I would say yes, but you decide

  1. BK says:

    Lingerie goes with everything!

  2. bobbo says:

    and with nothing even better.

  3. EyeNo says:

    What gadgets?

  4. BubbaRay says:

    What lingerie? 😯

  5. JimR says:

    @#4, hahahaha. 🙂

  6. hhopper says:

    Those were damn good-looking electronics!

  7. John Paradox says:

    I just thought of a great use for the Wii controller….


  8. Jerk-Face says:

    I always thought that sexy geeks go well with plaid!

  9. BubbaRay says:

    My last words after suffering a severe heart attack from the pix:

    “Oh my goodness what a pair of..”

    “Well, those were Bubba’s second-to-last words, anyway. From what we know, his actual last words were, “What the—WHOOOOOOOAH…,” as his gurney catapulted out the window after catching a wheel on the second-floor landing, sending him flying into the back of a passing banana truck.

    It’s still too early to know whether it was the impact that killed him, or if it’s the fact that he fell off the truck one block later and skidded through a nearby circus tent before crashing into a miniature car full of clowns that actually ended his life. I think it’s only right you should know that he got a standing ovation and huge laughs from the circus audience, and the nurses tell me the costumed midget who got in the way is going to pull through.”

    Credit: The Onion: http://tinyurl.com/3bstpz

  10. C0D3R says:

    Yep, for ladies iPhone will be the sexiest fashion accessory of the decade.

    For men, just like I said, its the sexiest fashion accessory of the decade for ladies. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  11. JoaoPT says:

    Man… I do love weekend editions of Dvorak Uncensored.
    I just feel that lives up to the name.

    tip: change the header on weekends… with a red neon all around it…

  12. KVolk says:

    Huh, I haven’t seen some of those models before…..

  13. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    T3 = Ta-Tas + Tech??

    Er, sorry. Do carry on…

  14. James Hill says:

    We didn’t need any more proof the editors here can’t get laid, but thanks for the confirmation.

    Further, more proof of just how overrated the video game market is.

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    #14: I love it! Speaking without knowing what your talking about. Again. Perhaps I should tell you about my old girlfriend who had been in the porn business… On second thought…

    It’s more likely that we get laid too much. As such, with much experience to compare to, we can appreciate a good design when we see one. You know how we techies love to compare specs on the latest models!

    I’ve often noticed (starting with my years in Silicon Valley) that no matter how nerdy or geeky or weird tech guys look, they often have the best (and occasionally, best looking) women with them. The women who enjoy what we enjoy, don’t worry about mussing their hair and makeup and like a good roll in the video game controller strewn hay as often as possible.

    So, James, stick to your copies of the National Review and Guns & Ammo, and leave the appreciation of the finer things in life to us. We’ll gladly handle this task for you.

  16. Steph says:

    they should have had the cords on that last pic go through the undies.

  17. ArianeB says:

    There is actually a trendy term for this stuff: “nerdcore art”.

    The guys over at destructoid.com have been all over this stuff for about a year.

  18. Ubernerd says:

    I’ve always preferred hot nerd chicks. They put out, and are willing to “experiment” more than un-nerds…

  19. Cripes, I doubt any of these girls have time for computers.


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