Silver Surfer

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – A projectionist at a Memphis theater chain has lost his job after writing an unauthorized early review of “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” for the Web site Ain’t It Cool News.

Jesse Morrison, the projectionist, claims that the film’s distributor, 20th Century Fox, was behind the decision by Malco Theatres Inc. to suspend him for an undetermined period. The studio denied the charge.

While studios and filmmakers have endured early reviews of their movies, both negative and positive, on Web sites since the early days of the Internet, the incident might mark the first time someone working in the entertainment industry has lost a job for voicing an early opinion online.

What is happening to “Freedom of Speech?” He never signed a confidentiality agreement with the theater chain. I doubt anything would have happened had his review been positive. I’ll bet the MPAA is behind this.

  1. bobbo says:

    Freedom of speech at work?

    Where you been?

  2. sdf says:

    …for the Web site Ain’t It Cool News. Ahh, a key piece of info. The yahoos at that site have a hard-on for anything with the scent of comic book print stock on it so this movie must really suck. Why doesn’t the studio just put their viral marketing monkeys on overtime (many undoubtedly plying their trade at the aforementioned website)?

  3. tim says:

    The real question is…

    Did the projectionist/reviewer give his real name in the review? If he did… he’s a dope. If he used a pseudonym as his name AND Ain’t It Cool News revealed their source… They just blew any chance of any “undercover info” coming their way. Who would want to give any “inside news” to the website if they informer feels that they will be persecuted for their actions.



  4. Jägermeister says:

    His review was “Another piece of shit based on a cartoon by Marvel Comics.

  5. bobbo says:

    And that was viewed as negative?

    You’d think the studios would know their own market!

  6. James Hill says:

    Hopper, there’s an implied agreement with that type of job to not violate confidential information. I’m sure junior there did sign some sort of agreement to that effect when hired.

    Wether he understood what he signed is another question.

  7. Angel H. wong says:


    It’s creepy, I agree with you.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Morrison said Tashie pointed out that “20th Century Fox called them that morning and threatened to take away the press and trade screenings because of this whole thing. They were upset.”

    Asked if Fox had any role in the suspension, Tashie said: “Other than 20th Century Fox calling us up this morning and threatening to take away the press and trade screenings because of this whole thing? Absolutely none.”

    Kid lost a McJob… But I hope some enterprising lawyer takes this one on… But I won’t hold my breath for that 🙁

  9. RBG says:

    0. hhopper… Give ya $50 if you give us a review of what it’s really like to party with JCD at the Glitter Gulch in Vegas. Unless you think that might break an implied confidentiality…


  10. bobbo says:

    #8—Really? – – Why??

    I am about as absolute re Freedom of Speech as you can get ((but the Marching Nazi’s do have me on the ropes so maybe I’m not so gung Ho)) but its not practical to think there should be free speech rights that directly negatively impact your employers business.

    You are free to speak your mind, You are free to work or not work at the movie theater, you do not have the freedom to speak your mind against the interest of your employer. That not only makes sense, its the law.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, yes.

    Every business has an obligation to dismiss ANY employee telling the public their product sucks. Regardless of how good the movie is, the business derives its income from people coming to see it. Telling people it is a waste of time will cost the company money. Don’t expect to eat if you bite the hand that feeds you.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 – If you can prove this guy’s movie review on Ain’t It Cool News had any impact at all on the movie theater he worked at, I’ll change my opinion.

    When the Silver Surfer tanks, it’s obviously gonna be because an L.A. area projectionist didn’t like it. A guy with power like that should probably get a job as a film critic.

  13. RBG says:

    12. I don’t think he would be writing the review if he was hoping for zero impact, unless he just likes the look of his own writing.

    Think now of ordering at the McDonald’s counter and the order-taker adds: “…and. oh, by the way, the food sucks here… but it’s my right to say that because how big of an impact could I have on McDonald’s sales anyway. Have a nice day.”


  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – I would think of the McDonalds point if that were even remotely analogous. Besides, we don’t need the guy at the counter to tell us the food sucks. We already know that.

    And… Yes… He’s hoping to have an impact. The question is, does he have an impact? I doubt that he has any measurable impact.

    Besides, he’s not reporting on secret information in violation of an NDA… He’s just saying the new Fantastic Four movie sucks… and after you see it, you will too.

    There is a list of things in this world that are extremely important. Nerds commenting on comic books movies… Hell, anyone commenting on any movie, is not on that list.

  15. Alex says:

    It stinks he lost his job, but you don’t @#$@# with Hollywood!


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