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found on Salon by Gasparrini

  1. Todd Anderson, III says:

    #30 I answered your question directly with the word “yes”. I am at a loss as to how giving a direct answer to your question “ducks” anything.

  2. grog says:

    #29 you got it chief

    at least those pushing for ‘gay awareness’ are clear and honest about their intentions, whereas the creationists outright lie about theirs.

    if i told you i had a religious experience and god told me that evolution is correct, and i wrote a gospel about it, and had someone like king james make it sound all pretty — would you believe it?

  3. RBG says:

    33. Fair enough. It must have been all the qualifying scientific method stuff that directly followed that confused me.

    32. Can you say similarly about “intellegent design” brainwashing in schools?


  4. RBG says:

    34. And if I told you I had a scientific experience that told me there’s been a billion years of sexual reproduction evolution but that someone like James dressed all pretty in a gay parade says its all crap – would you believe him?


  5. ECA says:

    Can their be a conspirisy of those who want to go BACK to the 14th century??

  6. Jägermeister says:




    Send him a card and tell him how wrong he was.

  7. stiffler says:

    Once again, another attack on Creationism and an attempt to make christians or anyone else who challenges the naked emperor of evolution look ridiculous. So much for being “objective”; though I guess that in all fairness, evolution has had its cartoons for years; the illustrations of supposed ape to man transitions and Haeckel’s drawings.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    And similarly “gay awareness” theory and opinion in public schools?
    Comment by RBG — 6/13/2007 @ 12:16 pm

    When the thumpers resort to this kind of argument, it is time to start feeling sorry for the sick bastards.

  9. RBG says:

    40. So “the argument” should not reference your own unproven, faith-inspired hogwash being taught in schools, is that it?


  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #41, What “faith inspired” hogwash? It seems to me that the bible thumpers rabid hatred for gay and lesbians is the bullshit “hogwash”. It was only about three weeks ago I had a bible thumper tell me to my face that gay men are that way because of their upbringing by their mothers.

    You are starting to sound like a sick bastard RBG.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    RGB – Really… Maybe I’m just too damn tolerant or something, but really, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

  12. bobbo says:

    The definition of freezing I learned in school was that it was the temperature at which water and ice co-existed. Add heat and for awhile the ice melts. Take away heat and ice forms.

    Some people don’t know that ice can temperatures below freezing–ie, when asked “What is the temperture of ice?” The answer 32 Degrees is wrong.

    Last year I took a bottle of beer from the freezer and openned it. AS I POURED IT into my mouth, it froze. Best beer I ever had. I can reproduce this about 20% of the time.

  13. RBG says:

    42, 43. Because you asked: The idea of homosexuality as nature (and not nurture: ie: pschological) is being foisted upon the public (and our school kids) by special interest groups and PC bullies without much discussion, or scientific evidence, or critical investigation.

    One of these days there will be a blog item where it is more appropriate to discuss this directly. At that time, I will be there with the full weight of evolutionary scientific evidence for support. You can come to the party with your scientific evidence. But bring both of them. Start with the discovery of the gay accent gene. (Note: parades & protests & rallys & popular votes & movies & songs & movie stars & political pressure & polls & clever ad campaigns & heart-warming stories & disgusting physical attacks & court precedents & really strong gut feelings about this is not science.)

    To bring this back to the subject at hand: I find it pretty ironic that you folks can criticize Intelligent Design in school yet blindly embrace and force your own brand of superstitious pseudo-scientific nonsense upon all school kids.

    Before the usual heretic-stoning and other such cogent arguments begin, I guess I should also add that I have better friends than you will ever have who are gay. I would defend a gay person’s right to life and liberty to the death. Someday there may be every scientific reason to believe homosexuality is biological. Until then, I call it as it is regardless of popular social pressure. Did I mention I’m a hard-core atheist? Your worst nightmare.


  14. RBG says:

    44. An example of “super-cooling.” The beer actually starts at a temperature below freezing, without freezing. It needs a particle of dust or other nucleus – or in your case, a sharp knock (perhaps a sudden pressure change?) – to kick off the freezing.


  15. matto says:

    #13 – All observed events are historical. By the time the light from the observed event reaches your eyeballs, it’s in the past.
    Also, the mechanics of evolution – natural selection – are directly observable every day.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #45 – Oh…


    I don’t why you think I’m “blindly embracing” something… I don’t care about caring about gay people. Gay people are gay. I don’t care how they got that way, so long as bigots don’t tie them trees and kill them and they don’t get fired from jobs for it and they get their right to marry.

    I don’t teach “gay” theory. Mostly because I am not a teacher, but also because I don’t think they offer that class in high school.

    Anyone here have any real evidence that “gay” studies are taking place in schools?

    You seem pretty concerned about this.

  17. Chris Evans says:

    #9: Look in the mirror.

  18. RBG says:

    Wait for it.

    Gov’t Agrees to Mandatory Homosexual Curriculum with No Opt-Out for Students or Parents

    “…students will be forced to remain in classes dealing with sexual orientation outside of sexual education in spite of any objections students or their parents my have.”


  19. Sigh. This well never seems to run dry.

  20. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #44 – bobbo

    “Last year I took a bottle of beer from the freezer and openned it. AS I POURED IT into my mouth, it froze. Best beer I ever had. I can reproduce this about 20% of the time.”

    Sorry, bobbo, but that was beer, not water –

    #46 – RBG

    “44. An example of “super-cooling.” The beer actually starts at a temperature below freezing, without freezing. It needs a particle of dust or other nucleus – or in your case, a sharp knock (perhaps a sudden pressure change?) – to kick off the freezing.”

    You have no idea what you’re talking about

    Water freezes @ 32º F.

    Beer, however, is not water. It is an aqueous solution which contains ~ 4 to 5% ethanol. Ethanol freezes @ -175 F. A 10% ethanol solution freezes @ 25º F.

    Beer freezes @ ~ 27-28º F. In a sealed bottle, the pressure increases, thereby dropping the freezing point to ~ 22-23º F.

    When you open a beer from the freezer, the pressure is released and it (mostly) freezes.

    Reaching erroneous conclusions because of thinking you’re in possession of all the relevant facts when you’re actually not is a hallmark of science deniers.

    RBG, until you and your ilk know and understand all the variables relevant to a given scientific issue, your conclusions and the conclusions of scientists are going to differ.

    And, contrary to how your arrogant egotism misinforms you, when people – experts – who spend their lives studying and working with things say one thing and you say something different – it’s virtually always the case, and therefore extremely safe to assume, that you‘re the one who’s wrong.

    But that’s one of the things that makes ideologues the fools that they are – they don’t need facts or logic, ’cause they just know that they’re right!


  21. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #32 – rebalancing is good – I’m sure we’ll have another Global Warming (TM) week here at DU soon 😉

    Speaking of which, I wonder what creationists think of Global Warming (TM) . I suppose they don’t care one way or the other – it’s all God’s will.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, RBG,
    You are being more then a bit disingenuous. The linked article isn’t about teaching homosexuality, it is about equality and removing discrimination. Next time try reading the article before linking to it.

    …to ensure that the issue of homosexuality is included in all so-called ‘social justice’ discussions – such as those involving racial inequality and women’s rights.

    Geeze you can be a real dork at time.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    The simple thing I remember being taught in school (in between dinosaur attacks) was that PURE water freezes at ABOUT 32 F at ONE ATMOSPHERE. You change either variable and the temperature will also change. By changing a variable deliberately, rare transitions may occur, such as the frozen beer (with all respects to Lauren’s explanation) or highly viscous liquid.

  24. qsabe says:

    Lots of comments, but none have anything to do with the point of the cartoon. That being U.S. kids and adults are being fed irrational superstitions when they should be learning science if they are to compete in the world markets.

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #54 – You are being more then a bit disingenuous. The linked article isn’t about teaching homosexuality, it is about equality and removing discrimination. Next time try reading the article before linking to it.

    And it was CANADIAN!

  26. RBG says:

    54. Yeah, what are the chances that the “homosexual party line” is going to be included in a ciriculum designed by a homosexual couple?


  27. RBG says:

    51. You’re a funny guy, JCD. Let’s talk about your wells, beginning with the one at the top of the page. I’m the only one digging this particular well – and very rarely at that, while on topic. But you’ve made it clear enough that you’d rather hear dogma than critical dissent with supported argument.

    I once had a dogma that fell into a covered well.


  28. RBG says:

    Now explain why unopened beer can freeze that way if you give it a sharp knock. Bonus points: without using the word “supercooled”.

    “The freezing trick also works if instead of opening the beer, you give the unopened bottle a sharp rap.”

    “The beer is below the freezing temperature, but there is not enough contamination for the ice to form. The bubbles of carbon dioxide released when the bottle is hit act as nuclei for ice crystal growth in the supercooled beer. Same thing happens in reverse when water is microwaved in a smooth container but won’t boil until hit.”

    Nice rant though.


  29. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    But the man said nothing about that, he was talking about it freezing upon opening, and that is, as I said, due to the pressure drop, not what you erroneously suggested.

    Nice try at a snappy comeback, though. Better luck next time.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #58, RBG,

    Damn, don’t you ever quit. The course is about equality. Honestly, I don’t even know what the “homosexual party line” is. I do know I don’t like the hate the homophobic morani spew.


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