President Bush is building his legacy, adding another unfortunate line of hollow bravado to his rhetorical repertoire. To “Mission accomplished,” “Bring it on,” “Wanted: Dead or alive,” and of course, “I earned … political capital, and now I intend to spend it,” he has added “I’ll see you at the bill signing,” referring to his own ill-considered push for so-called comprehensive immigration reform legislation.

Bush emerged from a midday meeting with Republican senators on Capitol Hill to declare, “We’ve got to convince the American people this bill is the best way to enforce our border.”

No, Mr. President, someone you trust and respect must convince you that kind of tortured reasoning should never be exposed before cameras and microphones. Isn’t there anyone in this administration with the guts to say, “Give it a rest, Mr. President”?


  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    To all those who bitch about the legalization of these illegal immigrants: THEY’RE THE ONES WHO WILL PAY FOR YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY WHEN YOU RETIRE.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Plus, the Republicans want the hispanic vote.

  3. RBG says:

    “No, Mr. President, someone you trust and respect must convince you that kind of tortured reasoning should never be exposed before cameras and microphones.”

    And speaking of tortured reasoning…


  4. sdf says:

    How about sidestepping the border straight to bootcamp. Besides, historically whenever Bush called for compromise, he really meant capitulate.

  5. Johnny Rollerfeet says:


    Social Security is going to be bankrupt in the next 30 years. I’m not counting on anyone to pay for it. I have my own retirement savings plan, thank you.

  6. mark says:

    5. Exactly, anybody who is depending on SS better think again…think Katrina. But I’d like to know why he is so driven to do something so obviously unwanted by the majority. It has to be the push for daddys’ NWO and our own plans to incorporate Mexico and Canada into the US.

  7. moss says:

    Angel – you have to visit the US more often. The SSA admits to a minimum of 2 million phony and non-existent accounts – activated just to get Social Security cards to use for ID. Add to that the generous market for forgeries and identity theft and you’ll find damned few illegals are paying into SSA.

    Of course, we’re both probably on the same damned no-fly list. So, that’s the end of that rhetorical ploy. 🙂

  8. John Henri Allyn says:

    The thing that irks me about the “Comprehansive” amnesty is that they claim to be punishing them for breaking the law, except the end result is exactly what most of them want.

    How do you punish someone by giving them what they want? That never makes sense.

    And Bush, MCCain, Kennedy and the rest of them need to stop pretending they’re going to enforce the border.

    Reagan said that when he legalized the last bunch, boy that sure worked out good.

    They passed a fence last year and have built 4 miles of it.

    Bunch of liars

  9. Noam Sane says:

    Of course, it should be pointed out the Dobbs is as completely full of shit, too. He’s a sick old man, aliar and a bullshit artist.

  10. Noam Sane says:

    [edited: duplicate]

  11. Mister Justin says:

    We canadians are just peachy keen being ourselves thank you very much… Now, with my high-powered canadian dollar, I’m gonna buy me some ‘mericans to do the gardening and house work!

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – Why do you say that?

    Seriously, I’m not attacking you. I really want to know why you say that.

  13. mark says:

    11. Aw come on man, dont you want a spiffy new pair of USMC dress blues, and it wont cost you nothin, the chicks’ll dig ya.

  14. mark says:

    OFTLO- You know why, when you run out of arguments, its attack the messenger, then the message is invalid. Why is it such a sin to say, I voted for this guy, and I made a mistake. Big fucking deal.

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Why is it such a sin to say, I voted for this guy, and I made a mistake.

    In some circles, loyalty is more valued than integrity.

  16. ECA says:

    When someone crys WOLF, dont just look for the wolf. Look for the weasel.
    When politics points at a MAJOR concern that they COVEr the news with. Start looking into their pockets, and What is being done in the congress.

    Its a Giant Magic act. Dont watch the hand they are showing you…Wathc the HOLE persons doing the magic.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    ”Why is it such a sin to say, I voted for this guy, and I made a mistake”.

    In some circles, loyalty is more valued than integrity.

    And in those other circles it is more valued to admit when you made a mistake and are prepared to correct the damage.

  18. joshua says:

    Hell Fusion, I not only admitted my mistake of voting for Bush, I wear a hair shirt and flog myself twice weekly for an hour. 🙂

    My Mom and Dad tell me I shouldn’t be so hard on myself, after all, it was my first election, and I was an 18 y/o happy conservative young man, already fairly well educated, witty at times, (not articulate, since an articulate person according to all the MSM can only be a young black up and comer, not white boys), who fell for the Bush **compassionite conservative ** line. In 2004 it was just a matter of…which completely wrong candidate do I vote for?

    I agree the border must be sealed tightly or nothing we do is going to work. But after that, please tell me what else we can do about 12 to possibly 20 million illegals in this country, millions of whom have had children born here, that have the right of citizenship??? The logistics of rounding them up and tossing them back across the border would be completely out of the question, even if we could find a way to seperate the parents from their citizen children.
    We have to offer some form of amnesty, tack big fines on them(share this equally with the states to help cover their losses in mandated federal services they have had to provide), make it a long tedious road, require English speaking, understanding of the electoral processes etc.
    Then set up a worker program, for skilled and unskilled labour our companies always need….but only on a no american, then fill it with a temporary worker basis. Making it illegal for a company that had lay off of American workers 1 year prior or 1 year after the request for temporary labour. Huge fines and jail time for executives. You get the point.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    please tell me what else we can do about 12 to possibly 20 million illegals in this country, millions of whom have had children born here, that have the right of citizenship???

    Deport them. If the children were born here then allow then the option of staying or leaving. If the child is under 18 and wants to stay without their parents, put them up for adoption.

    I totally agree, put a hefty fine on any company and individual who hires an illegal. That also requires a fast response from Social Security to verify that a SSN is good.

    If someone is deported then they lose the right to re-apply later for immigration to the US. Regardless of if they have a job or children here or not.

    I do not support amnesty for breaking the law.

  20. jz says:

    I don’t get why illegal immigration is such a big deal. We have 4.5% unemployment. If all the illegals were tossed, our economy would collapse. Yes, they broke the law, but sending them back home would be hurting us and them.

    The real issue to me is not employers, but the illegals sucking up dollars in the form of health, welfare, education etc. That has to be the #1 issue not sending them back. People need to focus more on cost than punishment.

    BTW, anyone see the Showtime show Bullshit deal with this issue? They got a bunch of Mexicans to build a small replica of the border fence, and then showed how these Mexicans would go through, over, and under the fence. Each method took less than five minutes. It was hilarious.

    Why do I get the feeling the border fence is another Halliburton project?

  21. mark says:

    19. Its a tough call, makes perfect sense to me, life aint always fair joshua.

  22. bobbo says:

    #20–questioning the assumptions is always an interesting tack.

    We should be concerned about illegal immigration because it is a drain on social services and it depresses the lower end of the economy.

    I doubt the economy would collapse. The minute the border was secure and employers got punished for hiring illegal aliens, wages would rise, the tax base would increase, and a guest worker program would blossom.

    How to deport 20 Million people?? Take away the jobs many will return home and if not, a bus ride to the border with no easy return would not take long to find a new equalibrium.

  23. Milo says:

    joshua: Tossing out all the illegals would cost almost as much as the occupation of Iraq!

  24. RBG says:

    19. Holy man-alive, Fusion. Sometimes I don’t think I even know you. Anyway, here’s your white hood, Ann Coulter Blog password, NRA pin…

    I wonder how the illegal immigration problem would work out if a federal law was passed making companies or people who employ illegal immigrants responsible for their medical, dental and SS, etc. for life?


  25. ECA says:

    Those 2 pictures at the top look like relitives…

    And who will work the jobs?
    Why not OUR kids? Give them a real work ethic, like the OLD days(30 years ago).
    Better then sending them to CAMP..

    Used to be 12 year olds were driving the tractors in the fields.. And Thats how they learned to DRIVE..

  26. bac says:

    I find it interesting that most Americans want the law followed when it comes to illegal immigrants but do not turn themselves in when they break a law.

    All Americans who have broken a law please report to the appropriate policing authority.

    Could the US government make Mexico a better place to live in just like it is trying to do in Iraq?

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, RBG

    So you support rewarding those who break the law?

    But then if you don’t have anything intelligent to say, just attack the messenger. What you fail to understand is the difference between opinion and fact. My comments in #19 were directed to joshua in #18. They were all opinion, as were his comments. If you look at #23, milo is tossing out a fact. Facts may be challenged, opinions may be debated. For a moran like you then we expect an ad hominem attack simply because you can’t make your own argument.

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #27 – You want to pay $14 a quart for strawberries?

    Break the law. It helps the economy. And this is America, where the dollar is the ultimate law.

  29. MikeN says:

    What makes you think prices would jump so much if you have no illegal workers? It would probable only change prices by a little bit. I saw an estimate of 5 cents per head of lettuce. Most agricultural workers are not immigrants, let alone illegal immigrants. ‘The slogan of jobs Americans won’t do is a total myth’. Please name some jobs that in America the majority is illegal immigrants.

    As far as the economy collapsing, there is no switch that will send all of the immigrants home at once. It would take over a decade to remove 12 million. There is a substantial pay in to Social Security, but not enough to prevent bankruptcy. Plus under the amnesty many of these payers would end up collecting. By the way, the spending of political capital referred to social security reform, and would have saved America trillions of dollars in the future.

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #29 – Please learn to recognize intentional hyperbole, which is the centerpiece of my style… I’m certain that in reality, the removal of illegal labor would only raise strawberries to $11 a quart, and thats not so bad…


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