A hacker has managed to penetrate one of the Pentagon’s e-mail systems, leading officials to take up to 1,500 accounts offline.
US Secretary of War Robert Gates said that a “variety of precautionary measures” were being taken.
He said it was expected that the system would be online again very soon.
Of course, no specifics on the system or the attack. But –
Asked if his own e-mail account was affected, Mr Gates said: “I don’t do e-mail. I’m a low-tech person.”
Say what?
You said PENETRATE – ahuh, ahuh, ahuh, ahuh.
It was a lie, then, too.
Don’t do email!?!? Do you not use that new fangled rotary phone and that horseless carriage either?
I am amazed that ANY Bush Administration official would ever dare to use email. It’s too insecure, too easy to back up, too easy to leak. This administration is engaged in so many evil, crooked things at every level of government, they can’t afford copies of ANY of their communications floating around.
On the other hand, whenever anthing is leaked, the stupid American sheeple just shrug and go back to their Paris Hilton obsession. So I guess it doesn’t really matter.
I used to work for the goobment. They do NOT have a handle on IT security, AT ALL, never have. And with their purchasing methods and blatent corruption they NEVER WILL.
#7, Well, isn’t that just NASTY.
Posting spam in a blog is just so wrong.
White House / Congressional eMail – the new WMD. Just imagine if these people did/i> use email. You could just use it to spam the government of any enemy country you wished to overthrow and the resulting torrent of illogic, criminality, baseless diatribes, vacuous opinions and legalese would overwhelm even the most deranged leaders.
Well (in best Reagan imitation), there you go again. Can’t even fix my own italics end tag due to *no preview* capability here. Darnit.
Why in God’s name is there someone who is in charge of something this high up that low on the tech food chain?
Email is a needed task in a HUGE number of low income jobs, yet this idiot who is that “important” to our country doesn’t use such a basic skill? How many people look at email as something tech savvy now-a-days anyway? My 89 year old grandmum uses email as well as my 10 year old sister!
Without knowledge of technology how can they expect to pass any form of law that will lead to an overall improvement to the use of technology? This guy pisses me off. It is his job to know BASIC crap like this. What the hell does he use for communication? USPS? No wonder things happen so slowly in washington… le sigh…
Makes me wonder who was writing and sending emails to the Texas A&M student body over the past few years, they were signed with his name. Oh well. He was an awesome university president, though.
#11: “What the hell does he use for communication?” He probably still dictates a memo, and the admin/secretary edits the memo then EMails it to those who are supposed to receive it. Happens all the time in private business also.
#11 – Without knowledge of technology how can they expect to pass any form of law that will lead to an overall improvement to the use of technology?
Laws are about who gets to control technology. Bureaucrats are about building empires. Neither has anything to do with improving the use of technology.
#13 – Happens all the time in private business also.
Do self-important executives still have the fanciest computers sitting on their desks, but no knowledge of how to turn them on? That used to be pretty common, but I’d assumed by now the general utility of a computer would have penetrated even the thickest MBA skull.
“Do self-important executives still have the fanciest computers sitting on their desks, but no knowledge of how to turn them on?”
I always wondered why that trend didn’t spawn a market for basic hardware in fancy cases for executives.