Just a warning to our readers, the video is almost 14 minutes long and includes new and previously released material. The animations are amazing.

  1. CJ says:

    The animation is truly amazing!

  2. undissembled says:

    I like the end. 2006. No wait. 08. Nope. 2007.

    Too bad it really wont look that great on the PS3 when you play it. Close though.

  3. noOne says:

    @2 From what I read, this trailer uses the actual game real-time rendering and visuals. It’s not a “game-play” video in the sense of how the characters are controlled but, this is how it’ll look.

  4. Undissembled says:

    That is what Sony said about Fight Night 3 when they showed the demo at a press conference. When the game shipped, it did not look like the press demo… It was CLOSE though.

  5. Justsaying says:

    The 3 by ~4 inch screen is too small.

    Look for “Save media”

    [Please use tinyurl.com – ed.]

  6. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    #5, In the lower right hand corner of the video interface you will see an arrow. Click it to display the video full screen.

  7. hhopper says:

    I had to go to the site to see it. The bandwidth pushed through DU was terrible.

  8. James Hill says:

    Hulk Hogan is starting to look like crap.

  9. sdf says:

    Looks good!
    Sony: Great! Then I’ll go ahead and bill you $700
    meh. not that good.

  10. kevin says:

    the ps3 is capable of cgi you idiots

  11. Roy31 says:

    The point I make is not that Githongo does not deserve our admiration, respect and applause. ,

  12. Oritte says:

    well.. it’s like I knew!

  13. Oritte says:

    emm.. luv this text 🙂


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