I find it hard to believe that what happens in this video is for real.

  1. undissembled says:

    34th time is a charm. Real.

  2. Iamanassholetoo says:

    Looks real.

  3. Ian hazelden says:

    The shot is called a ‘Flying Eagle’, and the lad doing it with a backwards delivery is a great enhancement. Definitely real.

  4. Ben says:

    Looks like it’s real.

    Probably did take 34 tries, though.

  5. moe29 says:


    just like that commercial with L. James shooting 3/4 court shots at will

    etc, etc.

  6. Noam Sane says:

    Mark it 8, Dude.

  7. George says:

    Look at the slight glitch as he releases the ball.

  8. Gregory says:

    I’m with george.

    I’m sure this is totally possible, but something about this particular video looks wrong. Too low res too be sure though.

    However – someone that could do this is unlikely to be the grinning goon that celebrates at the end. I think this is probably a clever set of splicing and editing, with a little masking.

    In other words – it’s all real footage, but it’s not a real event.

  9. ChrisMac says:

    with a 6 lb house ball

  10. Arrius says:

    Fake. The glitch as he releases the ball looks suspect.

  11. jason says:

    looks real. but i bet he can’t do it on command. or for that matter ever again.

  12. SquirrelNutz says:

    Come on, of COURSE it isn’t real! It would take 5 minutes of vid editing to create this. The backwards delivery is the cue. The ball was thrown TO the player from a pal inside the pin-setter room (if res was better you’d prolly see him), recording was reversed, but the celebration added on. It’s cute but phonier than a pickup line from Slick Willie in a room full of Interns.

  13. tallwookie says:

    I dont go bowling very often, but i’ve seen this sort of thing before – its real

  14. Andrew says:

    Something I’ve learned from being a juggler: People can do extraordinary feats if they spend an extraordinary amount of time practicing said feat.

  15. Vinny says:

    Wow. There’s 14 seconds of my life I can’t get back.

  16. douglas says:

    here’s another youtube video of the flying eagle. with a better sense of pin placement

  17. Flyerman says:

    this is real I know the kid that posted the video

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I’ve been a bowler forever, and this is entirely possible. Other than the delivery, the “trick shot” is just ho-hum. We all get lucky sometimes.

    FWIW, a 6-lb ball will deflect badly when it hits a 3 lb 6 oz pin. If you throw it at the headpin, it’s likely to deflect into the gutter before it gets to the 7 or 10 pin.

  19. Alex Costa says:

    More tricks from the same guy (I believe)


    It may be truth.

  20. noname says:

    Way Fake.

    The momentum of the ball changes too much when it hits the pin, deflecting almost 90 degrees right and knocking down another pin, NO WAY.

    And then there is the pin from one pit to flying into the other pit. Bowling alleys have partitions between pits, no way for one players pins to interfere with another’s game.

    You don’t have to be a physicist this bogus fake.

  21. Nick says:

    I thought the first pin had to be in front of the others. The external ‘flying eagle’ video shows that this is the case.

    Note the perspective here is flat, but the front pin still looks lower than the right pin, i.e. it is closer to the camera with a slight down angle perspective.

    Otherwise the fellow got lucky with the through the leg sequence.

  22. Mac Guy says:

    Actually, in all honesty, I’ve been bowling for about… 21 years. Seeing this does not surprise me at all. I’ve done many trick shots from between my legs, behind my back, left-handed (I’m a righty), even taking shots from the seats. Totally possible, and I’ll see about posting the video if you don’t believe me.

  23. Brian says:

    It’s fake.

    Look at it several times, and watch the moving banner at the top of the back wall, it makes the ‘skip’ in the frame much easier to see.

  24. Kballweg says:

    Judging from the number of other similar videos on the You Tube site, it certainly is possible if set up right. Too many examples to all be faked.

  25. James Hill says:

    It’s real… ly entertaining!


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