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Funny video! I don’t think that “surface” was meant to compete with iPhone. It’s a commercialization of an old idea and it will hopefully spawn lots of cheap competition in several years…
How about the tablephone?
The batteries for the iTable must be HUGE!
DAMN that’s funny! The voice-over guy is absolutely perfect.
I don’t know what kind of table you guys drive to work in Europe but over here you won’t get off the lot with anything smaller than a six piece dinette set.
Personally I’m waiting for the Vespa sized Surface..
And for that kind of money, it better drive me where that map says!!
Did you see Letterman’s “Bill Gates Retires?” I think it’s 2nd from the right on the bottom where Bill is holding up his hands. Also pretty darned funny.
The optional keyboard for this is also quite large.
If I were Apple, I’d make a commercial about Microsoft’s surface. And then simply have someone walk over, pick it up, shrink it in size and then exclaim
” or for $499 you can just get an iPhone that does the same thing but will fit in your pocket too!”
Though I must confess, it would make a sweet digital board gaming platform. I’d love to play BattleTech, Star Fleet Battles, Squad Leader, Axis & Allies, etc. On a “Surface”. Albeit, I sure don’t have $10,000.
Makes you really wonder…WHAT THE !@$% Microsoft is thinking these days? *ponder*
Why do people automatically assume that everytime MS or any other company does anything, it is related in any way with Apple? Apple is not the most important thing in the world, people!
I was trying to come up with a funny reply to your question. However, like the war in Iraq, I no longer see the humor in Apple fanboys.
The funniest joke in history goes like this…
A little boy was asking his father what sex was, and what a vagina looks like?
The dad, trying as he might, to be honest with his son replied…
“You ever see a bulldog eat mayonnaise?”
Haw Haw, of course that has no relevance to any thing, but some of you laughed.
And you can’t put anything on this surface so you’ll need to buy a separate surface so you can put stuff on it. Your wife will get an ulcer and you a sore back trying to figure out how to arrange the living room.
Perhaps you could get an accessory to solve this problem. Some sort of hydraulic device that switches the surface with a surface you can put stuff on. The surface you are not using could be concealed in the ceiling or under the floor. Because after all what else are you going to spend $40 000 on? Certainly not 20 computers in a wireless LAN that will do more and fit in with your existing decor!
Before Cave Men 1st started buying car insurance, a Cave Man nerd invented the 1st sippy cup from a coconut husk.
They also laughed and howled at him. They were very cruel joksters, especially when they added another hole hidden under all that coconut fur. Then they laughed and howled when he dripped goo all over himself.
Being the butt of many jokes is the price a smart Nerd pays. Butt, in the end, we pay Nerds up the kazoo sums of money. Now where my sippy coconut?
$10,000? That’s almost the cost of two Mac G-5’s. Anyone slamming this product because of it’s pricetag hasn’t been looking at the prices of Macs recently. This table is most-likely upgradable whereas the Mac “upgrade” is purchasing another Mac.
I certainly hope the above is sarcasm.