After reading about the crap CompUSA makes the Geek Squad guys put up with (to his credit, the Geek Squad CEO says he will do what’s necessary to change things) and all the other negative press about CompUSA, it’s no wonder they closed so many stores with more to come. Yes, this guy should have opened the box no matter where or what he was buying, but who expects this sort of thing when trying to get what he paid for?

If you read the reply letter, clearly no one at the chain realizes everything like this ends up on the web eventually creating the worst kind of publicity. Like this blog post.

“All Sales Final” is not a license for theft

The bottom line is that CompUSA sold me an empty box for $269, one that was supposed to contain a camera. Their spin is it’s my problem, because it technically wasn’t them who sold it to me and that I had a responsibility to check and make sure there was a camera inside the box before I left the store. Never mind that I spent almost $3,500 with them that day. Never mind that I’ve been a long-time customer. Never mind that I’ve bought my last two laptops from them.

What really galls me is their cavalier attitude, both in person and via the mail. I mean, folks, we’re talking about $269! It’s a lot more to me than it is to them.

As you can see from so many links from them, kudos to The Consumerist web site for keeping up with the goings on at CompUSA.

UPDATE: Ooops! As a couple of commenters mentioned, I got CompUSA and Best Buy (the ones who have the Geek Squad) mixed up. Both deserve their share of knocks for the way they’ve been doing business.

  1. Techno Pawn says:

    Sounds like the little fish from the “Hitler School of Business” have graduated. They don’t just work at CompUSA or Best Buy either. Try looking at Circuit City or even a much smaller but still national outlet for geeks called Micro Center (perhaps the worst of all). Pretty much anywhere you find items originating from a Bill Gates / Steve Jobs company you will find one of these would-be retail dictators. Apparently, they DO have a purpose in life (perhaps marching orders from Gates and Jobs) which seems to be simply to piss off MORE customers! But do you “sheep” ever listen? I bet 9 out of 10 of you STILL shop at one of these places. And I bet even ALL of you have lined the pockets of Gates and Jobs too. So WHO’S the idiot? YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #34 – Where do you shop?

  3. hhopper says:

    It’s stupid to condemn a whole chain just because of a few crummy stores. I have found, over the years, that it’s the individual store that matters. The BestBuys I go to are great stores with helpful employees. I’ve bought lots of goodies there and never had any problems returning anything. If I have a problem with an individual store, I just don’t go there any more…I don’t write off the whole chain. (Walmart might be the exception to this.)


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