The CIA’s Family Jewels — Here is what they’ll ALL be talking about next week.

The Central Intelligence Agency violated its charter for 25 years until revelations of illegal wiretapping, domestic surveillance, assassination plots, and human experimentation led to official investigations and reforms in the 1970s, according to declassified documents posted today on the Web by the National Security Archive at George Washington University.

CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden announced today that the Agency is declassifying the full 693-page file amassed on CIA’s illegal activities by order of then-CIA director James Schlesinger in 1973–the so-called “family jewels.” Only a few dozen heavily-censored pages of this file have previously been declassified, although multiple Freedom of Information Act requests have been filed over the years for the documents. Gen. Hayden called the file “a glimpse of a very different time and a very different Agency.” The papers are scheduled for public release on Monday, June 25.

found by Howard Harawitz

  1. Jägermeister says:

    It will drown out the reporting from the Iraq war.

  2. Frank IBC says:

    This will be interesting – let the chips fall where they may.

    Jagermeister – I was wondering about the political angle. Obviously Bush and the CIA are not on the best of terms, and this would be a good way for Bush to keep the CIA busy.

    I read an earlier article about this – one of the things that will be revealed was that Bobby Kennedy was in charge of the plot to assassinate Castro the entire time he was AG.

  3. hhopper says:

    I wonder how many blacked out sections there will be in the documents.

  4. bobbo says:

    Lets see. 19 and 73 plus 25 years before access is supposed to be granted and- – – — why is BushCo releasing this??? And what about Daddy Bush’s papers?

    Most secretive/restrictive administration in history. Yeah Team!!!!!

  5. mark says:

    I predict it will get a little attention at first, then people will go back to sleep, much like the Hunt revelations. Right Frank?

  6. Jägermeister says:


    You might be right… let’s see what’s coming out of the CIA closet.

  7. ECA says:

    I really like that the Gov has the Right/ability to LOCK up files under freedom of information for 20+ years, and they wish to raise it to 40.

    And th eonly reason is to save the gov. and persons from the ramifications and LAWSUITS, as most of those resonsible will probably be DEAD, as well as the statute of limitations runs out.

  8. Mike Johnson says:

    Just keep in mind they are still doing all this illegal stuff. By exposing misdeeds of the past they expect you to assume everything is now on the up and up which is not true. The present administration is the worst and most corrupt ever and they will probably learn something about how to hide their tracks from this exposure.

    It is still the CIA and they are still up to every kind of illegal activity they can think of and they are still selling drugs to finance it all.

  9. sdf says:

    should be fascinating

  10. ECA says:

    Main problem comes with This happening ALOT, and someone TRIES to adjust it, and NOTHING HAPPENS, so people get tired of Fighting it.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #3, #9 – LOL

  12. mark says:

    10. You are right about that, and also I think most Americans just dont want to know what their government is capapble of doing in their name, they are afraid of the truth, just do whatever you got to do to keep me safe, I dont want to deal with it.

  13. Phillep says:

    Mike Johnson: Keep chanting that Bush is the most corrupt ever. How much attention did the MSM pay to Clinton raiding the Pittman-Robertson funds, just as an example? If that had happened under a Republican, the press would have run nonstop coverage, even though that was hunting and fishing money. As for “worst”, he’d have to go a ways to match Carter. Even Clinton was better than Carter.

    Any how, speculating about Bush is pointless while he is in office. The partisan politics hides the truth, for good or ill.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>As for “worst”, he’d have to go a ways to match Carter. Even
    >>Clinton was better than Carter.

    Nope. Beyond a reasonable doubt, Dumbya is the worst in the history of the Republic. Clinton was better, Carter was better, Nixon was better, Bonzo was better. We could go through the whole list, and there’s not a single solitary soul who has done as much to destroy what America once stood for than Daddy’s boy.

  15. RBG says:

    Gen. Hayden called the file “a glimpse of a very different time and a very different Agency.”

    …when you couldn’t have a 9/11.


  16. noname says:

    Great, while Joe Blow focuses on the CIA, the NSA can just go unnoticed and really spy on Americans.

    CIA is tame compared to what the NSA can and does SPY with on Americans.

    Whistle-Blower tells of NSA Spy Room

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Phillep,

    Some days the totally ridiculous trolls pop out of no where. Today, it just happens to be you.

    For those that don’t know, the Pittman-Roberson Fund is a fund collected from taxes imposed upon hunting equipment such as ammunition and firearms. The Fish and Wildlife Service administer the fund. In this case, the FWS wanted to use it to purchase some land for conservation, where most of the money has gone. The NRA objected and the FWS changed their mind. End of story and that is why the MSM didn’t cover the story.

  18. scruffydan says:

    Remember this when any government asks to be trusted to act legally without any oversight.

  19. ECA says:

    DAVE, I see the Black spy, and the White spy….
    You should ask about the GRAY spy…

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    Hey, the CIA should just go to work for Dick Cheney. Since none of the national security archiving laws apply to HIM, they could just do whatever they want, and not have to release documentation of their malfeasance.

  21. MikeN says:

    25 years before 1973, that means Harry Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, LBJ, and yet, everyone thinks it was just Nixon.

  22. Nth of the 49th says:

    Agreed, the CIA has always been the one in the news. The others, NSA etc. I’m sure have been grateful.

    Coincidence? Meh, I don’t believe in coincidences when it comes to governments.

  23. Frank IBC says:

    The documents from the Eisenhower administration should be interesting. Mossadegh, Arbenz, Hungary, Suez Crisis, Cuba and much more…

  24. moss says:

    Hopefully, I’ll get to do a vanity search 🙂

    CIA agents are one of only two flavors of American cop that traditionally were not required to produce ID or even their name when dealing with a civilian. Of course, there have been beaucoup confrontations when and where police broke that law – along with others.

    But, the CIA was legally exempted – along with INS officers – for years. I imagine they still are.

  25. grog says:

    ah yes, the good old days, when government was free to run amok, it’s a fine, fine thing that we are letting our govn’t get back to its roots.

    good times, good times

  26. MikeN says:

    Are they going to reveal Watergate activities?

  27. I’m sure they’ll be running low on wide tip black markers when they reach the parts about daddy B. and the CIA running around afghanistan handing out russian weapons to anyone with a towel on his head who was willing to kill Ivan.No they were’nt Al-Queda…yet although they were being led by UBL considered by the CIA to be the “perfect contact practically Saudi royalty” daddy B. loved him, especially since he was the son of his best friend and supplier of large sums of “borrowin’ scratch” Mohamed Bin Laden the Saudi billionaire construction mogul. So UBL, always the romantic drops the “Terrorist” moniker and goes with Mujahadeen ” Gods freedom fighter” sounds more couragous I guess. Now He and his merry men with the CIA tagging along russian arms ready for regifting(Of course we could’nt hand out U.S.Army surplus the Ruskies would figure out that the CIA was kissin UBL’s ass oops! I mean helping their enemy) start an all out guerilla bloodbath across Afghanistan kicking Soviet infidel butt back to moscow.Now what? the dumbasses at the CIA armed them so well they have more guns than teeth. So whats a terrorist to do? Ah of course bite the hand that fed you! Especially if their INFIDELS! The rest is history Al-Qaeda is born UBL declares war on christiandom and everyone else not claiming to be an Islamic fundamentalist. and if your interested li’l George and Daddy B. never repaid any of the “borrowin’ scratch” they swindled from UBL’s daddy.So 9/11 was retalliation directed at who?


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