Seems they are becoming media savvy…

We previously reported here the case of a Secret Service mother and her ordeal trying to get through airport security to board her flight. Now the TSA has responded by releasing two videos and a PDF file with the incident report. It appears that she flashed her Secret Service badge several times to airport personnel and the videos seem to show her throwing the water on the floor, which could be an accident or on purpose. You decide.

The information comes from this page.

These are the two videos:

1. Video One (almost 2 minutes)

2. Video two (almost 11 minutes)

PDF File of incident.

  1. Odyssey67 says:

    This is clearly a case of TSA agents using no – that is ZERO – judgment, and a woman with a baby (trying to get to a plane no less) becoming increasingly frustrated with same. I have no doubt she probably let that frustration get the better of her, maybe even saying or doing a few things she otherwise would not. But I challenge anyone here, if in the same situation or similar, to honestly claim that their fuse wouldn’t be getting short with this STUPID situation as well.

    I’d also point out this: To the extent it’s possible to tell if she spilled the water on purpose (and it isn’t), the officials let about 3 dozen people walk all through it before it became enough of a ‘safety issue’ to warrant having the woman – instead of an airport janitor – clean it up. It’s pretty obvious to me that the whole issue was trumped up in order to put her in her place, after they probably realized just how stupid they were beginning to look on camera. Anyway, last I checked, there was no law allowing cops to exact punitive justice on the spot in any circumstances. Whatever your opinion on how that played out, what the officials did there was wholly unprofessional and not within their mandate.

    As for her flashing her Secret Service badge, while I imagine she may have done it to expedite whatever procedures TSA has for ‘Sippy Cup Infractions’, it’s also just as plausible that, after this thing was becoming a big furrball, she showed it to them for the purpose of demonstrating that she was a vetted member of the federal law enforcement community. I mean, assuming they could verify the authenticity of the badge – and that is an almost trivial thing to do for TSA – then any questions or suspicions about this WASP mom’s intent and trustworthiness vis a vis the War Against the Brown Muslim People would reasonably be allayed. At least that’s what I would have thought if I had been her and, again, I’m sure every one of us posting would have had the same idea as well if in the same situation (‘I’m Secret Service; I’m one of the Good Guys’). So, why the hell are some people on this post not giving HER the benefit of the doubt for using such common sense, when it seems from all the evidence – visual & otherwise – that the TSA officers are the ones that seem most bereft of it?

    These people who are supposed to be on ‘our’ side. You dumb-asses who are making excuses for clearly incompetent behavior on the part of our government officials are doing nothing less than ensuring that situation never improves. Do our gene pool a favor and go remove yourselves to a desert island somewhere. You can create your own perfect Orwellian paradise, and leave the rest of us to our folly of reasonable living.


  2. hhopper says:

    Well said.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31, Good points and well put. I’ll buy most of them.

    I too noticed that it took some time before anyone realized the spilled water was a hazard. If they had of busted her, I wonder how much that specific act by TSA would play.

  4. Perry Noiya says:

    A minor point.

    TSA was finished with her at the point the person in the blue uniform arrived. After that she was dealing with airport police. The water pouring incident and her attempt to go upstream appears to be why the cop got involved. Takes real talent to attract the attention of two different agencies. She is fortunate the IRS wasn’t there.


  5. WolvenSpectre says:

    Were you watching the same videos I was… in the ones I watched it looked to me like she popped the top off and spilled the water accidentally. the cameras and the back of the TSA Worker that was following her was turned, and the other worker was looking at her back. She was the only one who saw what happened.

    All I have to say is that TSA and Airport Police better have all their ducks in a row durinig the next counterfieting or moneylaundering scheme or they will learn what real authority is!


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