In searching for images to use on this site, I occasionally come across pictures drawn by people with too much time on their hands… The first guy draws cartoon characters as if they were giants.
This next guy draws various anime characters as if they were fat from over-eating:
This next guy collects before and after pictures of cartoon characters with new hair styles:
In honor of these great artists, I give them the greatest musical artists of all time: Styx!
Must be a slow blog day.
I was really looking forward to have a pleasant day… and then SN unleashed Styx on me… Thanks man! That’ll teach me to read this blog when I’m not at work.
More like DU Editors with too much time on their hands.
I don’t care, it was beyond cool. A great group that I haven’t listened to in a while.
Styx is the Creed of classic rock. 😛 It’s embarrassing to admit your a fan…lol.
But to be honest, I’m only 24, and I’ve seen Styx in concert…twice! I’m so ashamed. 🙁
Hey thanx for the Styx video! They were great in concert back in the 70’s and 80’s. Nice to hear bands that actually had talent and could write music in an artistic way. Au contraire to today’s copycats and wannabes using Garage Band, drum machines, and math formulas based on previous pop hits! (The Swedes are famous for this!)
Oh the sad irony. While I am now a guy who finds before/after cartoon characters, in my youth I was a boy who listened to Styx. I feel like I walked into an episode of This is Your Life.
Styx is awesome. 🙂
Great music to crappy video. If only the video had been as good. I miss the music. RAP SUX!