When I went to bed, last night, it was sunrise at the Circuit de la Sarthe in Lemans, France. Four of the top five cars in the race were powered by diesels, 2 Audis and 2 Peugeots.
Overnight, each team lost a car and, this morning, the race finished with Audi winning and Peugeot 2nd.
One of the greatest endurance events in motorsports has finished its 75th running. The latest chapter – transformed the past couple of years by diesel power with more torque and better fuel economy – continues to improve the breed.
The “official” website of the race should be in the running for Worst Sports Website Ever. I won’t even waste your time by linking to it.
The most fun was the blogging from the circuit by the crew from the Guardian Unlimited.
AFAIK, the Audi TDI diesels were running on Shell biodiesel!
The real advantage of a diesel is not “torque” as it always is horsepower (the rate work gets done) that means low lap times. Diesel fuel has more BTU’s per gallon and the Diesel cycle is more effecient partially due to the fact there is not throtle plate.
Dont forget that diesel has much better lubricity than gasoline does. This is much better long term for the pistons, rings, and cylynder walls. This really helps in these endurance type races.
I bet California’s CARB would never let them race in California.
Is this the only race the AUDI’s enter?
#3 – they won the 12-hour Sebring, this year – in Florida.
Last year they were 7-0 in the ALMS series, ending at Laguna Seca in CA. I guess diesels really are allowed to race in the US..
Torque is massive benefit with Diesel as greater torque at the lower end lets you apply more of the BHP earlier and therefore accelerate quicker. You can have the same BHP production on a diesel and petrol engine but an increased torque in the diesel will mean more power can be applied earlier. Diesels however tend rev at lower levels and therefore sometimes don’t have the power at the top/middle ends.
HP is simply a measure of torque over time.
And my “paisan” Pedro Lamy came second on Peugeot…Cool…
Ahhh good old Diesel! I loved my diesel cars when I was living in the UK. Now I’m in Brazil and loving my super cheap and eco-friendly Ethanol, which goes by the name of Alcool (Alcohol, or even better All Cool!).
Actually Audi won the second time with a Diesel in Le Mans. And for the fourth time in a row.
#3, The Audi cars are fitted with Diesel Particulate Filters to eliminate soot from the tailpipe. CO2 emissions are lower than the petrol fueled cars. NOx will be slightly to moderately higher. CO emissions are virtually non-existent in diesel cars.
Go Diesel, Go!
I am astounded to be the first to point out that the Audi won last year, and the Peugeot is merely the pack imitating success.
Most motorheads around this blog know about the diesel victory, last year – David.
Peugeot has had notable success at Lemans – under the leadership of Jean Todt – and has always had solid diesel designs in other vehicles. They may be trying to imitate Audi’s success; but, they are capable in their own right..
OK, I just don’t get it… In Europe you can get a v8 Mercedes 4 liter diesel that supposed to be indistinguishable from the gas engine. But not here in the US? Will we ever get with it?