Contributor Aric Mackey unearthed this 9 minute version of the old George Putnam Perversion for Profit anti-porn propaganda film. There are a number of versions of this thing that have cropped up on the web including one where he blames porn on the new technology of the printing press. In this long version (ending seems to be missing) he skips over that sort of thing to do a detailed run down of all the “porn” magazines in some detail showing cover after cover of what appear to be collectors items. Good fun. And proof that things do indeed change over time in a living culture.

  1. Wesley Hetrick says:

    This video has me felling perverted all over!

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Effen closet faggot. The guy is a blight on humanity.

  3. I like the moniker “outstanding news reporter”

  4. mark says:

    “Id like to begin with a fact…..SEX SELLS”!

  5. oldguy says:

    What a blast from the past, 40 years ahead of Bill O’Reilly and Fox, old George set us straight in the 60s back in SoCal. I never saw this clip, though.

  6. mark says:

    I didnt know Chic had been around that long….hmmmm

  7. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    “Porn” has been around since cave paintings.

    Making porn more easily available is one of the greatest benefits of the webtubes and the Algorenet.

  8. Winston Smith says:

    Hilarious! The guy sure seems to know his porn.

    It reminds me of the church committee a few years ago that was set up to “review” pornography. They all spent several weeks “studying” all the porn they could find. They wanted to “study” the porn thoroughly so they could report to the rest of us how really bad it is.

    Then they claimed to be virtuous because they voluntarily subjected themselves to the irresistible evil temptations of pornography.

  9. John Paradox says:

    An illustrated, detailed course in perversion?

    Where do I sign up?


  10. What Ever says:

    Imagine! Seeing a naked person CAUSED that boy to rape and kill a 5 year old girl! Whatever.
    Imagine! Men wanting to see a woman’s naked breasts.
    The very depths of perversion…

  11. Kballweg says:

    Breast are the equivalent of gateway drugs. See one, you soon have to see the rest. Then you have to see all of them. You are then reduced to the psychosis of undressing every female you see with your eyes. (You too you neocons, I know you invest in these publicatons.)

    There’s no stopping it. We will have to start The War on Breasts!! Wait, that’s too inflammatory, too suggestive.

    Ashcroft was right. We must restart The War on Ta-Tas? The Mammary Wars? The War on Expletive-Deleted? It’s our national mandate.

    It really was an impressive porn collection the dude had. Wonder how much of it he got back from the photographers after the shoot.

  12. John Paradox says:

    We will have to start The War on Breasts!!

    Nominations for Breast Czar?


  13. Bigby says:

    Heh – “Not many blind people are nudists”.

  14. Gary Marks says:

    I’m afraid that our perverse obsession with breasts often forms even before we see the magazines that this “outstanding news reporter” warns us about. The mother who carelessly exposes her infant son to the sight of her bare breast with its beckoning, succulent nipple has no idea what prurient seeds have been planted in his mind. This is psychological damage that rarely be undone.

    The war is over, and we have lost! 😉

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – This is psychological damage that rarely be undone.

    Sweet sweet psychological damage… Mmmmmmmmmmmmm….

  16. hhopper says:

    I nominate Dolly Parton as the Breast Czar.


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