What a wonderful court system!

Paris Hilton was released from a Los Angeles County jail early Thursday after only serving a few days of her more than three-week sentence for violating probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.

The 26-year-old hotel heiress checked into the Century Regional Detention Facility in suburban Los Angeles just after 11:30 p.m. Sunday and was expected to serve 23 days.

That was supposed to be 23 days – after time off for good behavior. Must have been some good behavior.

She was sent home early Thursday fitted with an ankle bracelet and must remain confined to her home for 40 days, according to sheriffs spokesman Steve Whitmore.

Wonder what the sentencing judge will have to say – since he specified this was not an alternative he would allow?

Update: the LA County Sheriff’s email address is webemail@lasd.org just in case you feel like commenting directly on this decision.

Update 2: I will repost this tomorrow. Reason? As I noted, the presiding judge specified the ankle bracelet polka was not a legit alternative. He has called Paris Hilton and the sheriff back to his court, Friday, 9AM – to rule on what has been done.

In addition the city attorney has called for the county sheriff who released Hilton to be held in Contempt of Court.

  1. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #19 – It’s a greenhouse gas and it also turns anyone nearby green.

  2. mark says:

    29. Catbeller- what in the world are you bellerin’ about?

  3. ulrich says:

    #27 – Uh, dude – her shrink (who also worked for Michael Jackson btw) testified she was despondent over being alone and cold in her cell. So, the nice policeman sent her home.

    End of soap opera.

  4. Yikes says:

    Burn The Witch!!!!!

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #27, you are an idiot. It’s not nice for ANYONE to get AIDS or hepatitis. And it’s a real drag if you contract those diseases in prison. Maybe we should clean up the prison system.

    However, it’s a disgrace to the American way of life that a slutty bimbo, who is famous for no other reason than being a slutty bimbo, gets out of jail free because she “cries”, while the rest of us taxpayers take our chances. Christ, after all the scandal that’s plagued LA law enforcement over the last decade, you’d think they would be smarter than to pull an asinine stunt like this. Oh well, money talks…

    Way to go, LA.

  6. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #27 – The Parasite was in no danger of being assaulted as she was put in solitary confinement for her protection.

  7. Rob says:

    OJ and Robert Blake got away with murder, and now Paris gets out of jail free.

    We definitely live in a plutocracy. All hail our rich overlords!

  8. Fred Flint says:

    I’ve seen line-ups of people who surrendered on Friday night at 11:59 pm be released on Saturday morning at 12:01 am.

    There simply isn’t enough room to keep prisoners in jail these days and the prisons are happy to be rid of them when it’s a minor offence like “driving while suspended”.

    This is no big deal to cops or prison guards.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #21 – #OFTLO said, “I don’t cafe about the celebrity angle here.”

    I love it when you talk dirty weird.

    Comment by hhopper — 6/7/2007 @ 10:18 am


    But I really don’t cafe about it.

  10. James Hill says:

    If you’re ashamed of the country, leave… because you’re clearly not intelligent enough to change anything.

    Personally, I like the country just fine… and this story is part of that. The bimbo got off. We like our bimbos to get off in this country, so they don’t get confused and think we’re punishing them for being bimbos.

    Further, think how good this bimbo is for us professionally. The young women of today will emulate her, will not be taken seriously, and will not become competition for us. In turn, with less competition, we’ll have an easier time making money.

    Works for me.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #27 – She did nothing to be put in harm’s way.

    Comment by catbeller — 6/7/2007 @ 11:14 am

    She drove a car under the influence of alcohol… again. Multiple counts. That means she committed an act of attempted vehicular homicide against ever last man, woman, and child who was anywhere near her as she drove.

    Hyperbole? Not really.

    I’m tired of the blasse attitude we show for DUI in this country. Drunk driving is attempted murder, period. It’s not cute. It’s not funny. It’s getting behind the wheel of a deadly weapon without having any ability to control that weapon.

    She did that to be put in harm’s way.

    People who don’t understand how dangerous drunk driving is have never washed human brains off their hands after being at an “accident” scene. If you think you can drive a car drunk, you are wrong, and if you do it a second (definitely a third) time, I advocate at least a year in prison, life altering fines and penalties, and a total inability to obtain a driver’s license for a minimum of five years after release.

    #30 – Given how extreme my view actually is, do we still agree? 🙂

    #31 – HUH!?!?!?! Oh sure, I disagree with him that this is no big deal… But he isn’t wrong about America support torture on a global scale. In fact that is quite reputably documented.

    #38 – OJ and Robert Blake got away with murder, and now Paris gets out of jail free.

    We definitely live in a plutocracy. All hail our rich overlords!

    Comment by Rob — 6/7/2007 @ 12:42 pm

    I, too, welcome our new rich and privileged overlords (because I’ve got a brand new pitchfork and a case of torches and I’m hankering to join a rowdy mob)

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>If you’re ashamed of the country, leave.

    If people like you would leave, I’d be much less ashamed. Go on now, scoot! Take Rush and O’Reilly with ya.

  13. joshua says:

    #27…catbeller….are you really that dumb or do you just play one on blogs???
    Her original offense was drunk driving….that is not a minor offense in my book and the books of millions of others. Anyone caught driving under the influence should serve a minimum of 60 days for the first offense if no one got hurt. After that it should be a felony…period.
    Under California’s 3 strikes law, a guy went to prison for life, because he had 2 prior non-violent felony’s, for stealing a fucking pizza because he was homeless and hungry…..but this little bimbo, is caught drunk driving, and then 1 month after sentencing, gets caught driving on a suspened drivers liciense, breaking parole and gets 45 days…..cut in half, now sent home because she cried when they served her a damn hot dog for dinner last night. Home to her West Hollywood mansion.
    She went from a 12 foot by 10 foot cell to a 3.1 million dollar mansion, with a 400sq. foot closet in the master bedroom, a special gated area for her pets with pink pillows for them and pink bowls. 4 maids, 2 chef’s and 3 gardeners and a chauffur and more body guards than the President. Oh, she can’t leave her home, but she can have all of her friends in as much as she wants.
    When she was sentenced the judge said no house arrest or alternate form of punishment was allowed, the sheriff’s department said the Sheriff made the decision to send her home and the judge was consulted and advised. Catbeller….she never had a cellmate, and was in the special people section with only 12 cells, meals in their cells, and no other prisioners allowed.
    This is so wrong.
    I signed an online petition to the judge, the sheriff and the county commissioners this morning that already had 67,000 signatures at 5 a.m….telling them how wrong this was.

    I guess they will be releasing all the other prisioners that have rash’s, and hate hot dogs and might have a nervous breakdown any minute now….right?????

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #44 – You tell ’em J

  15. Gary Marks says:

    After visiting Paris during her confinement, her attorney was still whining about her *stiff* sentence and he said “She knows it’s wrong, but her attitude is, ‘I’m going to come in here, I’m going to do my time, I’m going to get it over with and I’m going to show the world who I really am.'”

    Mission accomplished, Paris.

    (chant with me) “She floats….. burn her, burn her!”

  16. Sherry says:

    I can’t believe they actually let her out! It wasn’t bad enough that they decided to reduce her sentence because ….”she showed up for court”.. for petes sake. But now they let her out after three days, credit her with five, and then send her to the Hilton to do her time. Give me a break! Would this happen to you or me or anyone else without a silver spoon in our mouth? Heck no! I am really burnt about a justice system that is so easily swayed by money. How unjust! I don’t get riled about a lot, but this makes me think that anyone with a voice should be screaming, and loudly about this!!

  17. KVolk says:

    This is the most commented on post already!! Man the allure of other peoples fame is amazing…..Argh… what am I typing about I’ve been sucked in to also…stop me before I type about Paris Hilton gain….NO!!!!

  18. Jägermeister says:

    Californian jails got revolving doors for rich people… 🙁

  19. Kballweg says:

    I’m assuming the folk who think money deserves privilege wont mind if market forces are applied.

    Boycott Hilton Hotels. Apply your outrage to the one thing that seems to matter.

    OJ just paid big time, if you factor what he was counting on getting for his “If I did it” shite. Use the same principles here.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27…catbeller….are you really that dumb or do you just play one on blogs???

    No. He raised some valid points. Only you are such an idiot yourself you can’t be bothered to notice them. His next post in #29 again raised other very valid points.

    She drove with a blood alcohol higher then legal. Fine. That doesn’t mean she OR ANYONE deserves to be assaulted or otherwise abused. FYI, she was in protective custody in a 10 x 10 cell for 23 hrs a day. There is / was no guarantee she would not have been re-located to the general population.

    No where in catbeller’s post did he suggest she shouldn’t be there or that her sentence was excessive. His complaint is about the conditions in American jails. Only those who favor torture along with cruel and unusual punishment would argue against what he wrote.

    Me? She got off light. Too light in my opinion. She should have received at least 2 months for the DUI and then another 3 months for the driving under suspension.

  21. John Paradox says:

    (chant with me) “She floats….. burn her, burn her!”



  22. BubbaRay says:

    #46, Gary Marks, (chant with me) “She floats….. burn her, burn her!”

    Heck, her brain doesn’t even weigh as much as a baby duck, but I tend to agree. What a witch.

    Go back to jail Hilton, you whiny rich brat. The Sheriff and judge need to get real or share the bribe money with this entire blog, Now that would be a story, wouldn’t it? Hmm.

  23. mark says:

    joshua- mmmmmm hot dogs.

    So how bout some community service, pick up trash along the roads in East LA?

  24. Gary Marks says:

    #52 John Paradox, some of your obscure references are pretty cool. And in replaying this little historic episode, with one little change we can get it right. This time, Hitler will get his wish and Paris will be burned 😉

    #53 BubbaRay, since you’re a pilot, perhaps you can airlift some prison food to Paris so she can feel more like she’s really repaying her debt to society. Tonight’s menu? Oh, yum! It’s prison HOT DOGS! (thanks to our chef, Monsieur Joshua).

  25. GILBERT says:

    During the CIVIL WAR if you were rich, you could pay to have someone else to serve for you. It is nice to have a rich daddy!!

    Paris was caught driving after a DUI. She then drove here car and got caught. She did not take the risk because she had to go to work to feed her family. She drove because laws don’t apply to the rich. She could of had someone drive her in a limo. She just did not care!

    In Pa. if you get a DUI you are going to jail for a week end or more. And you will clean the highways too. Unless you are screwed up in the head you will NEVER do it again. Walk, get friend to drive, hell even a $$$ cab.


    P.S. Please Paris get the hook fixed on your nose (There it has been said finally)

  26. BubbaRay says:

    #55, Gary Marks, my faith in mankind has been restored. On the evening news tonight, it’s reported that Miss Whiny is reporting to court in the morning, Fri. 06-08 and perhaps will be shoved back into jail where she belongs. Apparently, the LAX DA’s office and Sheriff’s dept. got overwhelmed with public outrage phone calls and thus had to do something to prevent a riot.

    Now preparing to airlift hot dogs and potato chips directly to her cell. 🙂

  27. BubbaRay says:

    Too bad she only got to make one license plate: CA-DBL-STD. Somehow I didn’t know that richbitchitis was a real disease (pardon the language).

    Apparently the warden and people in prison couldn’t stand her either. I can’t wait for tomorrow morning’s ruling. Let the riots be stayed.

  28. Eideard says:

    The post has been updated a couple times, folks. I’ll be rePosting tomorrow – after the court session at 9AM PDT.

  29. jz says:

    #54 I love that idea. I’d much rather see her picking up trash doing community service than her in a cell costing taxpayers money. The city could charge $5 for pictures of her picking up trash. I know I’d buy one.

    Does it just bug anyone other than me than the new female media darlings are such pathetic losers like P. Hilton, Anna Nicole, and Lindsay Lohan?

    What happened with Paris Hilton is no surprise to me because I don’t believe our courts are fair anymore. Justice is the exception (especially in L.A.) not the rule.

    The good news is that Kharma, God, or whatever you want to call is going to stick it to Paris Hilton just like He did it to Anna Nicole. You watch. This chick will be in a coffin before she is 40. Hopefully, she won’t take anyone else with her.

  30. Ron Larson says:

    Wow. I guess Sheriff Baca doesn’t plan to run for office again. I doubt he could get voted in as a dog-catcher after this stunt.


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