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Perhaps done by someone who never used a condom?

  1. knights_templar700 says:

    Be safe,
    not sorry,
    get pregnant.

    They stapled a hole in the condom for crying out loud!

  2. edwinflorida says:

    Whoever did that must come from “The Greater Faith Youth Absentance Intiative” program!!!! Good Job Bush!!!

  3. JimR says:

    Oh, that’s just the new style. Air holes allow you to wear them for up to a week.

  4. BdgBill says:

    ehhh – Looks like they stapled the ribbon together then glued the assembeled ribbon to the package. Still not completely safe but not as completely stupid as stapling through the condom.

  5. edwinflorida says:

    Whoever did that must come from the “Greater Faith Youth Avsentance Intiative” program!!! Good Job Bush!!!

  6. edwinflorida says:

    Sorry about the typo!!! should be “Absentance”

  7. badcowboy says:

    At least those condoms were approved by the Catholic church.

  8. Jennifer Emick says:

    Not to spoil the joke, but this one’s been around, and the person who did the gluing already explained..

  9. natefrog says:

    Homer: Hey, what are all these holes?
    Salesman: These are speed holes. They make [it] go faster!

  10. tallwookie says:

    lol #2

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #2 LOL 😀

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    True story from Muskingum County, Ohio. All names withheld to protect the idiots… er, innocent.

    Two couples went “parking”. Both couples had sex, one in the front seat, one in the back. The woman in the back seat got pregnant and sued the man in the front seat for paternity. A genetic test by the lab proved her out.

    It turns out they only had one condom, so when the guy in front was done, he passed it to the guy in back, who turned it inside out to avoid the “goo” on the inside.

    I swear I could not make this shit up… (well, I could… but I didn’t)

  13. Jägermeister says:


    *ROTFL* Sounds like a freaking urban legend though. 🙂

  14. PM says:

    I do believe this actually occurred in South Africa a few years back. With aids so rampant, they’re doing what they can to fix it, yet it seems the logical marbles don’t always go where they’re supposed to….

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, OFTLO, C’mon, you made that up. Otherwise there would have been something else about the gene pool in Ohio.

    Oooopps, forgot, you moved tom Indiana.

    But seriously, that was damn funny.

  16. Stew says:

    #15 You’re absolutely correct this happened in SA just before the last elections in 2004. The ANC was handing them out…

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – and it’s true… I was involved in the case (though not as one of the rednecks in the car) 🙂

  18. John Scott says:

    I believe now that many of us are brain dead! Common sense is certainly dead. I think if we could be tested for how much of our brain we really use it would shock us.


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