It all depends on your point of view

DELCAMBRE, La. — Overly saggy britches are obscene, the Delcambre Town Council says. So does Mayor Carol Broussard, who said he will sign an anti-sag ordinance passed unanimously this week.

The new indecent exposure ordinance in this Cajun-country town of about 2,000 carries penalties of up to six months in jail and a $500 fine for being caught in pants that show undergarments or, in the mayor’s phrase, “private parts.”

“I don’t know if it will do any good, but it won’t hurt,” said Delcambre Councilman Albert Roy, who introduced the ordinance. “It’s obvious, and anybody with common sense can see your parts when you wear sagging pants.”

I imagine a question like will really divide public opinion.

Thanks, Joshua

  1. JimR says:

    Happiness is waking up to the crack of Dawn.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    #26 …. no, just to ugly to be revealing her pimply ass for the whole world to see. I realize that it’s a dying art, but there IS such a thing as common sense. If you’re 35 pounds overweight, don’t wear jeans that are two fucking sizes too small and a britney spears top. Christ, _I_ am better looking than that one on the right, and I wouldn’t wear something like that out in public. Get a grip.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, Mister Mustard

    I would have imagined that just having the word “Mister” in your name would have precluded your wearing the same top. LOL

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #33 – Saying “get a grip” implies that I am somehow out of control… flying off the handle…

    I typed what I typed rather calmly, but I stand behind what I said… What is attractive is relative, and there is no reason for the zoftig to comply to your (or my, or anyone else’s) aesthetic.

  5. didi says:

    I have the butt crack stuff even though I am not fat! every time I seat my butt is hanging out of my jeans…some people find it attractive, some not…what can we do? nothing!

  6. Jessica says:

    I Show my thongs off, and my pants are ultra low (brazillian) or I’ll just wear Frankie B’s. My thongs always show. Also, I keep my shirt high so some skin shows too between my shirt/thong and pants

  7. Alyssa says:

    Oh my god I always have my thong and buttcrack showing. I can’t seem to ever keep it in my super low jeans, and quite frankly do not care that it shows. In fact, I sometimes show it on purpose. I just wear really nice thongs and they usually are always showing.


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