
Sunset over the Pacific Ocean.

  1. soundwash says:


    -but i want to know what that big plume running from what looks like the ground up just left of center is in the pic…



  2. bobbo says:

    1–I almost posted that that was a nice picture of a standard thundercloud –it shows better in the close up.

  3. BBC's Planet Earth says:

    Check out the BBC series on Amazon – reminds me of it

  4. B. Dog says:

    Yeah that’s pretty. What is not so pretty is the looming end of internet radio. Today is a day of silence.

  5. BubbaRay says:

    Hop, is that an APOD? If not, who gets photo credit and do they have a site? Thanks!

  6. JoaoPT says:

    #3 you’re right, Planet Earth is just Amazing. I’m mesmerized by it…
    And I’m not talking Earth.
    The BBC series is a TV masterpiece.

    Of course, it owes everything to the beauty of our planet.

  7. cool tidbits says:

    This reminds me of how Superman sees the earth.
    “I just wish you could all see the Earth the way that I see it. Because when you really look at it, it’s just one world.”
    I am such a nerd….

  8. knights_templar700 says:

    The next time, wherever you are, as you are watching the sunset keep in mind that half-way around the world someone is watching that same sun rising. The Sun is a bridge between two worlds.

  9. Kenneth Johnson says:

    That is SUCH an impressive photo! I dearly love photos of our planet from space, and must say that’s one of the best.

    BTW: would you believe that there are folks claiming the lens flare in the upper right to be an Alien craft?

    I shit you not.


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