Idealist map

Kurdistan Observer — The following excerpt is right from Kurdistan. Apparently the war between Turkey and Kurdistan, as reported by the Fox News invasion report, is wrong. Perhaps Fox hopes to incite a war. I reckon the best way to monitor international events like this is to read the newspapers from that area rather than Fox. Cripes.

Today, news outlets were abound with stories suggesting that the terrorist state of Turkey had begun invading Southern Kurdistan. Rumor had it that the Turkish military buildup in Turkish-occupied Northern Kurdistan along with the border of Southern Kurdistan boiled over into a 50,000-troop invasion of Southern Kurdistan–designed to eliminate the threat from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Qandil Mountain, despite the fact that the Turks have been unable to defeat the PKK in Northern Kurdistan. According to one story “this is only the first wave of Turkish invaders, with more to come.” From there, the AP and Reuters went to their sources in Ankara, Hewler, and Baghdad, and ran with pieces suggesting that the Turks were engaged in what one anonymous Turkish official called “hot pursuit”. All of a sudden, it looked like the sum of all fears — a full-fledged Turkish intervention in Southern Kurdistan.

However, it quickly turned out that this was not an invasion.

  1. gtriamy says:

    Do I hear Hearst callin up from his grave?

  2. Roc Rizzo says:

    Fox has already declared a war on unbiased news, why not Kurdistan?

  3. db says:

    Wow — that map looks like the region’s growing a big tumor. Has anyone thought of tryhing chemotherapy? And while we’re at it, maybe we could find an M.D. (media doctor) to prescribe radiation therapy for Fox.

  4. edwinrogers says:

    Fox has an agenda. Give them credit for making a vision, not running from shadows.

  5. Fred Flint says:

    I don’t believe a damned thing from any of these “sources”; Kurdistan, U.S. or Turk.

    I guess I’ll have to wait until I see some bodies and that’s too bad.

  6. James Hill says:

    #3 – I think nuking the majority of the middle east is a great idea, too.

  7. Mark Derail says:

    #6 just nuke the underground oil field.

    Like dropping a grenade down a air-vent of a bunker, just slightly larger scale. No more oil, no more problems.

  8. Fred Flint says:

    #6 and #7,

    What’s the point of having nuclear weapons if you can’t blow up your enemies?

    It seems to me, that’s the philosophy of North Korea, Iran, India, Pakistan, etcetera, etcetera. Possibly the U.S., Great Britain, Israel and other “friendly” nuclear powers feel the same way. Probably Russia feels the same way.

    Why screw around with diplomacy if you can simply annihilate the people who disagree with you?

    You know what? I tend to agree with you! Let’s kill everyone on the face of the earth and let god sort things out later, if there actually is a god.

  9. joshua says:

    Ok….guess I’m missing something here….where is Fox at? I see AP and Reuters mentioned as filing stories on this false(yet to be proved) invasion, nut nothing in the linked story about Fox.
    I read a story yesterday about a Turkish incursion in Northern Iraq(there is no South Kurdistan) to pursue Kurdish rebels from Turkey, and that it lasted a few hours and then the Turks went home. That was reported by the AP, Reuters, Fox News online, and BBC.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – if there actually is a god.

    Must … resist … urge … to … hijack … thread

  11. sdf says:

    More BS from the moonbat network.

  12. Fred Flint says:

    11. OFTLO,

    I’m in a very bad mood tonight. If god wants to kill us all and start over with more intelligent stock, that’s fine with me. Hijack the thread if it will make you happy!

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    Yeah. As useless as I consider Fox “news” to be, I’m not sure I see the Fox connection in this story. What am I missing??

  14. Kurdistani says:

    This is not an actual country people, it is a region within turkey and iraq at present

  15. tallwookie says:

    This is just like that movie Wag the Dog –

  16. Jägermeister says:


    You know that according to Fox News, it was 19 atheists who did the September 11 attacks, right?

  17. Alex says:

    You called Turkey a “terrorist state”? How ignorant are you? Do you know anything about Turkey? Perhaps if more people did, they wouldn’t fall for moronic stuff like this from Fox… get the facts straight, you look like imbeciles!

  18. joshua says:

    I’m still confused….still can’t find the Fox connection. This story started with the AP…. then appears to have gone to BBC, then Cnn, and after that it was rported on all the major news outlets, before being retracted.
    The link is to a Kurdish newspaper/news letter that considers Turkey a terrorist nation for it’s actions against the Kurdish minority in eastern Turkey. There is also a Kurdish minority in northern Iraq and north western Iran………some of them hope to unite as a Kurdish nation one day(fat chance).


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