For my next song, something I wrote myself… I’m the Commander Guy in G flat.

Republican supporters have found the sure fire method to solidify support for The Commander Guy and all the great things he had done. All it takes is a little death and destruction.

“At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001 ], and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country,” Republican Party of Arkansas chairman Dennis Milligan said.

“I am a pro-life individual. I do believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I am opposed to homosexuals adopting children. We are talking Dennis Milligan the man, and that isn’t necessarily the view expressed by every Republican, but those are my views.”

This guy is pro-life and HE WANTS US ATTACKED AND KILLED. WTF?

Milligan, Idiot.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, 31, & 32

    I knew there were Bush apologists out there, but geeze, … (self edited)

    The guy said it and is being held to task for it. If he has apologized or qualified his statement, I am unaware of it. Maybe you could post a link where he clarified his true meaning.

    Then maybe, he actually means it and you guys are just embarrassed at how stupid Right Wing Nut Neo-con Evangelical Conservative Republicans can actually be.

  2. mark says:

    32. Jag0718 John Dvorak didnt post this. Mister Justin did. Not all the editors share the same opinions. Its called an exchange of ideas, got it fool?

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #25 – Ok… This is nitpicky, but…

    -It would be hard to be more morally conservative than Buddhist monks, but they are hardly aggressive

    Huh? Monks hold themselves to a very high and rigid standard of personal ethics. They do not impose their values on others, which is the very essence of social conservatism. I get your overall point, and your are right, but I think your example isn’t quite right.

    All Those Defending This Asshole Milligan:

    He said it, and you don’t get to backpedal the moronic words of your moronic party’s moronic leadership just because you are on the moron’s team. If a prominent liberal had misspoken and seemed to say that blacks were inferior or women deserved to be raped or the like BBQ fetus of migrant workers, when they really said something quite innocuous, you wouldn’t be here advancing the cause of giving the benefit of the doubt or letting cooler minds prevail… You be skewering the liberal.

    As far as I am concerned, Milligan is an asshole Jesus Freak neo-con and an all around jerk, and since he said we need attacks on our soil, I’m just gonna let people know he advocated attacks on our soil. Because he did. Fuck him.

  4. RBG says:

    35. “If a prominent liberal had misspoken and seemed to say that blacks were inferior or women deserved to be raped or the like BBQ fetus of migrant workers, when they really said something quite innocuous, you wouldn’t be here advancing the cause of giving the benefit of the doubt or letting cooler minds prevail… You be skewering the liberal.”

    Thanks, you just confirmed what this is all about better than I ever could.


  5. RBG says:

    On the other hand, maybe you guys are right and we don’t need all that death & destruction for the naysayers to appreciate Bush.


  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #36 – Thanks, you just confirmed what this is all about better than I ever could.

    Despite the embarrassing typos I discovered after I pushed “say it”, thank you for admitting that I am a better writer than you.

  7. JAG0718 says:

    I will happily acknowledge my error on poster and apologize. However, this is Dvorak’s blog and he shares responsibility for dishonest editor postings such as this one. I’ll redirect my previous comment to include “Mister Justin” as well. I’m also glad I can add some small happiness to your life, providing you with the glee you took in pointing that small piece out while ignoring my main point.

    Frankly, the President and Republicans in general have made plenty of legitimate errors to criticize – there’s no need to create insane interpretations of comments like these. It’s a shame there are so many foaming at the mouth ideologues who will go after any red meat thrown their way.

  8. meetsy says:

    So, JAG, cite some “legitimate errors” we should criticize? And, how do you know that the interpretation of the comments is insane? Maybe the words used were INSANE, and we’re just mocking the man who said them. Isn’t that alright in YOUR world? Or, can we not trust words that are credited to an individual to have meaning that we can all agree upon?
    Do you think saying that we need another terrorist attack to up the Prez’s approval points (which would probably happen, by the way) is a sane comment? I think it’s that he was both voicing the truth AND also adding fuel to the fire of discontent that many feel regarding all the underhanded, morally corrupt, and devious things “our” present administration has perpetrated on the American people. But, if he has the “freedome” to make bonehead comments, we certainly have the tit-for-tat ability to mock and deride him, don’t you think?
    Or are you against that kind of thing? And, if so, is this some schoolyard concept…something akin to “It might HURT HIS FEELINGS?”

  9. meetsy says:

    oops, my comment wasn’t directed at YOU Mark, but instead Jag.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    It’s a shame there are so many foaming at the mouth ideologues who will go after any red meat thrown their way.
    Comment by JAG0718 — 6/6/2007 @ 9:42 am

    How true. Did you see all the morani frothing at the mouth when William Jefferson was indicted? As if the indictment wasn’t enough, they even went that extra mile to invent more atrocities. , #22 & 24 in particular

    But you’re correct. In plain English (or Engrish as the case may be) he said,:
    “At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001 ], and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush,

    Yup, poor grammar, but plain English. WHAT EFFEN INTERPRETATION CAN YOU PUT ON IT ???

    He wants terrorists to attack America. He insulted every law enforcement official trying to stop any terrorists attack. He is a disgrace to America but someone right up Bush’s butt.

  11. mark says:

    39. No harm no foul, but if the editors of this blog were all on the same page, all the time (figuratively speaking) I wouldnt spend ten minutes here. I enjoy the fact that each one has a different viewpoint and is “Uncensored” by Dvorak.

  12. BubbaRay says:

    #43, mark, Sorry, that just makes too much sense! 🙂

  13. mark says:

    44. It happens from time to time, not often enough.

  14. JAG0718 says:

    First, because I am criticizing this interpretation, it does not mean I am in agreement with everything this particular person says, or agree with “his world.”

    Secondly, it’s obvious that Milligan should have worded this comment differently to make his intentions clearer. However, injecting a meaning that no sane American would agree with (that more attacks are desired) is simply dishonest. Looking at the whole speech, it’s obvious he’s saying that many of those people that supported the President a few years ago but no longer do would come back around if the country were to be attacked again. Now it seems most posters here agree that it would indeed be the case if there was another attack. So why is it so far fetched to you that perhaps he misspoke a couple of words? (specifically “need,” which seems to be the main culprit here) The context of the statement makes it clear that this man is not a blood-thirsty murderer looking for more dead Americans, he’s trying to emphasize that the US turns towards the Republican party (and Bush in this case) when they perceive a threat to the nation, a trend that is backed by historical facts. (Whether that trend is right or wrong doesn’t matter)

    This kind of dishonestly only does a disservice to your own cause, as rational people tend to avoid those that attempt to spread their ideology in a dishonest manner. What about the John Kerry incident, where he botched a joke that made it seem he was calling our soldiers stupid? Those of you that are harping on this “he wants more attacks” nonsense are no better than those who made John Kerry out to be a military-hater, obviously something that wasn’t true and was based on a misspoken joke that was supposed to be aimed at President Bush. (Ironically) Stop wildly reacting to your ideologically spurred emotions and think reasonably. The end does not justify the means – Just because you don’t like someone or their politics, it doesn’t give you license to make ridiculous accusations and represent them as fact.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #46 – The end does not justify the means – Just because you don’t like someone or their politics, it doesn’t give you license to make ridiculous accusations and represent them as fact.

    You are right. Not liking someone’s politics does not give one license to make “ridiculous” accusations.

    It’s actually the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States Of America that gives them that license.

    Milligan is an asshole. He should take his lumps for being one. It doesn’t matter what he meant. He’s as divisive and dishonest as the son of a bitch he shills for. Further, he is part of the lynch mob that went after Clinton, Gore, and Kerry. Why should any of us care if we are maligning this man?


    Neo-cons love 9/11. It lets them use fear to advance their own nefarious needs. They love body counts. They don’t care about the nationality or religion of the dead, just so long as they can keep feeding the hungry beast of the “military industrial complex” who they really represent. There is no money in making bullets unless people shoot other people. It is not “insane” to assume these bastards would like another attack on our soil.

    Real Republicans are right to distance themselves from this pack of thugs, and its a shame it has taken so many of them so long to do it.


    Bush spouts bullshit about how the Patriot Act makes us safer. He tells lies about how fighting “them” there makes us safer here. He advocates torture and the suspension of habeas corpus to achieve his goals. He’s enjoyed unprecedented carte blanch rule and executed his plans with impunity. We should be remarkably safe, right.

    If there were another attack on our soil, how would that prove he was right? It would only prove that he is wrong and incompetent (but his Yale graduation records and history as a businessman already proved that).

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, jag

    It is real simple. If he didn’t mean those words then maybe he could call a news conference and explain what he really meant. It has been several days since the original article ran. There has been no retraction or clarification from Milligan so obviously he meant the interpretation floating around the internet.

    Secondly , it’s obvious that Milligan should have worded this comment differently to make his intentions clearer.

    Obvious to whom? Maybe he meant it and he meant it in the way he spoke it. YOU think he should have worded it differently because it is making your whole argument phony. I also have to take issue to you suggesting all of us are not sane because we don’t agree with your wild interpretation.

    Most of us have some education and are quite capable of understanding English without having it interpreted by another.

    What about the John Kerry incident, where he botched a joke that made it seem he was calling our soldiers stupid?

    What about it. It was a joke, admitted by all. It was plain and later clarified by Kerry to have been poked at Bush. Milligan has done no clarification or follow up. BTW, Kerry got pilloried pretty bad by the Right Wing Nut Neo-con Evangelical Conservative Republicans for that comment, even after the clarification.

    Just because you don’t like someone or their politics, it doesn’t give you license to make ridiculous accusations and represent them as fact.

    Isn’t that what happened to Kerry? Isn’t that what has happened to every Democratic politician by the Right Wing Nut Neo-con Evangelical Conservative Republicans? Now for some reason you want us to to be understanding because some moran in Arkansas shot his mouth and got caught? There isn’t a political article on this blog where some Neanderthal Right Wing Nut Neo-con Evangelical Conservative Republicans doesn’t invent some nasty accusation.

    I can’t figure out if you are a moran or just an idiot. Ya got gumption though.

  17. JAG0718 says:

    OhForTheLoveOf –

    Thanks for proving my point. “It doesn’t matter what he meant.”

    Except that it does – that’s the whole issue on this posting. You’re basically saying that it’s OK to spread outright lies because his views don’t fit into your very limited view of how the world works. It’s unfortunate that you feel hatred gives you the right to malign whoever you please.

    As far as the first amendment, there’s really no reason to bring it up, as I am not advocating the arrest or other government-based punishment for you or anyone else here. It’s amazing how few people understand that just because you have the right to say whatever you want, (including outright lies – except for libel/slander laws, which really don’t apply here) doesn’t mean you should.

    As far as your conspiracy and venom-filled rhetoric, your obvious rage makes your unwillingness or inability to make a reasonable, fact-based argument very evident. I won’t address them directly, since there’s no amount of facts or logic will ever persuade your anger-driven views.

    I guess reasonable people can take heart to know that people like you will never convince anyone who doesn’t already share your views – all you can do is preach to the choir. I hope someday you’ll allow your anger to subside and view the world in a more reasonable, mature way. For now, at least there’s no lack of choir members here for you.

  18. KVolk says:

    Just in the interests of fair play and truth in labelling I would like to advocate that Liberal Pansy Left Wing Cry Baby and any derivation there of be put into the debates on politics. I think the neo cons are not doing there part to categorize and label people and it is severly distorting the dialogue that is encouraged here DU.

  19. KVolk says:

    Whoops…here AT DU.

  20. mark says:

    46. Please google the PNAC documents particularly the call for a “Pearl Harbor type” attack on the US to get people on board with their plans for Iraq. I will even do the work for you:

    “”The PNAC report Rebuilding America’s Defenses (September 2000) includes the sentence: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor.”[“”

    Then, look at my post #2 and google those events. They are real events. The fact that in history, these staged events, and American lives sacrificed, has taken place to further political agenda should at least give you pause to consider the meaning behind Milligans statement, or at least consider the inappropriateness of it.

  21. JAG0718 says:

    Mr. Fusion,

    I find it kind of funny throwing around personal insults like “idiot” when It’s very apparent my whole argument was over your head. It’s unfortunate you feel your arguments aren’t strong enough to stand for themselves, that you need to resort to them. My whole point about Kerry is that what was done to him was not fair – that his words, taken in text form out of context, made him look very bad and that he did not deserve it. I particularly enjoyed your use of Kerry’s situation against me, as if I didn’t already criticize what was done to him. You see, just because right-wingers maligned Kerry when he didn’t deserve it, doesn’t make it right for you to do so – once again, my main point that you seem to have missed. I realize you probably assume I’m a fervent “NeoCon Evangelical Conservative Republican” because it reflects your view of the world, I do hate to disappoint you when I say that is not the case. Believe it or not, it is possible to criticize wrongful actions performed by people that share some of the same political viewpoints…. I’ll let that sink in for a moment since it seems to be an alien concept to many here.

    Once again, you’ve completely ignored (or missed) my point, and responded with an unfortunately typical immature “I can do it because they do it” argument. If you believe the right-wingers are so bad, how are you any better when you use the same tactics? If you honestly believe this man, based solely on this single quote out of context, is a purely evil being that desires more terrorist attacks and American deaths, then you are simply unreasonable – you were prone to that viewpoint simply because you don’t like the man. What happened to Kerry was wrong, and this is no different.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #49 – you are an idiot if you think I’m not reasonable. Isn’t is “obvious” that my over the top rhetoric is meant only to illustrate the lunacy of the topic? At least as “obvious” that when this jack ass called for attacks on US soil that he wasn’t really calling for attacks on US soil?

    The right is a never ending attack machine, but I’m a hateful prick because I called this guy an asshole? Whatever…

    There are no voices of reason in the blogosphere. There are no tempered, reasoned voices. You are barking in the wind. I’ve been told by far more than one of of these asshole neo-cons that I hate America, that I am not a patriot, that I’m the reason this nation is in turmoil, that I’m worse than a terrorist. Why? Because I dared suggest that Gore or Kerry or whomever had a better idea than Bush… Because I dared suggest that Michael Moore might have had a point when he said “X”… Because I dared to suggest that the Patriot Act and all the new enhanced security policies aren’t really making us safer…

    So in fact, I’m an unpatriotic traitor to America because I am using my mind to reach my own conclusions and using my voice to speak my point of view… as is my right… as is my responsibility…

    Fuck this right wing scumbag and his pro US attack bullshit. And fuck anyone who says that I am a traitor to this nation.

    If they can dish it out, they goddamn better be able to take it.

  23. Arrius says:

    To reiterate, what the guy said *could* be portrayed as a call for most attacks, but since he doesn’t seem to explicitly express an interest in seeing more, I think JAG’s point is valid. Anyone reading that meaning into his words should be honest that they are pushing an agenda of their own. Trying to win points or convert people to your view through dishonest interpretations is a joke.

  24. mark says:

    54. I bet my tin foil hat is bigger than yours.

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #56 – You are on! I’ll bet a weeks worth of Swanson Frozen Dinners and the first year of Star Trek: TOS on VHS.

  26. BubbaRay says:

    #54, #55, Tinfoil? Tinfoil? I’m wearin’ nothin’ but optical quality silvered Mak-Cass mirrors with silicon oxide overcoat. Last night I was present for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra directed by Eric Kuntzel, playing the music of Star Trek, narrated in person by Robert Picardo (Voyager’s doctor) and John DeLancie (Q). What a performance! Guess I’m just a Cranky Geek Nerd, and “The Commander Mirror Guy.”


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