Part of a continuing series of little movies from “Behind the Scene…” Today we feature Robert Scoble, Mac maven.

  1. DaveTheWave says:

    What’s up with all the weird related videos?

  2. srg86 says:

    When ever I hear someone say they want to buy something not on it’s merit, but simply because “it’s got an apple logo on it” I truly want to barf!

  3. Akyan says:

    Wow that was random.

  4. Blogger says:

    lol at the geeks.

  5. Jonathan Fox says:

    #2 Its like when women base the whole foundation of buying a car purely because it was cobalt blue or turquoise with chrome headrests!

    I barf with you!

  6. Jeanne says:

    #5 Oh, please. I am female and I couldn’t care less what color a car is. I want to know about its reliability and gas mileage. OTOH, every male that I know, including my husband, goes on and on about the lines / looks of this or that car. And, they definitely have their color preferences.

  7. Mike says:

    Using the Kodak V610 for this? I bought one on your say so. Video is great….stills not so much.

  8. C0D3R says:

    I’d rather save money for my thirteen year old daugter’s future college education than act like a thirteeen year old girl by coveting or purchasing an iPhone. Real men don’t purchase based on
    a) how cool something feels, or
    b) thinking others will perceive him as cool based on something he flaunts

    Ladies, by all means, have at it. The iPhone is definitely the fashion accessory of the decade. It looks good on you.

    I just want my daughter and wife to be safer and more reliably in touch using a functional, durable, long life battery phone. I think the iPhone target market is single girls twelve to twenty-two.

  9. Miguel says:

    The guy *gave* away a Macbook pro because it lost a SHIFT key???? Where can I meet this guy?

  10. James Hill says:

    #9 – Just because you can’t afford the best is no reason to get pissy.

  11. srg86 says:

    #11 – He never said that he couldn’t afford it, just that it was a waste of money.

  12. I believe it was the 610 although I was apparently blocking the microphone since the sound is usually much better than that.

    And yes, I agree..great camera for quick vids, not so good for still pics due to unstablized folded optics. The smaller 705 is probably better overall.

  13. mark says:

    13. Yeah, but does it have an Apple logo on it?

  14. BigHuskyCellmate says:

    Evangelist-for-money Scoble looks like he’d be the first of the newcomers raped by the inmates.

  15. Slappy says:

    I’d like my cell phone to place and receive calls. Hmm, that’s about it.


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