So, when do the moral police start policing the malls ready to cane people for flouting religious law like in certain Muslim countries? There was an article today about how Iran is enacting a law to execute pornographers. Who’s up for a good stoning? Bush & Co. apparently are determined to turn the US into a theocracy, one step at a time.

Justice Dept. Reshapes Its Civil Rights Mission

In recent years, the Bush administration has recast the federal government’s role in civil rights by aggressively pursuing religion-oriented cases while significantly diminishing its involvement in the traditional area of race.

Paralleling concerns of many conservative groups, the Justice Department has successfully argued in a number of cases that government agencies, employers or private organizations have improperly suppressed religious expression in situations that the Constitution’s drafters did not mean to restrict.

The changes are evident in a variety of actions:
– Supporting groups that want to send home religious literature with schoolchildren; in one case, the government helped win the right of a group in Massachusetts to distribute candy canes as part of a religious message that the red stripes represented the blood of Christ.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 and #29 – I’m on board with those comments, especially we say that original intent being a loser’s argument is true across the board… …say for Second Amendment debates? What about the 4th?

    I apologize in advance if I accidentally added 125 posts about guns to this thread.

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Yadda, yadda, yadda.

    The very best argument against the commingling of gov’t and religion is to simply point out the countries where it’s done and note what fabulously peaceful, civilized places they are.

    Oh, they’re not? What a surprise.


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