Looks pretty cool when they start peeling away from the group.

  1. mark says:

    VERY cool.

  2. Les says:


  3. OmarThe Alien says:

    Awesome, awesome, awesome!

  4. Miguel says:

    I call it *Extreme professionalism*. Months of training. Dedication. Perfectionism. Organization. Coordination. Expertise. Experience.

    The results are always an example to us all!

  5. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Pretty cool. But, I can’t help but point out that this is one of the demotivators.


  6. Skydiving is so cool and that is amazing. I’d do it in a heartbeat if I weren’t afraid of heights and falling. hehe

  7. Brian says:

    I know a few of the people on this jump, I jumped for 6 years, retired 4 or 5 years ago due to ear problems.

    These guys know as CReW dogs are fully crazy. CReW stands for Canopy Relative Work. To be on an airplane loaded with them is a real treat.
    One will yell out “CREW safety briefing” The rest will yell back
    “DON”T DIE”

  8. gogglesnteeth says:

    So cool
    If I can ever get back to jumping as much as I would like, I would love to try crew. I only skydive enough now to keep “current.”
    I think that is from the world record last year.

  9. Spoooooooooooky says:

    Skydiving: vaguely dangerous “sport” / activity / whatever.

    Jumping out of perfectly good place: stupid, yet bold.

    Me skydiving at 250 Ibs. – never happen, need a big chute, don’t want broken ankles / knees / coccyx (yes, either ‘cocc’) / etc…


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