This has got to be a joke…

Vatican: Motorists’ 10 Commandments Issued – The Vatican on Tuesday issued a set of “Ten Commandments” for drivers, telling motorists not to kill, not to drink and drive, and to help fellow travelers in case of accidents.
An unusual document from the Vatican’s office for migrants and itinerant people also warned that cars can be “an occasion of sin” — particularly when they are used for dangerous passing or for prostitution.

It’s good to see that someone at the Vatican has their priorities straight.

The “Drivers’ Ten Commandments,” as listed by the document, are:
1. You shall not kill.
2. The road shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm.
3. Courtesy, uprightness and prudence will help you deal with unforeseen events.
4. Be charitable and help your neighbor in need, especially victims of accidents.
5. Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and domination, and an occasion of sin.
6. Charitably convince the young and not so young not to drive when they are not in a fitting condition to do so.
7. Support the families of accident victims.
8. Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness.
9. On the road, protect the more vulnerable party.
10. Feel responsible toward others.

What? according to #5 no more back seat sex. How do you like that?
What’s next, the 10 commandment for movie goers? You shall not answer or use your cell phone while watching a movie?

  1. Cursor_ says:

    Who cares outside of Roman Catholics what the Bishop of Rome says


  2. tallwookie says:

    Well, this should minimalize fatalities in the bible belt & Alabama… I dont see it having much of an effect in areas where people can THINK FOR THEMSELVES


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