Cartoon mod version of green computing

A coalition of technology companies and environmental groups led by Google and Intel have launched an initiative to conserve electricity and curb global warming emissions by making the world’s computers and servers more energy-efficient.

The Climate Savers Computing Initiative, organized by Internet search leader Google and computer chip maker Intel, sets ambitious industry targets to ramp up the energy efficiency of computing gear over the next four years.

The plan aims to cut the amount of electricity computers consume in half by 2010 using existing power-saving technologies. Currently, the average PC wastes about half of the power it consumes, while the average server squanders about one-third, officials said.

The initiative’s initial backers include Dell, Hewlett Packard, Hitachi, International Business Machines, Lenovo, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems and Yahoo.

And the critters will run quieter and cooler. I hope.

  1. tallwookie says:

    Getting consumers to all upgrade to new (green)computers enmasse is another thing though…

  2. Lynx92 says:

    If the savings in electricity costs are significant then the upgrade to green computers will pay for itself over a period of time. Computers are replaced regularly to take advantage of technology improvements anyway, green computing will be viewed as another technology advance in the same way that faster processing or greater storage is currently.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    How come AMD is not one of them?

  4. Jägermeister says:


    I’m with you.

  5. MikeN says:

    So Microsoft’s forced upgrade path is good for the environment?

  6. Tesla Edison says:

    In this day and age, when most things around the house don’t need much electricity to run, it’s a wonder we’re still doing the whole 120VAC/60Hz or 240VAC/50Hz thing to every outlet in the house.

    In my computer room, I need one DC transformer to run: my LCD TV, my computer, monitor, printer, digital clocks, and battery recharger. I need AC for what, lightbulbs?

    In the kitchen and laundry room, AC is needed for appliances. In the bathroom, the woman needs it for the hair dryer and curling iron, that’s it.

    So, what’s the deal with promoting a house full of AC, when most of our electrical things could run on low voltage, low amperage DC anyway?!


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