So is it being part of the group or the virgins awaiting them? BTW, with all the suicide bombings going on, hasn’t heaven run out of virgins yet?

Inside The Mind Of A Suicide Bomber

Suicide bombers are not mentally ill or unhinged, but acting rationally in pursuit of the ‘benefits’ they perceive from being part of a strict and close-knit religious enterprise, according to a University of Nottingham academic.

Research by Dr David Stevens, of the School of Politics and International Relations, suggests that the widely-held view of suicide bombers as brain-washed religious fanatics, vulnerable through youth and poverty, is not an accurate one.

Dr Stevens argues that while religion plays a central role — there are few instances of non-religiously motivated suicide attacks — the suicide bomber is also driven on another level by a rational thought process. This is the desire to be part of a group that engenders strength and solidarity from strictness, and encourages members to submit totally to the collective aims of the group.

Being part of an exclusive group with very strict beliefs requires intense commitment, and engenders a deep belief in shared experience and self-sacrifice, according to a recent paper by Dr Stevens.

Suicide bombers are thus motivated by a “simple cost-benefit analysis”, in which the ‘benefits’ of self-destruction outweigh the cost. The benefits are perceived by the terrorist to be so great — in terms of membership of the group, achievement of collective goals, the promise of benefits in the after-life, and so on — that they outweigh the cost.

  1. RBG says:

    31. “Are you not essentially committing suicide when you attack a larger, superior force”

    That should probably more clearly read, “Are you not essentially committing what appears to be suicide when you attack a larger, superior force.”

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #31 – I would like to hear a moderate Muslim’s response that might invalidate that viewpoint.

    Do you think there is such a thing as a moderate Muslim? After reading the various posts in this and other threads, I conclude than many people do not believe that there is such a thing.

  3. ECA says:

    And you believe that Everything you hear about Christians is TRUE…
    And if you were in the middle East, there are only 2 groups they hate MOST… Jews and Christians…
    As in lumping ALL of the Europeon White man RACE into 1 Big LUMP, is a Christian.

    ITS NOT that you attack First…Its that they ATTACK you, Then you are defending yourself.

  4. RBG says:

    31. “I would like to hear a moderate Muslim’s response that might invalidate that viewpoint.”

    That’s odd. There appears to be no Muslims reading DU.


  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #34 – What? I don’t “hear” about Christians… I grew up in the Midwest, ethnically (if you can say that) I AM Christian… Though as an adult I am an atheist.

    It isn’t like I’m from a far off land that doesn’t have a God myth. While I can’t claim to be a professional theologian, I do know more than the average bear about Christians… and Jews… and Rastafarians… and Zoroastrians… and Pagans… and Wiccans…. and {insert religion here}.

    Actually… I know very little about Hindus. That’s a blind spot for me.

    there are only 2 groups they hate MOST

    Who is “they”? All Muslims? All Muslims hate Christians and Jews? Are you certain about that? Have you polled them all? Did you email them and ask?

    I submit that you don’t know jack about the average Muslim in the Middle East.

  6. RBG says:

    “On September 11th 2004 you are invited to participate in a solemn walk for peace.
    The Islamic Center of New Mexico, Congregation Nahalat Shalom, The Muslim-Jewish PeaceWalk, the Center for Peace and Justice, Hillel at UNM, the Muslim Students Association of UNM, Hearts of Peace, the Out ch’Yonda Theatre Company and other communities and individuals concerned with the escalation of violence in our world will walk on a pilgrimage of prayer between the Islamic Center, the Center for Peace and Justice and Hillel at UNM to give witness to our conviction that peace is possible. ”

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #36 – I submit that you don’t know jack about the average Muslim in the Middle East.


    I respectfully submit that you don’t know jack about the average Muslim in the Middle East.

    You can say anything if you say it respectfully 🙂

  8. RBG says:

    37. I can hardly wait for the democrats to run the Great Satan out of Iraq so this country will finally be able to set up such walks free from foreign interference.

    (That’s sarcasm, btw.)


  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, smartalix,

    I have to agree with you. Soldiers are brainwashed from the moment they step off the bus NOT to think. It has only been in the past few decades that soldiers started understanding that the trick was to make the other guy die for his country.

    Right up to 150 years ago, armies still lined up and just shot at each other until one decided that was enough and ran. 90 years ago they sat in trenches as the enemy rained artillery down on them and then would stand up and run at machine guns. 65 years ago, the Russians and Japanese still had massed attacks against machine guns. 56 years ago the Chinese sent mass attacks against American positions. And die they did.

    But back then the difference between the equipment of each army wasn’t as stark as it is today. Today, a suicide bomber blows up a bus on one side and the other has a F-15 drop a 1 ton high explosive bomb on an apartment building. I still don’t understand how one is acceptable while the other is condemned.

  10. Bruce IV says:

    @28 – from multiple posts, I would posit that Lauren’s intense hatred/animosity/insert word here of religion at the very least renders her dispassionateness null, and possibly even her objectivity. I know multiple clergymen with significant education in secular fields, and who are quite intelligent and rational. Sweeping generalizations, such as “one and all, without exception” are, in most cases, wrong, and indicative of blinded reasoning. That said, suicide bombing is horrible, and I would not sanction it, but the implication, edging very close to declaration, that all religious people are “morons” seemed unnecessarily militant.

  11. James Armstrong says:

    What a relief!

    I thought they were using fucktards.

    And they have 1.5 billion fucktards.

  12. bobbo says:

    41—I too take comfort from lauren’s absolutist position but I think she was rushed with that post, as she stated.

    The saddest thing about religion is that intelligence is no defense. As lauren posted, religion is a cultural/developmental artifact. Galielo, Newton (not Einstein) were genius intellects but still crippled in this manner.

    Religious types are being irrational on the subject of their religion if “making sense” is the basis of rationality. Doesn’t mean they can’t put a round peg in a round hole, if the lord wills it.


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