
These arrogant bastards have such a low opinion of this country and their fellows that they spout off the most ridiculous nonsense to defend their actions while we seem to just sit around sucking it up. Have they no shame? Have we no balls? By saying his office is not part of the executive to shield it from scrutiny is Cheney basically calling black white and telling us to go f*ck ourselves.

The Oversight Committee has learned that over the objections of the National Archives, Vice President Cheney exempted his office from the presidential order that establishes government-wide procedures for safeguarding classified national security information. The Vice President asserts that his office is not an “entity within the executive branch.”

As described in a letter from Chairman Waxman to the Vice President, the National Archives protested the Vice President’s position in letters written in June 2006 and August 2006. When these letters were ignored, the National Archives wrote to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in January 2007 to seek a resolution of the impasse. The Vice President’s staff responded by seeking to abolish the agency within the Archives that is responsible for implementing the President’s executive order.

This is arrogance and misuse of power on a staggering scale. Does Cheney seriously believe that he can get away with it?

  1. DaveW says:

    >>This is arrogance and misuse of power on a staggering scale.


    >>Does Cheney seriously believe that he can get away with it?


    Any more questions Smartalix

  2. Smartalix says:

    Well, I kinda did guess the answer to the second part already, but thanks!

  3. BubbaRay says:

    From the referenced article:
    Vice President Cheney has refused to comply with an executive branch ethics law requiring him and his employees to disclose travel paid for by special interests.

    So what’s new since 1960? JFK, LBJ, RMN, and on. Greatest crooks to never serve time. Oh goodness, let’s hope Bush is never disabled enough so that Cheney takes over (unless he already has?)

  4. Bob says:

    [Duplicate post. – ed.]

  5. Bob says:

    is Cheney basically calling black white and telling us to go f*ck ourselves.

    YES! More should tell you commie pinkos that too.

  6. Mike says:

    The vice president doesn’t officially do anything except break tie votes in the Senate.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    And the Republicans Blame Clinton for that.

  8. LoungeLizard says:

    Then I guess they can’t claim (unitary) executive privilege then, can they?

  9. alger says:

    #5, you left out “liberals, homos, nigras, mezicans and bitches”.

  10. Well, if he’s not part of the executive branch, doesn’t that mean he can’t claim “Executive Privilege”?

    Subpoena him and take all his records, then let’s see which branch of the government he thinks he’s in.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    Hey, “we” elected the schmucks (except for the little thing about stealing the election). So now it’s coming home to roost.

    God grant us the serenity to make it through to the next elections.

  12. Just Some Dude says:

    WAIT A MINUTE. Didn’t the Valerie Plane case tie into the Vice-president and his aids? And didn’t they use “Executive Privilege” to try and block the investigation??? Give me a break…

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well, if he’s not part of the executive branch, doesn’t that mean he can’t claim “Executive Privilege”?

    Very good point.

  14. sdf says:

    #14, it’s a nice thought, but as Smartalix suggests, the country is too complacent. Maybe if Cheney were a club-hopping heiress who got off on a DUI rap, the people might give a damn.

  15. Stars & Bars says:

    15 continued…

    Notice how monarchy was such an integral part of society.

    These anti-human-rights laws of 18th century society are reflected in the “Patriot Act”.

  16. aaron aardvark says:

    Does Cheney seriously believe that he can get away with it?

    As others have pointed out, the answer is YES.

    He will get away with it as long as the Dems don’t have the votes in Congress to stop him. And don’t think they wouldn’t stop him if they could. The Repubs have been pushing the narrative that the Dems are a bunch of weak, floppy wimps. The real wimps are the Republicans who can’t resist doing Bush’s bidding and haven’t had an independent thought among them – and always vote with Bush and against the will of the American people. (Can you say “stem cell funding”?)


  17. Grimble says:

    If he were brought up on charges now and convicted wouldn’t Bush just pardon him? Seems better to wait until they’re both out of office then convict the lot of ’em.

  18. TJGeezer says:

    I’m wondering – it seems Waxman is onto something, he knows he is, and Cheney is scrambling to build a strone wall to dwarf Nixon’s. This reads like some very hardball politics is going on, because Cheney is either on the Bush bus or off it. He can claim executive privilege or he can claim executive orders don’t apply to him. Either way he’s probably damned because of the arguably treasonous outing of a live CIA network for short term political advantage. Waxman’s not pushing this hard entirely on his own.

    We may be in for a very interesting summer. If they don’t all just go home.

    Side question: Does anyone know if the automatic pardon for war crimes granted by the outgoing Rethuglicans can be reversed by congress? What if some congress member introduced a very simple bill rescinding that offense against justice? Assuming the automatic Bush veto could be overcome by the usual chickenshit congressional politicians faced with public reaction – would it be legal to rescind? Anybody have an opinion?

  19. DoneZone says:

    I am glad to see you so frigging outraged because it is so completely outrageous what Cheney is asserting. What a load of complete crap!
    And we’re supposed to believe he’s not making a cent of the war when the company he previously was CEO of is getting the pig’s share of reconstruction contracts?
    Obviously Cheney seems willing to cut and run from his ties to the Executive Office when it suits him. Slimy self-serving opportunists never exhibit solidarity to anything or anyone except themselves. So his willingness to attempt to exempt himself from government-wide regulation is hardly surprising.
    The only thing I respect about the man is that he speaks proudly of his lesbian daughter. That is admirable.
    But the rest of his act is truly repugnant.
    America, you’ve got to wake up!

  20. Kevin says:

    It’s amazing watching so-called conservatives defend these lecherous, amoral thieves. Only lame ideologists afraid to remove their lips from the company teat would defend this crap by continually excusing their actions with the schoolyard logic of “well, other people did it too!” Yes, I’m a conservative but I ain’t a Republican until sane, decent human beings take the party back. Toeing the party line is such small-minded thinking it’s astonishing that adults spout this crap. Right and wrong come before Dems and Reps for me. It should for you too if you really claim to uphold conservative values. Since when is shi*ting on the Constitution the mark of true conservatism? But you don’t value that. You’re just thick-headed cheerleaders who are doing more to help the Democrats than they deserve. It really is shameful and you’d admit as much if you stopped circle jerking to Fox News long enough to acknowledge what’s really going on.

  21. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    When you consider the kind of “men” her father has always run with, is it any real surprise that his daughter prefers girls?

  22. noname says:

    It really is sad to see our 200+ years come to this. I don’t see how we can go for another 100 years?

    Our founders and framers never imaged nor planned for this trisection of
    1.) An executive claiming exaggerated powers and having complete disregard for the republic (congress and the public) and courts.
    2.) Republic, congress and the public, so unwilling to challenge executive abuse of power
    3.) Courts not challenging executive or congressional breeches of law.

    Not to forget, our lame 4th estate, the press so overtaken by the profit motive. What good is a truthful press anyway when you have congress and the public so unwilling to challenge executive obvious abuse of power, rather then excusing it.

    It’s true, people get the government they deserve. The public has forgotten this country is an experiment in participatory democracy.

    The public is so caught up in surviving this American RAT RACE. No one is staying home with the kids, everyone is out shopping or on a cell phone (everyone is communicating, just no one is saying anything) or watching TV.

    Gota have my Gas Guzzling Hummer, no matter how many Americans volunteers and die! Killing for GAS, that should replace “In God We Trust”.

  23. James Armstrong says:

    Hate to rain on your Bush-Bashing parade but…

    Saying something and being accused by Henry Waxman of saying something is not the same thing.

  24. Frank says:

    Well, this would never happen in China LOL!!!!!!

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The only thing I respect about the man is that he speaks proudly
    >>of his lesbian daughter.

    Yeah, but he hates all the rest of the lesbians. And gays. In fact, I think he hates anyone who won’t take it up the ass for petrodollars.

  26. RBG says:

    “Cheney, whose single constitutional duty is to serve as president of the Senate…”

    “The vice president is saying he doesn’t have to follow the orders of the president,” said Garrett Epps, a law professor at the University of Oregon. “That’s a very interesting proposition.” He said the lines have not been drawn that clearly: ”

    As vice president, Cheney receives his paycheck from the U.S. Senate, which also pays the salaries of much of his staff.”

    “That’s a very interesting proposition.”
    Yeah, Isn’t that just what you guys were saying…

    For more arrogant, ridiculous, no shame, no balls, staggering, misuse of power challenges to US society and law; check with the Supreme Court of the USA.


  27. Anonymous says:

    [Message deleted – See Comment Guidelines. – ed.]

  28. meetsy says:

    someone! Remove “vera” the posting bot #29!

  29. bobbo says:

    You know, after you overcome your first reaction===what Cheney says makes sense, more sense than the executive office characterization.

    99% of the executive branch cotninuum is simply because of his “title” as in Vice-President. We are all used to the business model wherein the Vice reports to and is hired/fired by the President of the Company. Is that the case here?===No. So he is NOT a Vice-President by common business practice.

    What is his sole express function?–to serve in legislature.
    Who pays him?–the legislature.

    I say “Hoist him on the petard he has raised.


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