1. noname says:

    Japan has a good head on it’s shoulders!

  2. edwinrogers says:

    The movie self starts. Could be a problem on low bandwidth.

  3. noname says:

    hhopper, Come on, can you make this a picture with a caption link to the Video?

    Since it auto plays, it keeps playing over and over, very annoying.

  4. hhopper says:

    What browser does it auto-play on? It works fine with firefox

    I switched it to a flash video.

    I also tested it with IE7 and that works ok too.

    Didn’t work at all in Opera.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Nice illusion.

  6. Sinjaku says:

    I don’t think this is Japanese, I think I heard Thai in the language and text. Amazing illusion!

  7. Danijel says:

    That was weak. Well practiced but completely unimpressive.

  8. Smartalix says:

    …in your opinion. There’s always someone ready to pee in the punch.

  9. noname says:

    #8 Smartalix, I’d like to turn down your punch bowel party invitation. Just not that thirsty.

  10. Bill Paterson says:

    The progarm is Korean. Not Japanese. That aside it’s still awesome.

  11. ChrisMac says:

    #4 – It was easily blocked in firefox

    but anyone who thinks this site is totally safe.. prolly had their defenses down

  12. Stephen says:

    That’s Korean, not Japanese. The trick is ripped off from the Japanese-American street magician Cyril, who appears on Japnese TV frequently. There are many YouTube videos of his version.

  13. robenroute says:

    Definitely Thai spoken in the video. Also, the text on the red background (visible during the first 25 seconds at the bottom of the screen) is Thai. However, in the very last 2 seconds of the clip there’s a loud shout, which does resemble Japanese. It just could be a Japanese clip on Thai TV (there are loads of Japanese programmes on Thai TV).


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