And no soup either!

Associated Press – June 7, 2007:

New York has the right to deny driver’s licenses to people who can’t prove they are in the country legally, the state’s highest court ruled Thursday.

A lawsuit brought by immigrants and their advocates claimed a Department of Motor Vehicles policy “is essentially an effort to deny driver’s licenses to immigrants not legally present in New York,” the Court of Appeals decision stated.

As a candidate last year, Democratic Gov. Eliot Spitzer said he would change the rule because it doesn’t improve security and instead creates a class of people with no public records.

  1. MikeN says:

    This is a bad idea. How about instead giving them driver’s licenses once the addresses are verified by utility bills or the like. Then have INS show up and deport them.

  2. sh says:

    Good !

  3. Frank IBC says:

    If they want to be identified, or drive, let them use their passports/drivers licences from their home countries.

  4. hhopper says:

    Ahhhh! The Soup Nazi!!

  5. Suntan says:

    You can still drive in this country with a Mexican drivers license. This solves nothing. Well, maybe saves some money.

  6. Angus says:

    Why is this a bad thing? I love this quote – “A lawsuit brought by immigrants and their advocates claimed a Department of Motor Vehicles policy “is essentially an effort to deny driver’s licenses to immigrants not legally present in New York,” “. Again, Why is this a bad thing or even worthy of a lawsuit? Good!

  7. Guyver says:

    Valley Park, Missouri went a step further by imposing fines for those who rent to illegal aliens or hire them. I think it’s been appealed because some argue it’s discriminatory towards illegal aliens (aka undocumented workers or simply immigrants). 🙂

    The only thing that gets me is this insistance the liberal media has with omitting the word illegal from immigrant and just refer to them as immigrants or “undocumented workers” as though there is no distinction between a legal and an illegal immigrant.

  8. ethanol says:

    I totally agree with MikeN(#1)!

  9. Steve says:

    There is a reason that the immigration bill got so much flak from the American people. We are tired of all the ILLEGAL (I want to make sure that people know which ones I’m talking about) aliens getting everything that they want here.

    I am for a 10 year sentence $250,000 fine for employers that hire illegals. Maybe when the jobs dry up they will go home and apply for legal status like the other LEGAL immigrants.

    Oh we can’t have that. Who would (evil) big business (Republicans) use for its workforce? Who would the liberals (Democrats) have to vote for them?

    I agree with #1. Verify their info and when they pick up the license have them do it at an ICE or INS office.


  10. ArianeB says:

    New York is not the first state to implement such a rule. Colorado has very strict rules about documentation for drivers licenses that discriminate against legal citizens too.

  11. BubbaRay says:

    #8 Guyver, a simjilar law has been enacted by Farmers Branch, a suburb of Dallas TX. The law has created a storm of controversy around here, but if you’re not legal, you’re not renting. Off to the 5th Circuit we go.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    It is another victory for the creeps who profit by exploiting them.

  13. Guyver says:

    12. BubbaRay, I also recall that at the beginning of this year, Toys ‘R Us had a drawing in which they would offer a $25,000 bond to the first American child born in 2007.

    The award was given to a Chinese-American baby, but when Toys ‘R Us found out the child’s mother is an illegal alien (what the press now prefers to call ‘not a legal resident’) and retracted the award to give to some other child who was of South American decent.

    Essentially Toys ‘R Us got a lot of bad publicity and a pending lawsuit from a Chinese interest group calling the decision discriminatory even though the rules had verbage that said something to the effect of requiring the parents to be of legal residence in the U.S.

    After the liberal press twisted it up a bit and due to the fact that Toys ‘R Us was just getting in the Chinese market, they buckled under the bad PR and awarded the Chinese-American baby the bond as well as the 2nd and 3rd runner ups.

  14. James says:

    The people who were born in this country (not by someone here illegally), and those who have migrated legally deserve first rights in all cases. These are the folks who play by the rules they should never get second billing in regards to work, or any public service.

    if you are here illegally you should be locked up, and the person(s) hiring you should be, too.

  15. joseph says:

    If that’s the case, then why are there so many illegals driving in Manhattan? Fortunately they drive much better then african americans- I’m beginning to understand why they’re profiled on the highways by the police.

  16. DaveW says:

    Something in my Cherokee ancestry tells me that most of the people here in the United States are illegal aliens or descended from them. And I have to look at that bastard Andrew Jackson on every ten spot I ever see!

    Now, as far as driver’s licenses are concerned, the problem is not with anyone’s immigration status but rather that the license itself is used, by the state as an ID rather than just a license to drive a motor vehicle. It is akin to the problem with the state issuing a license for marriage, which should be a church function.


  17. Jägermeister says:

    Does that mean that New York will be without taxis?

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Sure, give them a driver’s license. After they leave they country, apply, and receive immigrant status, the same as legal immigrants.

  19. Guyver says:

    15. It’s quite common for an illegal immigrant to have a baby on U.S. soil and by law their child is a U.S. citizen…. then you have a situation whereby the government can’t deport the woman / family because they are the parents of a U.S. citizen who cannot care for themselves. Now you have a catch 22. What do you do?

    17. I thought all states had the ability to issue a standard ID card in lieu of a driver’s license…. the topic came up on some state(s) last year which which required that or a Driver’s License. However there was a negative backlash because some argued that imposing such a standard was discriminatory to those who cannot afford to get an I.D. card but would otherwise vote.

  20. FRAGaLOT says:

    Wait a minute, they were already able to this? For fuck sakes these illegal aliens seem to have more RIGHTS, and more benefits than a US citizen have. What bullshit.

  21. James Hill says:

    #1 – That would indicate some sort of coordination between local, state, and federal government… which doesn’t exist.

    #17 – That’s nice. Now, that’s $200 on black. Understand? BAA-LAACK. Hey, don’t give me that face there “Chief”. It’s your casino.

    In other words, just because your ancestors (and, for a small percentage, mine) brought arrows to a gun fight is no reason to get pissy.

  22. joan says:

    I cant believe thatNY governor signed a law enabling illegal aliens to apply for drivers.licenses Gov. Spitzer must have flipped his lid! He is a former district attorneywho was hard on crime and now he is defying the Us Government and ICE. Why do we have border patrol agent sand policemen risking their lives tokeep America safe when states like NY and Conn> allow sanctuary cities to exist>??? I dont get it. The Mayors and governors who allow this are sworn to serve and protect their fellow citizens. It sure looks like they are serving their own greedyneed by pandering for votes. What happened with people coming here legally just as our ancestors did. I guess the laws are for some and to hell with the rest. I am fed up with crooked politics

  23. km says:

    very good .

  24. sm says:

    it takes all legally entry and being illegal people to come ahead, from shadow. definetely good decision.


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