“PETA told me I should fight to have my skin cells left alone.”

Scientists mimic embryonic stem cells using skin cells in mice

In a big step toward a long-sought goal, three teams of scientists say they’ve produced the equivalent of embryonic stem cells, at least in mice, without taking the controversial step of destroying embryos.

Their procedure makes ordinary skin cells behave like stem cells. If the same can be done with human cells – a big if – the procedure could lead to breakthrough medical treatments without the contentious ethical and political debates surrounding the use of embryos.

The new work builds on a landmark paper Yamanaka published last August. He found that by slipping four genes into mouse skin cells called fibroblasts, he could make the altered cells behave much like embryonic stem cells in lab tests.

Here’s a link to this story that doesn’t require registration and here’s one to the technical journal that published the study.

  1. Major Jizz says:

    Great, now they have old men in lab coats molesting mice. I liked the dead fetus route better.

  2. MikeN says:

    I wonder if this will be ignored by the mainstream media like all the other advances in non-embryo stem cell research. Abortion politics is paramount, with politics beating science.

  3. hhopper says:

    Uncle Dave – Was that Mouse-hammad Ali?

  4. BubbaRay says:

    Uncle Dave, your primary link (1st one) requires a sign in. Perhaps the same story here? Great news.


  5. James Hill says:

    Well crap. Now where can the right push it’s anti-abortion agenda?

  6. tallwookie says:


    [Please use tinyurl.com – ed.]


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