This is an excellent lecture on immigration that should be watched by everyone. Quite good.
found by Bill Reising
By John C Dvorak Thursday June 21, 2007
This is an excellent lecture on immigration that should be watched by everyone. Quite good.
found by Bill Reising
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Why are you trotting this out again? Are you hoping for different comments than last time?
This is a faulty logic presentation. Try to remember back to high school when they used to teach us that in 20 years, the population was going to expand to the point that the planet couldn’t sustain it. Did those numbers ever come true?
This is just more fear mongering. These numbers won’t bear up in the future. This whole point is based on the numbers continuing to grow exponentially. It’s a falsehood.
My favourite line “most of us don’t want to talk about it because we have immigrant friends” Most of you are immigrants, white man.
As long as they can all get z visas, the Democrats will pass it, and the President will sign it. I like Mickey Kaus’ proposed amendment:
All z-visa holders can sue their employers for not paying minimum wage and overtime.
[somewhat off topic, but just as scary]
On Friday 13th April 2036, Apophis may just solve this whole problem. Current estimates are for a 1 / 50,000 chance of this baby striking Earth and fixing the whole human infestation thing. Now if I could just immigrate to Mars….
[on topic]
Conflicting points of view here:
Fear mongering. Look at the US GDP… Do you really think that the curve after 1965 would have been like this without the immigrants?
Any time extremists like G.W. Bush and Ted Kennedy agree on something, I get very very worried!
In the mean time, the latest Zogby Interactive poll of 8,300 adults nationwide finds just 3% of Americans viewing Congress’s handling of the immigration issue in favorable terms.
Can I suggest something.
DONT pay attention to this Issue…
LOOK at other things they are doing(congree, and reps).
They are probably Making camoflage to cover something ELSE from being seen.
#5 That GDP chart
Debt causes inflation, inflated dollars artificially inflates GDP.
If you convert our GDP to Euros, or Pounds, or Gold, our GDP has gone DOWN since Bush took office.
What about today, forget 20 years out. Taxation on minimum wage workers do not build infrastructure. Much of the time a majority of the wages are sent out of country, and not even returned to the community. Public services are overloaded, and people are drawing the line on tax increases. This situation is just setting up a social conflict that will get more violent as the years go by. You can’t ignore there is growing and open hatred in many communities toward recent immigrants and illegals. This issue is just starting to heat up.
This presentation was deliberately simplistic and made for simple people (no offense John). Thanks for the nice link #4. Treating the USA as some elitist land of milk and honey and the rest of the world as a jar of candies is false. The problems that the US is facing are the same all over the world…
That is one of the biggest pieces of Xenophobia I have seen in my life, period. The reason immigrants were welcome with open arms in the 40 years prior to 1965 WAS BECAUSE THE MAJORITY OF THEM WERE WHITE.
Gripe all you want, but the proof is in the details.
All of the NUMBERSUSA.COM comments are coming true. The American citizens recognize what is going on and that is why there is such an outcry against the flawed Immigration bill that the government is trying to shove down our throats.
The USA cannot absorb over 1,000,000 every year without a serious impact on our country. There is no other country in the world that does this.
Like most comments here, this struck me as bull. To paraphrase Mark Twain, there are lies, damn leas, and those who incorrectly use statistics to bolster a faulty argument. I only got through 7:30 minutes before I had had enough.
1) From 1925 to 1945, immigration was less than 50,000 yearly because of the depression and WWII. After WWII, a huge surge of displaced Europeans and war brides and later other Europeans found their way here. So many of these immigrants had minimal skills in an increasingly technological world.
2) After 1965, the rules were changed to encourage trained and educated immigrants over the untrained and uneducated.
3) Starting with the abolishment of the decades old Mexican guest farm worker program, illegal immigration from Mexico took off, culminating in the Amnesty during the Reagan Administration.
4) Building a new school EVERY day in California has as much to do with changing demographics as it does with immigration. Cities have much smaller housing plots then do suburbia. These new schools are further apart and usually smaller then the older inner city schools. At the same time, many schools are closing due to declining enrollment.
5) Using projections in a visual format has a bad tendency to skew a person’s perception. He used the native born population to project his numbers. He then turned around and dismissed immigration as a zero sum as 200,000 Americans leave America every year. He also admitted that currently immigration is approximately 500,000 + yearly.
I suppose I could have watched the whole thing. Sorry, but I don’t have the time to waste watching some Slick Willy falsify numbers.
#12, Benson
What details?
All of NUMBER USA comments are coming true? Even the ones where our population will be 247 million in 2030?
When has there ever been 1,000,000 million immigrants in one year to the US?
Agree — with Posters 10 & 11
Tamara B
I think he stole Al Gore’s shtick of using over-scaled graphs, maybe the hydraulic lift broke before he went on stage.
Har. On another note has anyone seen the movie, Ship of Fools?
#10 – This presentation was deliberately simplistic and made for simple people (no offense John).
No need to be apologetic. Using “excellent lecture” and “quite good” in his comment to this video clip shows that John agrees with this simplistic propaganda. No critical thinking whatsoever.
read 1591
I keep trying to tell you…
THIS is a smoke screen.
LOOK at whats going on in the background
Methinks most of these posters here do not live in the border states, the ones that are seeing the early signs, the gangs, the murders, people disappearing, the drugs. You will though, you will. When they start flying Mexican flags in your town, with the American flag upside down maybe then you wll take notice.
The guy in the video clip is talking about immigration in general, not illegal immigration. And what you’re describing is a law enforcement problem. Get more money to the police and CBP.
Excellent video. Thanks, Bill and John.
Yep, he is talking only about legal immigration only. Add 11 more gumballs for the amnesty bill.
#20 –exactly. It’s like the meth problem that nobody has a clue about East of the Mississippi. It amuses me to no end.
The dumb carpers who refuse to see any of this always send out references to pro-big business sites promoting immigration to get cheap labor. The excuse is ALWAYS that immigrants take jobs that nobody wants. Never true. These are jobs nobody wants at ridiculously low/slave wages. There is not a job in the world that would not be filled by a non-immigrant if the price was right.
#23 Yes John! There is a global problem with the increase of population and some places are more stricken by this than others. But what this guy is saying is simply horrible.
But let’s put it another way. We all know that there is a problem with p0rn and piracy on the internet. By using the same logic as this guy, we should limit the access to most of the websites on the internet. Do you agree with such a solution? Don’t you think there is a better way to solve these problems?
What is up with the phrase “third world country”? This is the country whose citizens piss their pants when they hear an “N” word, or hire the black guy over the white one just to avoid discrimination accusations. And it is OK to call other places “third world”? They might be poor because of resources or they might be developing, but not third world. Third world country can be the US, because of the dumb people that inhabit it and only small part makes wise decisions and thinks for the rest of them. Maybe my comment came out too harsh, but calling someone as “third world” when it was decided, that to avoid discrimination or humiliation they should call them “developing country”, is really inappropriate.
Everything the video says about immigration (legal or otherwise) swamping the economic and environmental resources (carrying capacity) of the GOUSA is completely applicable to the entire earth and the fecundity of homosapiens.
Like Global Warming, aint much we can do about it except say it isn’t true as the ship sinks.
So, the bigger question behind the charts/presentation is “Can America turn itself into an Island Fortress and build walls high enough to keep the starving masses at bay?” History says no.
BTW–just saw the end of the world on Colbert last night. Sci-Fi author Bear says that virus genome sequencing kits will be generally available in 5 years. Aint no way some 12 year old genius aint going to release something. Posting that clip would be valuable. You heard it here second.
My initial reaction is to check the guys sources before making any judgement and investigate further what changes were made in the immigration policy in the mid 1960’s.
The lecturer has brought two excellent philisophical points –
a) The world would be a better place if countries followed Voltaire’s advice to tend you own garden. And we would help poorer countried more if we don’t implement some of the destructitve past policies for our own narcissistic political means (eg supporting various dictators in South America, Greece and even today having a laissez faire attitude about certain dictators such as the one in Equatorial Guineau who claims he is God, starves his people while his coiterie basks in luxury from oil profits and the oil company workers are afforded a Western living standard).
b) Eventually homo sapiens WILL succumb to the Malthusian model despite technological interpolations. Our hubris is really viewing ourselves as separate from our environment and separate from the Earth’s biosphere. All we can do is mitigate the Malthusian’s severity of its projection.
#23 “The excuse is ALWAYS that immigrants take jobs that nobody wants. Never true. These are jobs nobody wants at ridiculously low/slave wages”
That’s I find penalizing EVERY employer that hires illegal immigrants ridiculous; They should penalized using them as low wage slaves only, only then they will be able to stabilize wages.
Is it just me or every time I turn on the TV and watch anti immigrant rallies/speeches all I see is white people?
Chris Sahar
God knows what drugs you are on……..but can I have some? Otherwise did you cut and paste random crap from the economics section of wikipedia together whilst high? That seems most likely. Nice ctrl X and ctrl C skills.
28. Maybe its because you tend see everything through your own brand of racist colored glasses?