Bobby Cutts Jr.

Associated Press – June 23, 2007:

The boyfriend of a missing pregnant woman was arrested on two counts of murder Saturday, and a body believed to be hers was found a week after she vanished from her home, authorities said. Jessie Davis, 26, was due to deliver a baby girl on July 3. Her mother found Davis’ 2-year-old son alone in her home, where bedroom furniture was toppled and bleach spilled on the floor on June 15.

The boy gave investigators their first clues. “Mommy was crying. Mommy broke the table. Mommy’s in rug,” the boy said.

Thousands of volunteers had searched for Davis over several days, while investigators continued to question Bobby Cutts Jr., 30, a Canton police officer, who is the father of Davis’ son. Her family says he also is the father of the unborn child.

  1. joe says:

    come on, who didn’t see this coming.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    It makes me wonder if the guys at the precint will go easy on him.

  3. joe says:

    the best part, he’s a cop. how much love is he gonna get when he’s in prison.

    he’ll be a high priority target from all the prison gangs + I’m sure none of the prison guards will go out of thier way to protect him.

  4. ECA says:

    HE will get LOTS of love…Lots and LOTS of love’n…BUT they wont send him to a Prision NEAR where he works, and IT WONT be one of those Heavy duty ones EITHER.

  5. Stars & Bars says:

    Two counts gets you the death penalty. With the right lawyer and if the child was in utero, I’ll be surprised if the second count sticks. A child is not a legal entity until birth. Otherwise, those who have aborted a pregnancy could be charged with murder.

  6. NappyHeadedHo says:

    This is racial! Where is Al Sharpton?

  7. ramona says:

    The states’ decision as to when a woman is still allowed to have an abortion is usually what defines whether the baby will be an additional count. If a woman can’t kill her baby, no one else has a right to.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    Let me get my Media-Verdict™ calculator:

    Race of suspect: Black (+25%)
    Race of victim: White (+25%)
    Famous: No (+25%)
    Good lawyer: TBD (+-0%)

    Without trial, he’s 75% guilty of this crime.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Without trial, he’s 75% guilty of this crime.

    Well, he’s certainly not guilty of “good judgement” or “being able to keep his dick in his pants”.

    Two out of three ain’t bad.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – LOL

    #12 – Oops… Forgot that one… 🙂

  11. Guilty says:

    Damn, bring back The ol’ West.

  12. bobbo says:

    10–Excellent calculator. Probably should add for victim being pregnant and for being pretty. “Somebody’s got to pay for this!”

    My thought was how good a cop could he be if he couldn’t frame a better murder? Good to have him off the force.

  13. Joe Dirt says:

    I live down the street where the body was found, what a shame no matter what color.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #12, #15

    Okay, here’s the revised Media-Verdict™ calculator:

    Race of suspect: Black (+25%)
    Sex of suspect: Male (+10%)
    Famous suspect: No (+25%)
    Race of victim: White (+25%)
    Sex of victim: Female (+10%)
    Famous victim: No (0%)
    Pregnant victim: Yes (+50%)
    Pretty/handsome victim: Female (+20%)
    Suspect’s job: Cop (-25%)
    Good lawyer: TBD (+-0%)

    140%… Let the media frenzy begin!

  15. Jerk-Face says:

    17. “Being a copy has nothing to do with it.”

    I agree. Clones rarely kill.

  16. NappyHeadedHo says:

    I’ll bet Nike appreciates the publicity from Cutts wearing the cap or did Nike offer to pay his legal fee if he wore it? I know this sounds like some racial shit but this is the first black man wearing a baseball cap the way it was intended.

  17. bobbo says:

    18—Most excellent. Good thing you TM’ed that. Should be worth alot of money.

    What we have now is mathematical proof that whomever the cops arrest will be found guilty==absent a lawyer worth 60%. What a system!!!!!

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Let’s see…

    “Race of suspect: Black (+25%)”

    American blacks commit far more premeditated murders, per capita, than whites, Asians or Hispanics.

    “Sex of suspect: Male (+10%)”

    Over 90% of murders worldwide are committed by men. Always have.

    “Famous suspect: No (+25%)”

    Being famous certainly didn’t hurt Orenthal James, now did it? And famous / good lawyer are the same thing; you’re famous, you have money; you have money, you get the best representation. I have yet to see a celebrity be appointed a public defender. So, ‘famous’ is redundant.

    “Race of victim: White (+25%)”

    Domestic violence, up to and including murder, is much higher than average in marriages where the husband is black and the wife is white. When the reverse is the case, violence is actually lower than average.

    “Sex of victim: Female (+10%)”

    Which is so in more than half of all domestic violence cases.

    “Famous victim: No (0%)”

    There really aren’t enough murdered celebrities to enable one to hypothesize either way about the relative fame of the victim impacting the slant of media reportage regarding the alleged perpetrator.

    Pregnant victim: Yes (+50%)

    The pregnancy of a murder victim is thought – correctly – to be indicative of especial callousness on the part of the murderer. IOW, it makes the murderer appear to be even more cold-blooded, which is in fact just about always the truth.

    “Pretty/handsome victim: Female (+20%)”

    People have biases about physical attractiveness, Whattaya gonna do? Put a bag over every victim’s face, so they’ll all receive equal sympathy from the public?

    “Suspect’s job: Cop (-25%)”

    By occupation, police officers are among the very worst perpetrators of domestic violence and particularly spousal murder.

    “Good lawyer: TBD (+-0%)”

    What can you draw from that? Some people, cynics, see reataining a top-flight lawyer as a sure sign of guilt; others see it as being only reasonable for even an innocent person to obtain the best representation they can…

    I humbly offer that you might want to look into an upgrade for that calculator. 🙂

  19. Jägermeister says:


    Thanks for confirming the Media-Verdict™ calculator.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #23 – It seems that #22 not only confirmed the media validity of the Media-Verdict™ calculator, he/ she validated it as a way to determine the actual guilt or innocence of the accused.

    Woo. I would suggest they use that as a replacement for a “trial by a jury of peers”, except you KNOW that the neocons and other radical right extremists would find a way to subvert the process, if not through hanging/ pregnant chads, then through doctoring up the software like they do with the Diebold/ Cheney voting machines.

  21. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    You have just received your first lesson is estimation of probabilities, otherwise known as ‘Why, if it walks, talks and quacks like a duck, it very likely IS a duck.’

  22. dave edwards says:

    Let’s hope the “glove” fits this time.

  23. knights_templar700 says:

    Sex and killing are very closely related in a male which is why muslim bombers kill so that they get rewarded 72 virgins in heaven. If they were actually getting it here, you’d think they’d kill themselves?

    This guy was probably going through sexual deprivation. He was trying to be nice by going against his internal sexual desires by staying faithful to his wife because women and society have turned their backs on men’s natural cravings. Add the tension of a woman nagging and a man with access to a fire-arm and you get an incident like this.

  24. Podesta says:

    More racist drivel from Lauren the Bigot. Assuming that John Dvorak does not want this blog turned into American Renaissance, Jr., it is time he took a stand against Lauren’s continuing efforts to promote white supremacy on his site.

  25. hmmp.... says:

    looks like some people on here are racist. Yeah he’s black… we know. They said on the news he was INVOLVED with the murder…he didnt actually kill her but had something to do with it.

  26. Ada says:

    First of all in most states you cannot abort a baby after 24 weeks, this is considered the legal timeline for a viable baby. In other words if the child had to be born at this point it would survive outside of the womb. So yes he would definetly be charged with murder of the baby as this child was very much viable at 38 weeks. Second why does everyone have to put race into a definite man vs. woman issue? There is no case of racism here, unless you can prove Mr. Cutts hated her because she was white. This is an issue of sexism, he hated her because she was a woman. He was a suspect from the beginning because he was her partner and statiscally he would be the most likely to have done it. Do you know that the greatest risk of death to a pregnant woman is domestic violence, in fact when you add all other risk factors together, beatings kill more pregnant women than that? Men often choose this time because she won’t risk the baby by defending herself, he’s jealous, he feels he has her trapped in the relationship (she won’t want to be a single mom and will put up with beatings to keep him), and because ultimately he enjoys power and control. Third, I will try to quote my grandfather exactly, “Cops and criminals are far more alike than most people would think. Many cops were the worst kids around when they were young. I think cops become cops because they understand criminals perfectly well. They would have been criminals had they not become cops.”. I was beaten when I was pregnant, luckily I called the cops early in the battery, or it could have ended in my death or the death of my baby a few months later. Can you imagine being a woman being beaten by a guy who is also a cop? She couldn’t have called the cops, I know he has had some complaints against him, but can you just imagine how many beatings this guy has gotten away with? She and the other women he has been with would be terrified that his cop buddies would save his butt not theirs. I wish there would be more eduction and awareness around each pregnant woman, if you have the least suspicion that someone is in this situation, act on it. You might be wrong, she might even be unhappy at your interference in a “private” matter, but you could save a life, maybe two. There are some who stood by me against the abuse and helped me out of my nightmare and today I am so grateful that they were strong for me when I thought I wasn’t. I was afraid of leaving, thinking that the consequences could be far worse. Looking at this death reminds me that the consequences of STAYING are far worse.

  27. laurie mcclellan says:

    Oh please, lets face it, this has nothing to do with race. The man couldnt keep it in his pants 3 years ago, wife forgave him and said never again. He , once again got a women pregnant and she said that enough was enough. They were seperated at the time and he realized “oops, i really screwed up this time” He had to have someone to blame so it may as well be the women who was pregnant, afterall he was innocent. As far as the race issue, the important thing is that an innocent baby suffered to death at the hands of a a man who should have died to protect him, black or white. People say that he will be more likely to be punished because she was white, are you forgetting that 1 of the victims was black. Even if he(Cutts) had been white, he would still be a bastard.

  28. brandy says:

    Sick world we live in…what is wrong with our society?

  29. It’s a federal crime to kill a woman who’s pregnant, subject to the death penalty.
    The man couldn’t keep it in his pants?
    He didn’t rape the victim did he?
    Does she bear any responsibility at all for committing adultery for years with this man and getting pregnant twice??
    Sometimes we have to pay for foul behaviour, such as alienation of affections, etc.
    No, it was not right to kill her, but the whole situation was one that she certainly should have avoided, and if she’d been the model of perfection and morality that her family claims, she’d be alive today, wouldn’t she?


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