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Lawyer: Duke DA Made “egregious Mistakes,” But Not Intentionally :: — One must assume with this clown that his 30-year career has other similar foul-ups. He should not only be disbarred, but imprisoned. His attorney’s only defense is “it just didn’t click” referring to Nifong’s brain. Cripes.

Mike Nifong made “multiple, egregious mistakes” as he relentlessly pursued charges against three Duke University lacrosse players falsely acussed of rape – but none were made intentionally, his attorney said Saturday in closing statements at the veteran prosecutors ethics trial.

“It didnt click,” Nifongs attorney, Dudley Witt, said as he tried to explain away one of his clients errors. “His mind is just his mind. Thats the way it works. It just didnt click.”

The North Carolina State Bar has charged Nifong, a prosecutor in Durham County for his entire three-decade legal career, with breaking several rules of professional conduct, including lying to both the court and bar investigators and withholding critical DNA test results from the players defense attorneys.

Update: Nifong is disbarred!

  1. bobbo says:

    Deliberate acts in violation of law by a District Attorney were NOT intentional?

    Such a violation of obvious meaning would be beyond my ability to express. If that is the “best” argument that could be made, I wonder how bad the truth really is?

    Once again, “the system” not allowed to correct because the error was being driven from the top.

  2. mark says:

    Nifong looks just like that demon character in Carnivale.

  3. mark says:

    2. eh……I’m just sayin………

  4. grog says:

    #1 — that’s how you build plausible deniability, and it works!

    when you play stupid and claim your foibles to be well-meaning mistakes and not criminal acts, you lose only your reputation, and lawyer’s fees, which you can rebuild and re-earn.

    if you actually owned up to your misdeeds like a real man, you might face jail time.

    so actually it’s perfectly logical for public figures to portray themselves as morons, to avoid personal responsibility, and potentially incarceration.

    it also shows their spinelessness.

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    He’s still not off the hook for either criminal contempt charges, nor civil lawsuits.

    “Egregious – but unintentional.” Wow, that’s a brain-stretcher. Who said lawyers aren’t creative?

  6. John Paradox says:

    Next job in the W. Administration….


  7. MikeN says:

    Hey, I thought these Duke guys were obviously guilty, and anyone saying otherwise was racist.

  8. RTaylor says:

    Can you imagine the convictions that will be appealed due to this jackass. DA’s are about racking up wins with an eye to higher political office. Few care about justice, just the score.

  9. noname says:

    What are you NOOBS talking about, he was found guilty! Next is the sentencing, then a BUSHIE pardon.

    Published: June 16, 2007

    RALEIGH, N.C., June 16 — A disciplinary hearing panel found Michael B. Nifong, the Durham County district attorney, guilty today of ethical violations arising from his pretrial statements and handling of DNA evidence while pressing a false accusation of sexual assault against three former Duke University lacrosse players.

  10. James Hill says:

    I like how the hacks try to tie Bush into everything, even this.

    Nice to know that after you’ve all failed in political threads, you fail in pop-culture threads.

  11. malren says:

    Do any of you realize Nifong is a Democrat?

  12. gquaglia says:

    If only they could have found away to prosecute Al Sharpton as well. That would have made it complete.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, James, you’re still a moran.

    #11, Mike, Nope and don’t care. A bad prosecutor has lost his law license, that is all I care about.

  14. MikeN says:

    What about all those 88 professors that called for the students’ expulsion? Any chance they’ll at least apologize. In January, they tried to say that the letter was misinterpreted. Wikipedia has a good breakdown of the professors by faculty, and it gives you a good sense of which majors are important. Good for Duke that none of their law professors signed on.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, Mike,
    What about all those 88 professors that called for the students’ expulsion? Any chance they’ll at least apologize.

    Yup, that would be nice if everyone could admit they were wrong. Even all those clamoring for Patrick Fitzgerald’s head for daring to go after “Scooter Libby. Yup, that was a Republican prosecutor going after a bad apple Republican traitor.

    I know Mike, you’re just trying to make some political hay out of a very bad situation that had more to do with prosecutor misconduct then it does politics.

  16. bobbo says:

    16–Yea, this case is supposed to be a message to prosectutors across the land that their job is to protect as well as prosecute.

    So what is also in the news currently??? – – That prosecutor dumb shit that is keeping that kid in jail for having his 2 year younger girl friend go down on him. Hes afraid that other similarly innocent victims of the justice system will also get out of jail. There should be a special hell for those that violate their oaths of office/public dutiy.

  17. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Am I the only one who’s noticed the highly conspicuous disappearing act of that stalwart defender of both Crystal Mangum and Nifong? I speak of course of that self-righteous fellow traveller, purveyor of risible multiculti propaganda and self-appointed head of the DU PC Lynch Mob, Podesta, a.k.a. Pod-person.

    At first, nobly and voluably striking out for justice for the pitiable victim of the universal evil white racist conspiracy, as his cause has hit the reef of truth and sunk without a trace, likewise his spew of politically correct invective, race-baiting cliché and baldfaced falsehood has gradually and silently faded away, à la the Cheshire Cat’s smile.

    How ’bout it, Podesta? Anything you feel like getting off your scrawny chest? Tell us, pray, how it feels to hitch your wagon to a sinking ship…

    Prepare for an awesome silence, folks. But not to worry; he’ll be back just as soon as his patron saint, the Rev. Al, picks a brand-new bogus “cause” for him and his militantly anti-white brethren.

  18. bobbo says:

    17—Your righteous anger interested me so I did a Dvorak search on Poedesta and turned up nothing so then I tried Google and did find those earlier postings.

    Right off the bat, Podesta does not sound like a lawyer, or rather he sounds like a lawyer who is just like Nifong. I was slackjaw when Nifong criticized the Duke players for talking with an attorney. Same with Podesta when he asks why the Defense just doesn’t go to trial.

    Its said over and over and over again—–but you know what?????—-Power corrupts.

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Oh, no. He’s merely the House Commie here at DU. If it’s PC, he’s for it, and you’re pond scum.

    Use the lovely DU search box at the top of the page with the word ‘lacrosse’ and you should have all the previous blog entries for the case, then look for Podesta’s posts among the comments.

    After reading same, you might find, as others have, that if you gave Podesta an enema, you could bury what’s left in a shoebox.


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