From what I can tell these sorts of screwball “proofs” will never end. Isn’t there a mountain of home tapes and digital pics of the second plane hitting the tower? To do what these folks describe means that both CNN and Fox News and most of the staff as well as air traffic control, Bryant Gumbel and everyone in-between (perhaps a thousand people) would have to be in on it. This has to go on the list with my fav: they were remote-controlled planes being flown from the ground.
Now if you want to go all out (and have the time) here is a lengthy vid that gets good about halfway through (sorry) but even better at around 3/4 when the narrator comes on and tells us how the whole 9/11 was a practice run for “directed energy weapons.” Click here if you dare.
Things get more peculiar as the 9-11 conspiracy sites are at odds with each other and seem to be bickering over all sorts of things resulting in all sorts of fallout. The scene is all fusticated.
OK, here’s your uber-conspiracy that you’ll all enjoy. And this uses the “who benefits most” analysis. I’d say that behind all this and perhaps behind 9-11 are actually the big health insurance companies and big-pharma. The idea is to create distrust of the government to such an extreme that any sort of health care system run by the government will be rejected by the public who will not believe or trust the government, ever. So they did it.
Good one, eh?
Yep, 9/11 conspiracists and JFK assassination conspiracists are the same – they can cite the most ludicrous and flimsy arguments in a pathetic attempt to contradict reality, but consensus among them on what “really” happened is nonexistant.
The Tooth Paste for Dinner guy, has an angle on this.
Who needs to leave the house, when you can be a conspiracy theorist?
Government disinfo Frank, muddy up the waters, oldest trick in the CIA handbook.
So who killed JFK, Mark?
and yet…I’ll never totally believe that a conspiracy didn’t occur until I see a solid explanation of the collapse of Bldg. seven. Here’s why:
1. The building was not hit by an airplane. It only suffered minor damage at one CORNER of the building from falling tower debris. There WERE some small fires of unknown cause burning in the building.
2. According to reliable sources, the only three modern steel structured buildings ever to collapse due to fire all occurred on 9/11 at the WTC complex.
3. The actual collapse appeared as a classic demolition. If you look at the videos on YouTube, you’ll notice the penthouse collapses first, followed by the classic implosion scenario of the building center starting to drop first followed by sections moving outward in both directions to the ends. If the collapse was uncontrolled the odds would be tremendously high that it would collapse this way. One would think if the damage was more severe at the damaged corner it would collapse starting there first. This collapse looked even better than many of the recent demolitions that have happened in Las Vegas and broadcast on the news.
4. If the demolition was controlled. I doubt it could have been set up after the attacks on the towers. There was just not enough time, and I doubt people would be setting up explosives in a burning building, even if the fires were not large.
5. If the one-in-a-million odds did occur and the collapse was not controlled, then why isn’t there an investigation? Obviously this building was then poorly constructed. Now Bldg. seven housed the New York City EOC (Emergency Operations Center) so you would think it was built with added strength and extra scrutiny. Why has there been no public investigation into the obvious weakness of this structure?
6. Bldg. seven is rarely mentioned as one of the points of conspiracy. It seems buried away from the common points that lead the conspiracy theories. Is this misdirection?
If I were reopening the investigation, this is where I’d start!
Wow. That’s a huge list of ignorance about construction, physics, the dynamics of compressed air, demolition and fire.
I think that’s my favorite thing about 9/11 conspiracy idiots. It tells you right away they are dumb as a box of dirt and don’t understand the science they’re trying to discuss. Helps you weed out the morons with little effort.
It’s time for this again:
#6 “Bldg. seven is rarely mentioned as one of the points of conspiracy. ”
Actually, almost every conspiracy I have heard involves building seven and the contradictions around it. According to the series of articles in Popular Mechanics that attempted to debunk the debunkers, building 7 had a huge gaping hole in one side of it that is evident in photos they saw from the government. These photos show that building 7 was far more damaged than believed, and the collapse was far from a perfect implosion.
The question is, if the Government has this evidence and it was willing to share with Popular Mechanics, why are they not willing to share with the rest of the country? Why is there still so much vital information that is still classified?
Personally, I mostly believe in the official story, simply via occam’s razor. But there are still things that need investigating and open discussion, and that is my primary concern.
I can’t get excited enough over conspiracy theories to watch this crap. But, if someone’s saying there wasn’t any 2nd plane, then what the hell was that my wife and I watched – live – fly into the 2nd tower?
We were standing in the living room watching live coverage on CNN right after the 1st impact. We saw the 2nd plane, impact and all – on live TV.
5. Frank IBC- well I know who confessed to a role in it. You dont get a pass Frank, you wouldnt listen to Hunts testimony, so you dont get to comment on it. Thats the deal. You cant criticize a book you’ve never read.
10. I havent seen this video, but if that is what is being proposed, then I’m not interested in watching it either. But I do agree with ArianeB there seems to be something to hide when the 9/11 Commision ignores this important event (Bldg 7), , and refuses to show any clear pictures or video of the Pentagon incident, when you know many cameras captured it. Just show it and maybe the doubters will back off. Double Cripes!!
Yes, pls. show us videos from Pentagon cams first. Then we deal with WTC towers. I’m not going to argue with holocaust-deniers before that.
Because holocaust it was, made in Pennsylvania avenue.
I’m with you malren.
“High” –
Google these –
“Millions of gallons of diesel fuel”.
“Transfer truss”.
Mark –
So who did E. Howard Hunt supposedly say killed JFK?
There is one thing I don’t understand. If
* the US Government was smart enough to either plant explosives in both WTC towers,
* remote control two planes into the towers and relocate all of the passengers on the planes,
* do a remote control implosion of the explosives placed earlier, and
* keep everyone involved from spilling their guts about it,
If the US government was able to do ALL of that, you would think they would have been able to SNEAK a couple of NUCLEAR BOMBS into Iraq!!
I’m confused???
Perhaps the most interesting subject there is, is “How does sentient life arise from nothing?” and from that a host of other interesting questions immediately arise. What is being sentient? and my favorite–
“How do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind?”
One of the better ways to get at this is any conspiracy theory you wish to study. The completely false ones are the best. Lets focus on these facts, ingnore those facts, misunderstand these facts, lie about those facts and so forth.
Once you learn to do it well, you can run political campaigns–or even run actual governments, or form religions, and so forth.
#7 marien; it’s easy to call others morons. I see you’ve added nothing constructive to the discussion, just noise.
#9 Of the people I’ve talked to, both pro and con, few ever mention Building seven; by far, most mention the missing footage and lack of major aircraft remains at the Pentagon as a critical issue. I know Bldg. seven is mentioned in most of the conspiracy movies, but never to nearly the degree of the Pentagon, etc. Many I talked with were ignorant of Bldg. 7 all together.
As for the Pentagon, I don’t see much there. If the plane was going as fast as said, the only large parts you’d fine are the engine hubs and mains. What is suspicious is that these were never shown. Why the secrecy? Perhaps to enhance a conspiracy theory and divert suspicions from other things that happened that day?
#9 “…and the collapse was far from a perfect implosion.” I’m curious what you’ve seen that I havent! It obviously didn’t start to fall from the corner. I saw a photo of the damage to that building, and it wasn’t nearly as extensive as it later was made to sound.
#17. Yes. and it wouldnt even need to be a couple of atom bombs – a few barrels of sarin would do nicely. The most incompetent administration in US history somehow manages to pull off 9/11 and get away with it.
And it is a truly baroque theory that the US govt would pin the thing on Saudis operating out of Afghanistan to create an excuse for invading Iraq.
Shame on you, JCD, for propagating this tripe, even to slam the ‘Truthers.’
There is one obvious point that the conspiracy theorists miss is that if you believe one (ie. building 7) then you must believe them all. Unless you think that the government (and the media, et al) conspired to blow up building #7 and then just got extremely lucky that someone happened to fly a plane into the other two (more important) buildings. I mean, I like a long shot, but come on, one Rosie O’Donnell is enough, please.
Many if not conspiracies have one or more pretty obvious incorrect assumptions that make their entire theory suspect.
I’m thinking of Rosie O’Donnell on the View when she said “What about building No 7? Steel doesn’t burn.” I had no further need to study her theory of the conspiracy.
Similarly for Ann Coulters religious beliefs. I will listen to someone who thinks there are holes or inconsistencies in Darwinian Evolution Theory but when she said “The evidence for Darwin is not just weak, it is non-existent.” I knew she was of the Rosie camp.
This video is just like every other piece of media out there YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT WHO MADE IT AND THEIR INTENT.
As far as I can tell this video came out of thin air, there is no credit given.
Go to and watch 911 Mysteries. These people have a whole site dedicated to 9/11 and they don’t try to, so much, prove a conspiracy theory but they open the topic up for questions. Legitimate questions that no one in the Government seems to want to acknowledge much less answer.
16. Damn Frank, it was the surviving aliens from the Roswell Crash, shit man, dont you know nuttin?
According to reliable sources, the only three modern steel structured buildings ever to collapse due to fire all occurred on 9/11 at the WTC complex.
Let’s see…
According to VERY reliable sources, only two modern steel structured buildings [sic] have been hit by airliners flying between 400 and 600 mph and filled with thousands of gallons of jet fuel.
Also according to VERY reliable sources, only one modern steel structured building [sic] was hit by thousands of tons of debris from two modern steel structured buildings [sic] which had collapsed earlier that day.
And guess what, all three of these were on 9/11/01.
Conspiracy theorists are all MORANI……
I don’t read them, I don’t watch them, and if you start talking like Rosie O’Donnel, I will laugh hysterically in your face and leave.
RGB – Thanks for the links. The first one shows damage to Bldg, 7 that I’ve not seen before. I’ll spend some time on that link. Bldg. 7 was the one point that I had questions about.
As for all the diesel full in the basement – diesel, and jet fuel for that matter, need an oxidizer to burn with high heat. Without a good air source, I doubt diesel or Jet A would reach temperatures high enough to fail structural steel. Perhaps the fire caused some sort of wind storm that fueled the fire? These fuels burn with very black smoke when in a limited air situation. Even when just poured in a low tray on the ground and set afire.
28. There’s also some very good firefighter eyewitness accounts & info re building 7 on this page:
“So we go there and on the north and east side of 7 it didn’t look like there was any damage at all, but then you looked on the south side of 7 there had to be a hole 20 stories tall in the building, with fire on several floors. Debris was falling down on the building and it didn’t look good.”
Although I can’t buy into all the conspiracy theories about 9/11, I know the generally accepted dogma regarding United flight 93 doesn’t wash. The news reports that day (on several different channels) all said that the debris field from UAL93 was six miles long. From having read several crash investigation reports and being involved in an investigation myself, I know that that just doesn’t occur unless the aircraft in question comes apart (catastrophically) in the air – the higher the airspeed, the higher the altitude, the greater the debris field (when the space shuttle Columbia broke up over Texas, the resulting debris field was over 250 miles due to its velocity and altitude at the time of breakup). An aircraft which remains intact until impact with the ground yields a comparatively small debris field. In any event, NOTHING bounces SIX MILES from such a crash. I know, the “Let’s Roll” story is more heart-warming, but it doesn’t add up, and we’ll probably never get the truth about that, at least not from the government. So I can understand how these stories get started.
If you took a passenger jet and decided to drive it into the ground from altitude, in its diving arc there would be enough time for it to exceed “red line” speed and begin shearing off parts before it crashed. In this case it hit ground at a speed of slightly over 9 miles per minute.
“Karl Landis, who was driving nearby, saw the plane as it “rolled slightly to the left and appeared to hit the ground at almost a 90-degree angle.”[16] (Actually determined to be 40 degrees.) Another witness, Eric Peterson, who was at a nearby auto shop, looked up when he heard the plane, “It was low enough, I thought you could probably count the rivets. You could see more of the roof of the plane than you could the belly. It was on its side. There was a great explosion and you could see the flames. It was a massive, massive explosion. Flames and then smoke and then a massive, massive mushroom cloud.””
“Investigators later said the debris was all very light material, such as paper and thin nylon the wind would easily blow. The wind was blowing towards Indian Lake and New Baltimore at 9 knots. “According to the NTSB, it is not only possible that the debris is from the crash, it is probable,” Crowley said.”
Remember the guy who confessed to everything including Daniel Pearl’s murder? Well he said he was involved with two shoe-bombers. Maybe that explains flight 93.