Buy me! Buy me! Buy me!
BBC NEWS | Technology | Talking paper made by scientists — I’ve always envisioned a world where every printed label is showing a movie or some enticement to get you to buy the product. Now the packages will be able to talk to you too. Can you imagine the can of soup begging you to buy it?
Researchers from Mid Sweden University have constructed an interactive paper billboard that emits recorded sound in response to a users touch. The prototype display uses conductive inks, which are sensitive to pressure, and printed speakers. The team envisages that the technology could be used by advertisers, and in the future, it might even be employed for product packaging.
found by Bubba Martin
I love it….. while companies are falling all over themselves finding ways to use audio labels to advertise their products, I’ll be the guy making a fortune selling earplugs đ
While shopping in Barnes and Noble for some books for our granddaughters, I was dismayed to see the number of children’s books that electronically speak. I told my wife that I refuse to buy a book that contains a battery!
If the child can’t read it then someone should read it to them.
I can see it, oopps, I meant hear it now.
âEat me, I’m a Hershy Barâ.
In the mall downtown, there is a candy/toy machine that senses someone walking by and it lights up and yells at kids to come “over here over here, wouldnt you like some candy”, I unplug that sucker every time I walk by it.
#5, mark, I guess I don’t get out enough. If I saw this machine, I’d be tempted to do something illegal. Maybe you could take a video and get it posted here for our amusement. I used to own a bunch of vending machines, wish I’d thought of it, but some grumpy parent would probably have assaulted me for installing it.
Minority Report comes to mind.
Porn magazines than moan in pleasure.
6. Dont think I havent been tempted. I have fanatsized about how to disable it permanently. Unfortunately, there are many other things I’d rather go to jail for, and stupid parents isnt one of them, if I had kids, I would seriously bitch to management. For now, tripping over the power cord is working fine (its exposed).
I wonder if they’ll charge for the electronic copyright of hearing the labels