From what I can tell these sorts of screwball “proofs” will never end. Isn’t there a mountain of home tapes and digital pics of the second plane hitting the tower? To do what these folks describe means that both CNN and Fox News and most of the staff as well as air traffic control, Bryant Gumbel and everyone in-between (perhaps a thousand people) would have to be in on it. This has to go on the list with my fav: they were remote-controlled planes being flown from the ground.

Now if you want to go all out (and have the time) here is a lengthy vid that gets good about halfway through (sorry) but even better at around 3/4 when the narrator comes on and tells us how the whole 9/11 was a practice run for “directed energy weapons.” Click here if you dare.

Things get more peculiar as the 9-11 conspiracy sites are at odds with each other and seem to be bickering over all sorts of things resulting in all sorts of fallout. The scene is all fusticated.

OK, here’s your uber-conspiracy that you’ll all enjoy. And this uses the “who benefits most” analysis. I’d say that behind all this and perhaps behind 9-11 are actually the big health insurance companies and big-pharma. The idea is to create distrust of the government to such an extreme that any sort of health care system run by the government will be rejected by the public who will not believe or trust the government, ever. So they did it.

Good one, eh?

  1. MikeN says:

    Oops. I thought you were talking about the plane crash in New York after 9/11.


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