
These arrogant bastards have such a low opinion of this country and their fellows that they spout off the most ridiculous nonsense to defend their actions while we seem to just sit around sucking it up. Have they no shame? Have we no balls? By saying his office is not part of the executive to shield it from scrutiny is Cheney basically calling black white and telling us to go f*ck ourselves.

The Oversight Committee has learned that over the objections of the National Archives, Vice President Cheney exempted his office from the presidential order that establishes government-wide procedures for safeguarding classified national security information. The Vice President asserts that his office is not an “entity within the executive branch.”

As described in a letter from Chairman Waxman to the Vice President, the National Archives protested the Vice President’s position in letters written in June 2006 and August 2006. When these letters were ignored, the National Archives wrote to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in January 2007 to seek a resolution of the impasse. The Vice President’s staff responded by seeking to abolish the agency within the Archives that is responsible for implementing the President’s executive order.

This is arrogance and misuse of power on a staggering scale. Does Cheney seriously believe that he can get away with it?

  1. astro4554 says:

    Have we no balls? Some have and are working hard to do something about it…


    [Use embedded links, dammit! just type (a href=”put link here with no spaces between these quotes”)your comment text that will be highlighted goes here(/a) Just replace the “(” and “)” with “< " and ">” and you’re good to go. – Ed.]

  2. Harry Mangurian says:

    I wonder what all you kids will get off on in 18 months when the evil men are gone. Reading these junk comments reminds me of when, as a kid, I would watch Flash Gordon and his team take on Ming the Merciless. You folks are just not as campy and entertaining.
    Dale Arden: Flash, Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!

  3. Jonathan fox says:

    What Preceded the Laws of England? The Magna Carta. You might be in the New World and Im in the Old world but its funny how the mistakes are repeated. Its like Animal Farm. What was the American Revolution for again? 🙂

  4. Tom 2 says:

    WTF, i mean come on, this guy needs a class in government, this is so ridiculous trying to explain or debate it seems meaningless, whats he gonna do? Go to every government website and take his name off of the Executive branch websites, jesus christ, impeach bush? Na impeach cheney just for even saying that should be treason.

  5. Tom 2 says:

    Or maybe take his name off the constitution as well “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term, be elected…”

  6. smartalix says:


    Cute words, but what do you base them on? These “junk comments” as you call them criticize the VP’s behavior. Your position intimates that you support his bullshit. Why do you have America? You don’t like the Constitution anymore? Why don’t you move to a country that has no laws instead of destroying the ones we have?

  7. Rob says:

    I think a very interesting constitutional argument has arisen here. I, too, always considered the Vice President to be a part of the legislative branch, simply because his constitutionally described duties as President of the U.S. Senate.
    In any event, it should come as no surprise that any politician, no matter the party, will fail to do the right thing. In addition to that, you can be sure that said politicians own party will always defend his/her right to play this game.
    The Dems are no better in this realm and those here who are so quick to judge the Republican’s would do well to remember that Dem’s get a free pass to steal and destroy documents from the National Archive with no more that a verbal slap on the wrist.
    It’s all so absurd!

  8. smartalix says:


    OK, I condemn that and those people should go to jail. We’re talking about TODAY, not actions of the past. Do you support or decry Cheney’s position?

    If he really is a member of the legislature he has no Executive Priveledge, as has been pointed out. I’d love to see his pompous ass in front of a congressional committee, or better still, a criminal court with all the records of his office’s actions in evidence.

  9. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Cheney is a thug and this view is a joke BUT the DEMS STILL have no balls for doing anything.

    Thus this will all come to nothing & he will pay no price.

    BTW the only reason he “embraced” his lesbian daughter is for the 2004 election.

  10. Guyver says:

    Well if you go to and do a search on branches of government, the first link is titled “Ben’s Guide: Branches of Government (3 to 5)”:


    [Please use for overly long URLs – ed.]

  11. John Lyn says:

    Dick is the Anti Christ.

  12. Guyver says:

    11. If Gore was able to carry his home state of Tennessee or Clinton’s state of Arkansas, the whole Florida fiasco would have been a non-issue and Gore would have been president.

    24. Killing for Gas? Last time I heard that was when Desert Storm happend and it was because Kuwait asked us to liberate them. Not to mention Saddam just ended a very long war with Iran and depeted his funds. Pumping oil like crazy would have restored his funds, but he would get the wrath of Opec since he had no intentions of maintaining any sort of quota they wanted to impose. If we went to Iraq the first time, it was to keep the price of oil up, not down. Saddam would have flooded the market and we’d all be overjoyed in having cheap gas. Fast forward to today and this still keeps getting talked about.

    33. They’ll just continue to bash.

    38. STRONGLY agreed. There are those who don’t apply the same litmus test when it comes to one of their own.

    39. He is in the executive branch. Period. If not, they need to stop telling 3rd graders on up that he is. He may sit in the senate and be its president to break ties, but he is not a part of the legislative branch even though he effectively has a function there.

    40. I’ll start believing the Dems have a pair when they actually kill the funding to the Iraq War to keep their promise of ending it. Afterall, that was a campaign promise to their constituents. It’s oh so easy to do. Why aren’t they keeping their promise? Rather, they make up some bill with pork barrel and a timeline that they know any president will and should veto since that is beyond the scope of power for congress. Congress has two powers concerning war. Declaring it and funding it. Why won’t the dems keep their promise?

    I had no idea Cheney ever said that was the reason why he “embraced” his daughter. It’s quite possible that even though he disagrees with that lifestyle, that’s no reason to banish her. I like how liberals like to use that as fodder.

  13. smartalix says:

    ” Kuwait asked us to liberate them”

    So that means they are a democratic government now with equal rights for all citizens?

  14. Guyver says:

    44. They are a constitutional emirate whose populations is about 45% Kuwaiti. I do not know how many of the other 55% are considered “citizens”, but I recall a thing done on Kuwait 10+ years ago on 60 minutes that said many of these migrant workers are reduced to the kind of labor we have here in the U.S. from illegal aliens.

    So excluding the migrant workers then yes, the 45% of the population are Kuwaiti citizens and are probably treated equally.

  15. RBG says:

    44. No, it means they’re not trying to kill us and everyone else in the world who disagrees with them.


  16. Guyver says:

    44. Just checked the CIA World Factbook and Kuwait has a total population of 2,505,559. Of that, 1,291,354 are “non-nationals”.

  17. mpouchez says:

    Clinton gets impeached for a blow j*b, this government blows up (perhaps) a half million people (depending on who one asks), sucks up to big business and kills our planet with environmental equivocation. Let’s see, can this be fair…? I have the balls to get rid of these government f***ks (all three branches), but collective brain power is what we really need. Can this be the failure of democracy, like social networks (way overrated), process that depends on mass wisdom?


  18. smartalix says:


    A “constitutional emirate” is a fancy word for dictatorship. Nice try.


    How do you know Kuwait isn’t contributing to Muslim Madrassas that preach hate to the West? You must have excellent intelligence assets.

  19. Guyver says:

    49. I would rather call it a kingdom, but if you would rather call it a dictatorship that’s your perogative.

    There was a Kuwaiti professor arrested in Florida I believe for his affiliation with Al Qaeda or something to that effect a few years ago.

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #50 – A dictatorship is what a kingdom is.

  21. RBG says:

    49. Because the oil teat was almost pulled out of their mouths by Iraq. That would be some irony for official Kuwait to then be surreptitiously providing for the US defeat in Iraq.


  22. Rick says:

    Does this make it any easier to impeach this Satan-spawn?

  23. Gez o'pete says:

    Coming up on “ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A 5th GRADER” American civics for vice presidents.

  24. doug says:

    it is pretty damn clear that the VP is a part of the executive branch with some legislative duties (presiding over the Senate, breaking ties therein). It is, by its nature, a violation of the tradition of separation of powers and a constitutional afterthought, as well as proof that the Framers were not infallible, BUT IT IS IN THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH.

    me thinks that Dead Eye Dick is hiding something ….

  25. Guyver says:

    51. The two are morally equivalent!?!?!?!? 🙂 If you say so.

  26. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #56 – I didn’t say that.

    If I had said that, I would have said, “A dictatorship is what a kingdom is and those two things are morally equivalent.” But I didn’t say that, I simply said, “A dictatorship is what a kingdom is.”

    I’m gonna quit my job, go back to school, get my teaching certificate, and teach English. If I can get just a few people actually being able to speak their native language, it will have been worth it.

  27. bobbo says:

    Well, by defintion and practice, they are the same thing, so equivalent in all ways?

    There are examples of benevolent kings and dictators, and the culture is Disneyfied leading one to think that dictatorship=hitler and king=Queen Elizabeth or some other cartoon character, but by definition you have one person rule with no check.

    Kinda like God.

  28. bobbo says:

    55—–and others—–

    “it is pretty damn clear that the VP is a part of the executive branch with some legislative duties (presiding over the Senate, breaking ties therein).” ////// or —-

    It is pretty damn clear that the VP is part of the legislative brank with NO EXECUTIVE DUTIES AT ALL until elevated to the position of President.

    Bald faced assertions with no reference or analysis is fun to make.

    Atleast No 36 referenced the constitution. Too bad it is entirely off point and irrelevant but I saw the word “Vice-President” in there somewhere so my shotgun logic says it proves what I want.

    Hey, its just words, and the Dems are spineless anyway.

  29. Smartalix says:


    If he is part of the legislative branch then he is supposed to follow their rules, which he doesn’t either. This is all about evading the law, simple as that.

    When people take refuge in minutiae you know they are playing the system. Cheney and his ilk need to obey the law.

  30. bobbo says:

    60–I agree totally==but also totally easier for congress to get him by his own argument. I wont hold my breath for congress to accept his gaff==they being not any smarter than too many posters here.

    I don’t think the correct identification of which branch of government you are in is minutiae, but rather pretty important. Congress should strike while Cheney is befuddled.


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