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Hitachi: Move the Train With Your Brain

The “brain-machine interface” developed by Hitachi Inc. analyzes slight changes in the brain’s blood flow and translates brain motion into electric signals.

A cap connects by optical fibers to a mapping device, which links, in turn, to a toy train set via a control computer and motor during one recent demonstration at Hitachi’s Advanced Research Laboratory in Hatoyama, just outside Tokyo.
Activating that region of the brain – by doing sums or singing a song – is what makes the train run, according to Utsugi. When one stops the calculations, the train stops, too.
Hitachi’s scientists are set to develop a brain TV remote controller letting users turn a TV on and off or switch channels by only thinking.

Honda, whose interface monitors the brain with an MRI machine like those used in hospitals, is keen to apply the interface to intelligent, next-generation automobiles.

We have previously covered this story here

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Hitachi’s scientists are set to develop a brain TV remote controller letting users turn a TV on and off or switch channels by only thinking.

    Great… we need to get more inactive… pressing keys with your fingers makes you too exhausted.

  2. ECA says:

    I would LOVe to see a suit, that generates Power as we move.
    It could also have joints that can ADD resistance to help build Mussle tone and conditioning.
    (God I wish my fingers had brains to hit the right keys)
    Im wondering if Memory Metal could do this, or if we would need a piston type setup…
    Walking to the store could power your Cellphone and give you a reason to GO OUT and WALK.
    Walking the Mall could power your laptop for an hour.
    Hiking in the Wild could set you up for the Whole night, in camp.

  3. Ken In Berkeley says:

    Didn’t they already do the telekinesis train thing in a bad movie called The Fury about 30 years ago? 😉

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Hitachi’s scientists are set to develop a brain TV remote controller letting users turn a TV on and off or switch channels by only thinking.”

    It’s part of a Japanese conspiracy to turn Americans into fat slobs.

  5. joshua says:

    I don’t know about you guys….but the last paragraph…about applying it to **intelligent next generation automobiles** scares the crap out of me.
    I can see it now….**ditzy blonde tells car to go to mall….then suddenly thinks…oh, I left my cell phone at home……and the car immediatly does a 180 to head for home, causing several accidents, and numourous pedistrian deaths**

  6. Glenn E. says:

    This is surely overkill for controlling some toy! A simplier monitoring device, for skin resistance or something, would work much better.

    These so-called scientist / researchers are just spining their wheels with the kind of research. It’s been speculated on as far back as 1983 in the movie “Brainstorm”. The real problem with it is that no one can concentrate on two things at once. So this technology will never work for driving the family car, if you also want to use the Cell Phone. What they should work on is more A.I. technology to replace faulty human operation.

    Then you won’t have to be sober to operate your car (telekinetically or by steering wheel). Just able to tell it where you want to go. Until we all become Vulcans, where never going to have the mental discipline to operate anything dangerous, by such a device. For toys, and simple computer systems, Ok. At least the handicap will be better able to surf the web, in the future.


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