
The Millau Viaduct in France.

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Previous pics of bridge here

  1. moss says:

    Still one of my all-time favorite documentaries. Construction of this viaduct recorded for Discovery Channel. Watch for it in Hi-Def.

  2. Frank IBC says:

    800 feet above the ground – I think I’d throw up if I tried driving on that. But amazing nevertheless.

  3. Les says:

    #3, ditto.

  4. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #1 – RGB, You beat me to it.

  5. tallwookie says:

    Base Jumping!

  6. rasco says:


    That’s nothing. Drive the Royal Gorge Bridge (1050 ft) in Colorado.

  7. BubbaRay says:

    Many more pictures of this amazing bridge (and some construction photos) here:

  8. hhopper says:

    The Royal Gorge Bridge.

  9. Frank IBC says:

    Rasco –

    Ditto on that bridge. (Though it’s quite a bit shorter than the Millau bridge in terms of length.)

  10. BubbaRay says:

    #10, Comment by Frank IBC

    Yes, about 10x shorter and carries only foot traffic. But I’ll bet both views are spectacular.

  11. gogglesnteeth says:

    #6…. that’s what I was thinking. who will be the first to jump it? No video… didn’t happen!
    #7… I was at the Royal Gorge in Colorado about 20 yrs ago with my family on vacation. Back then, you couldn’t drive on it anymore… can you now??

  12. Miguel says:

    Yup, base jumping! Or bungee 🙂

    It may be a marvel of engineering, but it’s one heck of an eyesore for the people who live in that valley… Ahhh, progress… schmogress…


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