
    The St. Petersburg Times – Published June 19, 2007.

(Bob) Rippy is 62. He is a Vietnam veteran. Growing up on a farm in Indiana, he was used to animals. “I’ve seen bobcats before, but this one growled this deep, loud growl,” Rippy said. “I set my cart down with the cans because I knew he was going to jump and bite me.”

The bobcat lunged toward him, biting Rippy in the abdomen. Then the animal wrapped its body around Rippy’s, sliding its sharp nails across Rippy’s arms and legs, leaving bloody scratches. He knew he had to do something, anything, to stop the attack. So Rippy grabbed the animal by the neck.

“I was waiting for him to get in a good position so I could hold him,” he said. The bobcat struggled to free itself, but Rippy was determined not to let go. He choked the bobcat for about a minute until it died. “He went limp, and I’m standing there holding him by his neck,” he said. “I was bleeding everyplace.”

An Animal Control official arrived and took the bobcat away. Because of its unusual behavior, the animal was tested for rabies. The test came back positive two days later. Rippy was placed on medication and given a series of shots.

That must have been frightening. Even a small house cat can tear you up pretty badly.

  1. Chris says:

    I suppose that this guy is going to have PETA on his ass, saying he was cruel to the bobcat.

  2. Bryan Carney says:

    #1: Good use of the “humor.”

  3. hhopper says:

    I’d rather have PETA on my ass than a rabid bobcat on my ass!

  4. Gig says:

    Damn, I was hoping there was going to be a video.

  5. mark says:

    I was attacked by a rabid dog when I was a young Scout, and it was a scary thing, I fought it off with a club. We have lots of wildcats where I live now, its good to know you can actually kill one with your bare hands, if you were strong enough and had to do it. Remarkable story.

  6. BubbaRay says:

    #5, mark, At age 12 I learned never to jump into the middle of a cat fight wearing only shorts and sandals. Holy bananas!! This guy is either extremely good or extremely lucky. Anyone interested in cat-cam (Hop), see here:

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – Damn, I was hoping there was going to be a video.

    Yeah Hopper… You damn slacker… 😉

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    He sure whipped that pussy good!

  9. Iamanassholetoo says:

    That doesn’t look like the bob cat I saw a few years ago. Looks bigger than a bob cat, with longer legs and tail.

    The guy was obviously fighting for his life. Terrifying situation.

    I was confronted by a rabid dog once when I was about 10 or 11, It was right outside my back door, foaming and shaking and growling. A cop had been stalking it and shot it dead right in front of me. I’m glad the cop was there, the dog was a big german shepard mix and I’m not sure I could have escaped.

  10. Chris Swett says:

    I’ve had a little kitten tear my hand open because it didn’t want to go to the vet. I can’t imagine wrestling a wild cat of any type.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    One heck of a guy…

  12. Anonymous Coward says:

    I must say, this beats kitten juggling.

  13. hhopper says:

    Angel – You horny bastard!

  14. hhopper says:

    Here’s a bobcat attacking a rattlesnake:

  15. noname says:

    Panic kills. This guy kept his cool and his wits, always easier said then done.

    Same thing when your in the water, panic kills.

    When I was a Search and Rescue swimmer in the Navy, one of the things they taught, drowning people will thrash and use you as a flotation device. Best thing to do is gap them and pull them under, while they are fixated on getting to the surface you get the right hold on them, bring them up with you in control. That way they can’t thrash you while you trying to save them.

    Same thing here, stay calm and take control. No luck involve just a calm and collected response!

    Most people die because they panic!!

  16. mark says:

    16. Dead on, ex-Coast Guard swimmer, and yes i have had to punch a guy and swim underneath and behind to take control. Otherwise they will take you down with them.

  17. hhopper says:

    Well, I learned one thing from all of this… don’t try to save a drowning, rabid bobcat.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Which is tougher, an 80 lb dog or a 40 lb cat?

    Well, try giving them a bath to find out.

  19. noname says:

    #19, 40 lb cat, that one al gato grande!

  20. Cursor_ says:

    OK why is THIS wacky Florida when its just a guy defending himself against a rabid animal? Yet there were TWO texas stories where they ban chemistry equipment and tazer a person that asked for emergency help?

    We to re-think this wacky Florida thing and file this as a regular story and make the two Texas stories as Wacky Texas!

    Cripes, this guy saved himself from possibly being really harmed, maybe fatally and he is wacky? C’mon.


  21. tallwookie says:

    Wow. That guy is hardcore!

  22. hhopper says:

    I’d say getting attacked by a rabid wildcat is pretty wacky. Actually it’s wacky NEWS from Florida.

  23. TNVWBOY says:

    I had my hands shredded once trying to take a feral kitten to the local pound and that was bad enough, I can’t imagine how this guy kept his cool. Cats are very quick with their claws and teeth when they are all worked up.

  24. Jesse says:

    Wow Wayne you are one cool and collective individual. Your reaction to choke the cat out probably listened the injuries you could have received. Good Job!


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