Ravenel’s the guy with more hair

A day after South Carolina Treasurer Thomas Ravenel was indicted on a federal cocaine charge, replacements were named Wednesday to fill his office and position as state campaign chairman for Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani.

Ravenel, 44, is accused of purchasing cocaine and giving it to others. He was suspended from office by Gov. Mark Sanford, who named Columbia attorney Ken Wingate, 47, to serve as interim state treasurer.

“Given the importance of this office, we were faced with somewhat of a crisis and realized it was imperative to name someone to lead this office immediately,” Sanford said in a statement.

But, did they find someone as well connected?

  1. god says:

    Isn’t that the standard non-prescriptive energy supplement for Republicans?

  2. Gig says:

    Big difference between being a campaign manager and state chairman.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Too bad he’s not from the Pepsi Generation.

  4. Milo says:

    Replaced by a Columbia attorney?

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – Or a “Columbian” attorney?

  6. natefrog says:

    Nice to see the scandals are already cropping up as expected. Way to not let us down, politicians! Hurray for voter disenfranchisement !

  7. tallwookie says:

    ok… but who was HE getting it from?

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    A Republican indicted? Ya right, like that should happen. Either he is a closet Democrat or the White House is against Guliani.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    *pretends to be James Hill* And you are a hack.

  10. stew says:

    “500 grams to give away” I am old enough to remember when a pint of cheap whisky bought a vote. Of corse with the great sucksesses in the war on drugs I guess the cost is about the same.

  11. soundwash says:


  12. joshua says:

    Guess he was *high* on Giuliani!!!!! 🙂

    Sometimes I just slay myself!

  13. bobbo says:

    Yep, one more family ruined by GOUSA drug policy.

    I’m just glad we got one more drug addict off the road so our CHILDREN are protected!! Wonder what his kids will grow up to be now?

  14. Fred Flint says:

    Great minds wonder: did he get fired for having and distributing the coke or simply because he was dumb enough and/or arrogant enough to get caught and not able to instantly cover it up?

    No-one wants a treasurer or campaign chairman that careless, stupid and powerless.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, At least you don’t “own” me.


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