More Photographs of Strange Craft Taken at Big Basin-UFO Casebook Files — To me this looks like some sort of model albeit more elaborate than the previous sighting. Why is it hovering around Big Basin?

Analysis of the previous citing has all the experts saying this is a 100-percent fake image using Maya3D and Photoshop.

I suspect there will mroe and more of this sort of thing within the UFO community as time goes by.

My name is Jenna and I participate in a listserv for photographers in Saratoga, CA. Today a member named Stephen posted some pictures he took yesterday (the 5th) for a class assignment in the area around Big Basin. The pictures very clearly depict some kind of large object in the sky, and he was able to get two clear shots and one out-of-focus shot before it apparently disappeared. I recognized certain details on this object immediately because a friend had sent me your article on different UFOs that have appeared recently with a similar appearance.

found by Marjk McCullough

previous post about similar craft here

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Why is it hovering around Big Basin?

    Because Loch Ness was already taken?

  2. Thomas says:

    Looks like someone pieced together a table lamp, chandelier and some spare parts into a sculpture that then someone decided to turn it into a Bigfoot sighting.

  3. RBG says:

    Very interesting. Visible light electomagnetic rays bounce off it so we can see it, but not air traffic control radar electromagnetic rays. These guys are tricky.


  4. Gary Marks says:

    Whatever this object is, here’s a photo of two nuns who were very excited to see it 😉

  5. mark says:

    The thing is like a flying Swiss Army Knife the way it morphs. Hey maybe its a marketing ploy for the upcoming Transformers movie.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    Too bad they didn’t let us see the crane that are holding the wires.

  7. John Paradox says:

    maybe its a marketing ploy for the upcoming Transformers movie.

    Good thing it wasn’t seen over Boston!


  8. BubbaRay says:

    If I could just figure out a way to mfg. and market these complete with radio remote control, I’d be in business !!

    Gotta admit, though, the photographic and subsequent photo manipulation skills are quite good.

  9. MacBandit says:

    I’m sure I’ve seen this somewhere on a movie cover or ad or something.

  10. RBG says:

    Of course the absolute sure-fire way to expose this as a hoax is to start making some money off of the design.


  11. JoaoPT says:

    Doesn’t look Maya at all. It’s too “dirty” to be CGI, (on the other hand, can be astonishing CGI…).
    Look more like real scale model photographed and then superimposed.
    If you go to the site and forget the first and last photo (blurred) the one in the middle has some nice clues on how it was done.
    Open it in photoshop and look:
    1st the lighting is wrong. the rest of the photo has a strong light/shadow contrast and the sun is 1 to 2 o’clock position.
    The craft looks less contrasted, with 3 to 4 o’clock light position and a strong blue backlight/environment mainly from below. Also the tone cast is greener than the rest of the picture.
    2nd Digital Grain is completely different. Grain is uniform on a digital camera. It has a lot to do with the size of the ccd or cmos device. this picture has uniform grain all around, except on the craft, which looks smaller than the rest. Also looks scaled down by resmpling.
    3rd Depth of field looks fishy. The camera photographed the landscape with a tele lens. The 1st plane is out of focus, and the 2nd (where the more colorful trees are) is focused. the farther trees are a bit out of focus. The craft should be a bit out of focus too, since it supposedly is farther away.

    Final thoughts: two images, probably from the same camera, blended together.

  12. OmarThe Alien says:

    There was a ceiling fan in Wal-Mart that looked a lot like this.

  13. Gary Marks says:

    #11 JoaoPT, I think I just got an introductory lesson in forensic analysis of photographs. Impressive!

  14. JoaoPT says:

    Thanks. I’m no artist, but working on a print bureau makes you live a bit in Photoshop… and perform some miracles too…so you get an eye for it on the process.

  15. RBG says:

    I was once an NIS A&P assigned to “Bam Bam” Naval Air Station. In April 07, I attended a stag for Lt(N) William Shutten – an F18D intercept pilot and former college room mate of mine. To make a long story short, while somewhat inebriated, he revealed to me his astounding plan to “borrow” a Top Secret warehoused alien craft – described almost exactly as above & undergoing investigation – and deliver it to a Washington Post editor. I’m pretty pissed off that the Feds have subsequently managed to eliminate every trace of my friend. So while it’s very possible the above photos could be botched covert NIS testing, I just know this is all Bill Shutten.

  16. Jesse Whiteraven says:

    I’ve seen the craft before… but BEWARE if you get too close it erases your memory. STAY CLEAR!

  17. idguru says:

    Hmmm, in plan view these objects remind me of another extraterrestrial hoax – crop circles. Or maybe a banjo painted by Picasso. Either way kudos to whoever did the awesome 3D modeling and Photoshop work – I am not worthy!
    Oh yea, I live in Santa Cruz near the area of these sightings. Maybe the people that claim to have seen these UFOs should stop licking banana slugs!


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