place and to relieve the suffering of humans; not to cause it. However, anytime that anyone of ANY religion does something extreme, I can count on reading one of your rants on here about how “all religion is bad, must be stamped out, blah, blah, blah”

    True Christianity and Judiasm promote learning and knowledge outside of the Bible:

    “Happy is the person who finds wisdom,
    the person who acquires understanding;
    for her profit exceeds that of silver,
    gaining her is better than gold” (Proverbs 3:13-14)

  17. JimR says:

    The beginning of slavery? Christians. The view of women as inferior? The Bible and Christians. The vast majority of relief agencies? Christians recruiting the distraught and impressionable in their weakest moments, some of who are the residual products of 2000 years of Christian abuse via slavery and oppression of women.

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Only rational thought and provable facts can permanently impove the human condition.

    Fairytales, no matter how benign, and their believers, no matter how well-intentioned, are artifacts of ignorant, atavistic human insecurity, fear and superstition. There comes a time to mature, to leave childish wishful thinking behind and to face up to the consequences of valid reasoning.

    IOW: grow up.

  19. Nic says:

    whens the last time you were laid?

  20. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #12 – I hope I don’t have to wait that long for the glaciers to melt. I’ll be to damn old to enjoy it!

  21. ECA says:

    Doent there belief, tell them NOT to harm children??

  22. stiffler says:

    #17 – oh, I forgot… that vast movement of the christians to enslave everyone and degrade women. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Babylonians had slaves, as did the cultures before them. And look at their great treatment of women; harlems, multiple wives… You’re right, Christendom did do a great disservice! Let’s roll back 2000 years! Did you not consider what life was like prior? or did history for you begin with the coming of Christ?

  23. Peter says:

    Thank the gods that we invaded Iraq! Fight ’em over there so we don’t have to fight ’em in Afghanistan.

  24. Angel H. Wong says:


    Tell that to the MILLIONS of native americans killed all over the american continent during the conquest, and don’t come to me with that “Catholics are not Christian” BS that I’ve been hearing from Evangelicals.

    What else? Oh yeah, how about the children of Canadian indigenous who were taken by force by the Canadian Anglican church in an effort to “civilize” them?

    Just like a friend of mine said once: Organized religion = Organized Crime

  25. JimR says:

    The slavery you were referring to in the USA was started by Christians. The Bible is full of degrading women and reinforced the practice instead of eliminating it. So your Christian claims are bogus.

  26. RBG says:

    11. Irony Alert!

    “This sort of thing is exactly why religion must be dismantled and removed from human society, as it will always and inevitably lead to a fundamental clash between people who live in the real world and people who want to impose their deluded fairytales on everyone else… ”


  27. Brian says:

    Good thing we finished that job in Afghanistan so we could go blow shit up in Iraq…oops I mean…

  28. joshua says:

    The Taliban believe in an Islam that woman have no role in except as wife and mother, in the home. No need for education here. Think back to what they were doing to woman before we helped topple them from power. Even widows weren’t allowed to earn a living to feed their children or themselves. Woman were immediatly taken out of public life when the Taliban took over. So it’s not surprising that they would attack a group of GIRL students. If it had been boys, it wouldn’t have happened.

    #10…yep…your right, the middle ages were a bitch to live in, but it wasn’t all because of the church. I don’t remember hearing about wild bunches of christians attacking young girls because they went to school.

    The Jew’s and the Catholic and later Protestant churches founded all of the early Universities in Europe and here in the states. Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, all members of the top 10 in the world were founded by churches or Bishops. Learning, even for woman has since the 1100’s been seen as a much desired thing by christians. Once, even the Muslims believed the same thing.

    #11…18…Lauren….a bit of hypocrisy there huh? You want to force YOUR beliefs on a group of people that you abhor because you claim they all want to force THEIR beliefs on you. Very Liberal of you.
    Instead of being what you claim to dislike, why can’t you just ignore the ones who don’t spend their lives trying to convert the unconvertable, and opposing with reason and good sense those who do try to push their views on you?

    Sometimes the total hypocrisy of some of the commentators here is astounding. You rant and rave about Christians, Muslims, Bush, Republicans, taking away your rights, trying to force you to do this or that, so on and so on…..but in the same breath your answer to all that is to force your ideas, or way of doing things or your beliefs on them.
    I can’t be the only one who notices this disconnect.

  29. Dave McMurray says:

    Bottom Line for normal people in U.S. – do we spend Americans and money to try stop this? Is it our job?

    War is not clean and we can not selectively kill they way we would like (gee that sounds bad). We can dominate WWII style, but that’s it. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq – does not work. Unfortunately you must brake there will to fight and that means killing a lot of them. Not just the bad ones, its not on purpose we kill innocent people, but there are no clean wars. If America is not willing to have innocent people killed with bad people in large numbers like we were in WWII. We should not be there. That should be the test of going to war.

    Tokyo fire bombings killed over 100,000 people in one night. That is what the parents of the “Greatest Generation” did. An they did it because the Japanese (government/people) were killing there sons.

    We bombed them to stop the war as quickly as possible, that was the theory. But you have to kill enough of them to do that. And leave the rest of the starving. And that’s why you don’t want to go to war in the first place.

    Bottom Line for U.S. government – Hmmm. Sorry, I don’t know what there true bottom is.

  30. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    As long as we’re all on the same planet, someone’s gonna hafta do something about it. Radical, fundamentalist Islamic supremacists make little secret of their desire that the entire world be brought under Islamic rule, and they will indeed fight to the death to see it happen.

    All the good intentions in the world count for nothing when you face a violent enemy which isn’t going to change. The forces of reason and freedom will eventually have to fight the forces of religious totalitarianism, so all that remains to determine is how long do we wait, and how much stronger do we allow them to become before we take steps?

    Talking it out – reasoning – only works if one’s opponent is capable of and willing to engage in reasoning. And that ain’t happening.


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