I know a deputy sheriff who’d love one of these

Most Iraqi military units arriving in Baghdad for an American-led security crackdown have only 75 percent of their assigned soldiers, a senior Army general said Wednesday.

About one in six Iraqi policemen trained by U.S. forces has been killed or wounded, has deserted or has just disappeared.

Asked about Maj. Gen. Martin Dempsey’s disclosure of plans for another expansion of the Iraqi forces, Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters traveling with him in Germany that it was “just a realistic assessment based on conditions on the ground” in Iraq. And he added that the size of the increase was uncertain.

Asked whether he expected the next Iraqi units to rotate into Baghdad to be even more thinly manned and less capable than those operating in the capital now, Dempsey replied, “I’m absolutely convinced that’s exactly what we’ll see.”

Dempsey characterized his assessment as “cautiously optimistic”.

  1. undissembled says:

    Looks like an old S-10 or GMC

  2. Pmitchell says:

    I want to see the figures that back up that statement,

    looks like a figure pulled out of someones butt

  3. moss says:

    Most of their new police cars are Kias. This looks one of their Chevy gunships.

  4. moss says:

    Still haven’t learned to click the link, eh, #2. Ask the General, yourself, next time you’re in the same American Legion bar.

  5. Pmitchell says:

    I read the story and I dont see any thing to backup the accusation

    he said she said isnt a fact

  6. hhopper says:

    Looks like a Nissan.

  7. John Paradox says:

    NOT that Iraq is ANYTHING like Vietnam, but I recall how the S. Vietnamese kept having their members run off to join the V.C.


  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    It obvious that this is all Bush’s fault.

  9. mxpwr03 says:

    1 in 5 Nepali police is dead, wounded, deserted or just disappeared because of Maoists.

  10. tallwookie says:

    with odds like that, i’d head for the hills too

  11. moss says:

    PM – that’s about the worst copout you’ve ever come up with.

    When the “he said” is coming from the Major General who just spent 22 months training the Iraqis, it’s not unreasonable to accept his statistics vs. say, Tony Snow and Fox Snooze.

  12. god says:

    #9 – the Nepal Police are accepting troll recruits.


  13. Pmitchell says:

    the general did not say that the writer simply put that information in the piece

    WASHINGTON — Most Iraqi military units arriving in Baghdad for an American-led security crackdown have only 75 percent of their assigned soldiers, a senior Army general said Wednesday.

    About one in six Iraqi policemen trained by U.S. forces has been killed or wounded, has deserted or has just disappeared.

    the general said “Most Iraqi military units arriving in Baghdad for an American-led security crackdown have only 75 percent of their assigned soldiers” he said nothing about the 1 in 6 Iraqi policemen being killed or wounded or just gone.

    I know my punctuation sucks but I do know how to read and that statement has no grounds and the general didnt make it . I want to see the information backing it up

    Our press seems to think just because they print it we have to believe its true, I dont

  14. Mr. Fusion says:


    Read the article. The quote is attributed to the same person, “a senior Army General”. You even put the whole piece into quotes in #13.

    From previous posts I understand you often have reading comprehension problems.

  15. tallwookie says:

    #14 lol, burn

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    Numbers like that don’t encourage recruitment.

  17. Pmitchell says:

    fusion you are incorrect

    the second statement is in a new paragraph and is not attributed to the general it is supposition of the writer and not backed up by any facts

    if it were attributed to the general it would have been in the first paragraph followed with the “a senior Army general said Wednesday”
    since it came after that, it is not from the general it is form the reporter and he is adding his own unbacked inflammatory comments and trying to give them credence from what was said in the previous paragraph. instead of all the remarks of my supposedly dubious education prove me wrong and find independent confirmation of the accusation.

    that is the problem with you liberals. If I question you, you attack me you don’t answer my question.

    Prove me wrong and answer my question

  18. mxpwr03 says:

    #17 – Don’t waste your time, your search for a well thought-out discussion, a discussion without petty personal attacks, or Fox News jokes, will be in vain.


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