A group in Denmark burned an effigy of Mohammed (instead of a witch) at the traditional midsummer festival. Below is a translation of what is said in the video:

We declare:
Saint Hans’ Eve has always celebrated the tradition of burning away the evil, in earlier times symbolized by the witch, who was supposedly directly connected to Satan. And if the witch was not burned then the harvest could not be safely brought into the house.
Now a new evil has arrived in Europe, an evil that lies and kills in the name of their so-called God. An evil that springs from the so-called Prophet Mohammed. Therefore, in our time, it is he who symbolizes evil and it is not just one harvest that will disappear, but all of Western Europe’s future that will vanish if this evil is not dispatched to Hekkenfeldt [i.e. Hell, literally the Hekla volcano in Iceland — BB].
Therefore will we burn the so-called Prophet Mohammed, on June 23, 2007, in three nameless places.
We burned Mohammed in three different places across the country. We now release the video from the first burning. The next videos will be released on July 23 and August 23.
For a Mohammed-free Denmark!!!

I guess someone is spoiling for a fight.

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    The response this will likely elicit will be sufficiently violent to motivate a critical mass of Europe’s fence-sitters into taking the Muslim threat to civilization seriously. I see people dying, and soon; but the choice is a few now or many more later.

  2. Eric says:

    This might be the first time I’ve ever seen a non-violent protest in conjunction with Mohammed.

  3. Magnus says:

    That was kinda lame.

  4. GregA says:

    Totally off topic, But I worship at the altar of Dvorak! Please master teach me!

    Do you have a news letter?

  5. Milo says:

    I hate to say it but the Muslim community has earned the disrespect of so many and with such persistence that this shouldn’t surprise anyone.

  6. Robin Skytte says:

    I am from DK…
    And I have not seen this before. Even though it is VERY lame, I am ashamed and fear the consequences! I think #4 is right, you would expect this kind of reactions, but I do not think the muslim community will have any understanding of the situation. It seems clear to me, that there are only a few people behind this clip!

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    [fixed. – ed.]

  8. James Hill says:

    Dvorak’s hate of the iPhone is much more concerning than this.

  9. Neil says:

    Thanks for fanning the flames of hate, John.

  10. Improbus says:

    If you poke a hornet’s nest what happens next is not a surprise. Stock up on Black Flag.

  11. mark says:

    I am fucking outraged, how could they desecrate a great song by the Doors, with a fake Elvis voiceover, THIS IS WAR!!!!!!

  12. tallwookie says:

    awwww #6 caught the correction already…. 🙁

    #7 – HEY!! Other people hate the iphone too, not just John

    as far as the article goes, all I gotta say is.: its about damn time

  13. Casper says:

    What is something this idiotic doing on this site?

  14. Miguel says:

    The kids who did this video are unaware they are, themselves, being manipulated into feeding a hatred towards muslims. This manipulation is being pursued toward some unknown end, most likely a generalized war in the Middle East, with hundreds of thousands of European deaths.

    This is the beginning of the global brainwash – the demonization of the enemy!

  15. Johnny Rollerfeet says:


    Yes, because “the enemy” didn’t do anything to bring this upon themselves, right?

  16. ChuckM says:

    I didn’t think that Mohammed was as untouchable as Allah is in Islam.

    Mohamid is the profit (messenger) and Alah is god.

    Most of the Islamic art work I have seen, especially on old holy ground is beautiful and never depicts anything that Alah has made (no pictures of animal, plants, cities, people, etc…). Only script and patterns. Truely amazing works. I think at the time, it was thought that only Alah could create nature and humans should not try to imitate.

    The drawings depicting Alah, are truely seen as a major no no to depict Alah, even more so in a comic.

    I wouldn’t think that Mohammed is as much an untouchable. Of course, burning a representation of Mohammed, will be asking for trouble.

    EIther way I guess my point is that, life is about tolerance and understanding. Obviously, these people have neither. Unfortunately, there are people just like them in Islam that will respond with similar levels of intolerance and understanding.

    Personally, if you are ignorant enough to crap on other people’s gods/beliefs in a disrespectful manner, then you should be crapped on yourself.

    I just wish there was a way to co-ordinate both sides so they could just wipe each other out (or at least keep each other busy) and leave the rest of the world alone to the rest of us to discover and enjoy each other.

    Geeze… I sound like a hippie…

    I think the message is that only Alah can create

  17. gunther says:

    thanks for posting this video,
    a few will like, lots will fear it, lots will hate it.
    Nevertheless, there is more like this to come. I am sure.
    More and more people will leave the path of pure tolerance

  18. JimR says:

    My guess is nothing will come of it. A couple of kids don’t represent a whole country. It’s not like a national newspaper made fun of Muhammad…

    They might go after You Tube though.

  19. James Hill says:

    #11 – The problem is that being against the “in thing” just for the sake of being against something was cool fifteen years ago, but not now. I’m all for a reasoned article as to why the iPhone isn’t the greatest thing ever, but that’s not what’s coming out.

    Instead we’re getting anti-hype articles, which can only be taken as the ramblings of those who have fallen out of touch with the given segment of the industry.

    In the end, the cell phone market operates in waves. At one point everyone had a specific model of Nokia phone. Then, it was the RAZR. Now, it’s the iPhone. That’s just how the cell phone market operates. Analyze the market or don’t talk about it, but save the bullshit for other products.

  20. stiffler says:

    “Unfortunately, there are people just like them in Islam that will respond with similar levels of intolerance and understanding.”

    I doubt that it’s going to be kept at the level of posting a video to youtube

  21. tcc3 says:

    James you’re being awfull presuptuous toward a product that hasn’t been released yet and most perople have never seen.

    The iphone pushback isnt all rabble rousing. Some of the valid criticism has even come from Dvorak. The valid concerns include

    -no physical keyboard
    -no upgradeable memory
    -slow edge speed
    -no true third party apps
    -no removable battery

    All this for the unprecetented price of $600 *with a 2 year contract*
    Even the upscale and featureful business phones (WinMo,Palm, and BB) dont approach this price.

    Time will tell. Just because people choose not to drink the Koolaid doesnt make them haters.

  22. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Now come on – Islam is a religion of peace! Its not like they’re going to burn down a church or start a riot over stuff like movies and cartoons!

  23. Gregory says:

    tcc3 – rubbish.

    no physical keyboard – that’s a selling point. Phone keyboards suck utter balls. The iPhone cannot be worse.

    no upgradeable memory. What phone does?
    slow edge speed Plus Wifi, and Edge isn’t thats slow anyhow.
    no true third party apps. Other than potentially 1000s of web apps, sure. Plus we dont’ know if safari in there will also run Java (could very well do) if so.. well that’s what many phones use anyhow.
    no removable battery. Finally! A point. However you know how many times most people remove their battery unless they are getting at the sim card? Very, very, very rarely.
    $600 price tag the RAZR was $400-500 when it was released. And it’s a piece of crap (pretty crap, from the outside at least, though). So “unprecedented” is something of an overstatement.

    So…. do you have any actual issue with the iphone that don’t apply to most other phones out there?

  24. mark says:

    Stop the world!!!! Lets change an important discussion from potential Islamic fundamentalist backlash into another fanboy discussion about a STUPID CELLPHONE, take it elsewhere!

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 – But cell phones are iMportant.

  26. tcc3 says:

    Yeah, well they started it. =P

    The suckyness of hardware keyboards is only surpassed by the suckyness of “virtual” touchscreen keyboards. Palm and WinMo have tried it before. Apple’s may work better but early reports say otherwise. We shall see.

    Yeah edge is that slow. Its old news. There no excuse for it on a $600 media enhanced cell phone. Why dont they put a rotary dial on it?

    Yeah – web apps are always preferable to full blown executables. Thats why your home pc is just a dumb terminal right? Its nice, but not even the same ballpark as far as utility.

    The razr was $400-500 *unsubsidized.* The Treo was $600 unsubsidized. You pay a premium to not be chained to a contract. This is $600 with a 2 year contract. Not the same. And the Razr
    *was* overpriced crap. “Everyone” didnt have one until they were giving them away with Cracker Jack boxes.

    Why all the vitriol? If you’re interested, more power to you. But dont pretend like there isnt valid criticism, cause theres plenty.

    We now return you to our regularly scheduled Apocalypse commentary….

  27. mark says:

    24. Am I going to have to turn this car around? I swear, I will.

  28. JimR says:

    Update: They are lining up 4 days in advance outside Apple stores. I hope you naysayers at least bought some Apple stock. 😉

  29. mark says:

    26. Yeah, same bunch that lined up for Harry Potter, I bet.

  30. Jägermeister says:

    Don’t play with fire unless you want to get burned


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