This has got to be a joke…

Vatican: Motorists’ 10 Commandments Issued – The Vatican on Tuesday issued a set of “Ten Commandments” for drivers, telling motorists not to kill, not to drink and drive, and to help fellow travelers in case of accidents.
An unusual document from the Vatican’s office for migrants and itinerant people also warned that cars can be “an occasion of sin” — particularly when they are used for dangerous passing or for prostitution.

It’s good to see that someone at the Vatican has their priorities straight.

The “Drivers’ Ten Commandments,” as listed by the document, are:
1. You shall not kill.
2. The road shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm.
3. Courtesy, uprightness and prudence will help you deal with unforeseen events.
4. Be charitable and help your neighbor in need, especially victims of accidents.
5. Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and domination, and an occasion of sin.
6. Charitably convince the young and not so young not to drive when they are not in a fitting condition to do so.
7. Support the families of accident victims.
8. Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness.
9. On the road, protect the more vulnerable party.
10. Feel responsible toward others.

What? according to #5 no more back seat sex. How do you like that?
What’s next, the 10 commandment for movie goers? You shall not answer or use your cell phone while watching a movie?

  1. OvenMaster says:

    It’s no joke:
    Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road

    [ed. – Please use Tinyurl when providing links]

  2. Nate says:

    Thou shalt not believe that Jebus fishes and patriotic ribbons make them a better driver…

  3. steelcobra says:

    When you consider how many people die per year in motor vehicle accidents, the vast majority preventable, it makes the death toll in Iraq, a freaking WAR ZONE, tiny by comparison. Beyond the basic problem with them saying don’t use your car as a bed, this list really seems like it could possibly help a bit. It can’t hurt to put out a religious edict saying “drive safe, help other drivers, and don’t be a dick.”

  4. James Hill says:

    Finally, a reason to be proud to be a Catholic.

  5. MikeN says:

    Yeah, wouldn’t want all those Catholics being nice and helping people on the side of the road, now would we?

  6. undissembled says:

    5 isn’t about sex. It is about kids with coffee can mufflers and guys burning rubber to look cool. (Expression of power) Like the alpha male in a wolf pack, or the loud guy in a bar.

  7. Major Jizz says:

    Ah, I see… The organization of kid touchers has something to say again… This cult just doesn’t know how to have fun.

  8. Noam Sane says:

    Was Stuntman Mike a Catholic? These could have saved Rosario Dawson’s life.

  9. Ben Waymark says:

    The list seems sensible enough to me. Even the no nookie in the back seat….. I mean, really, back seats just aren’t that really comfortable… I don’t think the Good Lord would have given us hotel rooms if he meant us to have nookie in the back seat….

  10. Ben Waymark says:

    The list seems sensible enough to me. Even the no nookie in the back seat….. I mean, really, back seats just aren’t that really comfortable… I don’t think the Good Lord would have given us hotel rooms if he meant us to have nookie in the back seat….

    And just in case you are wondering, a St. Christopher on the dashboard does indeed make you a better driver….

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    This list doesn’t bother me… and everything about religion bothers me…

    But WTF is up with #8? So it’s my job to bring the friends and family of people murdered by drunk drivers together… for forgiveness?

    Fuck that… Drunks don’t deserve forgiveness.

  12. Ryan Vande Water says:

    11: everyone deserves forgiveness….. it doesn’t mean that they don’t also deserve punishment.

    and “forgiveness” is really more about the forgivER than it is about the forgivEE.

  13. Major Jizz says:

    All this dumb list will do is give religious cops more fuel and cause more traffic.

  14. BubbaRay says:

    Darnit, now I can’t get that old song out of my head:

    I don’t care if it rains or freezes,
    Long as I’ve got my plastic Jebus
    Ridin’ on the dashboard of my car… 😮 ….

  15. Ben Waymark says:

    I always thought forgiveness was about both, #12…. its a way of keeping yourself heart open to love and not falling in life-destroying pattern of hate.

  16. hhopper says:

    Of course it makes sense… it’s COMMON SENSE! Do Catholics need to be told by their church how to be moral, fair and ethical? Every one of those “commandments” should be automatic for everyone. You shouldn’t have to be commanded.

  17. Matthew says:

    People shouldn’t be allowed to drive on public roads.

  18. Ben Waymark says:

    #18 :- that is just crazy talk. There is no reason why people shouldn’t be able drive on public roads. They just shouldn’t be allowed to go faster than 10 MPH…..

  19. RBG says:

    16 Judging by the headline above, there are such people.


  20. BubbaRay says:

    I noticed that there was no specific commandment “Thou shalt not use thy cell phone, put on makeup, read, etc. while driving.” Bummer.

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #15 – I always thought forgiveness was about both, #12…. its a way of keeping yourself heart open to love and not falling in life-destroying pattern of hate.

    But I want to fall into a pattern of life destroying hate. I’m tired of being different from everyone else.

  22. Misanthropic Scott says:

    This is pretty cool. This just may be a real attempt to cause some good from religion. What a novel concept!

    Too bad they left out:

    Thou shalt drive the most fuel efficient vehicle that meets thy needs.

    Thou shalt not mash thy gas pedal excessively.

    Thou shalt pay attention to the damn road.

    (Oops, how’d that last one slip in?)

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    What’s with all this “you” stuff? Whatever happened to “thou”?

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #24 – I don’t know what happened to “thou”? Why, did Christopher Marlow call looking for “thou”?

  25. Chris Evans says:

    #17 – “Do Catholics need to be told by their church how to be moral, fair and ethical?”

    Yes, actually.

    For Christians, all morality comes only from God. Without the Fires of Hell as ‘stick’ to Heaven’s ‘carrot’, there is nothing to prevent people, they say, from killing each other and eating their babies. Without God, Man is naught but a soulless animal.

    These people honestly and truly believe that if you don’t think you’re always being watched by their Invisible Big Brother, you _will_ behave in the most amoral manner possible, and that you are a danger to yourself and everyone around you.

  26. Ben Waymark says:

    22. Fair enough then, and there is a good argument to be had that you can never learn to love and forgive without first learning to hate and hold a grudge….

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #27 – I hope you gleaned that my point wasn’t that I actually want to be hateful… But rather… well… I think you get it.

  28. Ben Waymark says:

    #28: Yes, I did get it. Still, a bit of hate does the soul some good.

    As the Emperor says to Luke Skywalker: “Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you. “

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #29 – Don’t I know it. I work for the Emperor…

    Sure, the hours suck and the pay isn’t much better. But there is health care and I get to wear this snappy uniform.

  30. natefrog says:

    #30: Although it kinda stinks that they *still* haven’t listened to OSHA and installed higher guardrails around those bottomless chasms. Snappy uniforms aside, I fear there will be a great tragedy someday…


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