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  1. RTaylor says:

    Hell, that’s the best advice I could offer up.

  2. bobbo says:

    I was thinking the same. Check all the wires, lines, and springs. Whats wrong with these clueless women?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    That advice is obviously from someone trying to make them self sound intelligent. The VERY FIRST thing should have been to check the gas gage. The next thing would be to check if the engine will turn over. Only after those two things should you bother checking hoses and wires.

  4. DavidtheDuke says:

    what’s wrong with you people? SHE’S ALMOST DIVORCED! You men and your cars…

  5. moss says:

    #4 – yeah, but, she’s probably going to take the car with her. Or the house. Or both.

  6. ralph says:

    is she now considered a lesbian if she makes love to him? Maybe there was water in the gas tank?

  7. Sounds the Alarm says:

    I’d bet just out of gas. Simple is usually the best answer except for my car

  8. bobbo says:

    #3–you are quite right. But that is so obvious, it had to be something else? Actually a close second read turned up the fact that the husband was wearing her underwear. That got me to thinking. Either she is a big ol’ gal, or he is rather petite himself?

    Now I’m 6’3″ and I have always wanted to be just a bit closer to the ladies. Frustrating to find one you like and she’s 5’2″. Thats what I think when I see Angelina and Brad==almost the same height. Bet he wears her underwear too!

  9. sh says:

    Get out the whips and chains and beat his ass til he begs for more.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    She should be pimping him out on the streets.

  11. Diana says:

    Miriam must be a man….lol!

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Maybe Miriam’s column is about cars?

  13. ralph says:

    Maybe Miriam is the husband?!

  14. Miguel says:

    C’mon guys, we always knew women were weirdos when it comes to cars… 😀

  15. meetsy says:

    I guess Miriam only reads the first few lines….and the editor who wrote the summary doesn’t read either. How in the HELL is the husband addicted to porn?
    ….Hasn’t she noticed that her underwear is all stretched out in the wrong places? What a ding dong!

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Meetsy… The editor doesn’t think the husband is addicted to porn… That’s just option one on the dial in for advice line…

    If your car wont start and your husband is addicted to porn, press 1
    If your car veers to the left, and your husband can’t get aroused, press 2
    If your car burns too much gas and your husband is TheGlobalWarmer, press 3

  17. ECA says:

    A Bored mind, will do many things to keep itself entertained and Functioning. Its better then Fighting depression, and NOT looking for work.

  18. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #17 – If your husband has gas and is a GlobalWarmer press 4
    You may press 5 at any time.
    If you like 6, please press 7…..

  19. elliot says:

    I think it is from the UK adult comic , “Viz”.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, .Hasn’t she noticed that her underwear is all stretched out in the wrong places?

    As someone else pointed out, she might be a big girl herself. And even big in those places.

  21. Brock says:

    Could be fouled spark plugs…

  22. GRCAC says:

    I just assumed Nancy Pelosi had her own driver. Who’da thunk!

  23. cheese says:

    Check the alternator! There is an obvious AC/DC problem present… 😉

  24. Tina says:

    Okay, all the car stuff is really cute, guys.

    But, as usual, there’s a double standard here. When a woman puts on leatherwear or business attire (whatever was laying around the next morning), it’s sexy. Why can a woman dress like a man, but a man can’t dress like a woman?

    Oh yah, because that’s weird. You know what, YOU are weird. Think about some of those things you do, that you don’t want anybody to know about. Yep, we’re all weirdos. Maybe we should get together and have a weirdo parade. 🙂

  25. meetsy says:

    I think a guy can look kinda cute dressed up like a 3rd grade school teacher out on a whoring night on the town. (Guys ALWAYS wear too much makeup. A fashion DON’T in my book.)
    I think the lady (loose term) who wrote the letter is a moron…..what difference should it make to HER if her husband enjoys doing the ol’dress like J. Edgar Hoover number! Geez.. but, seriously, I’d have him buy his OWN underwear and makeup.

  26. Nigel says:

    #20 is correct. This is not a real letter. It is from Viz Comics in the UK.

  27. bobbo says:

    25—Because wimen are sexual objects and men compete to mate. Not PC, but you notice it all the time.

  28. kidsolo says:

    my guess is a blocked fuel filter


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